Affect Mind
Battle Meditation
Control Mind
Create Force Storms
Enhance Coordination
Force Harmony
Projected Fighting
Telekinetic Kill
Transfer Life
Control Difficulty: Very Easy for perceptions; Easy for memories; Moderate for conclusions. Modified by proximity.
Sense Difficulty: The targets control or Perception roll.
Alter Difficulty: Very Easy for slight, momentary misperceptions, minor changes to distant memories, or if the visible phenomena, for memories less than a year old, or if the character feels only minor emotion regarding the conclusion he is reaching. Moderate for short hallucinations, for memories less than a day old, or if the target has strict orders about the conclusion. Difficult for slight disguises to facial features, hallucinations that can be sensed with two senses (sight and sound, for example), for memories less than a minute old, or of the matter involving the conclusion is very important to the target. Very Difficult for hallucinations that can be sensed by all five senses, if the memory change is a major one, or if the logic is absolutely clear and coming to the wrong conclusion is virtually impossible.
Effect: This power is used to alter a characters perception so that he senses an illusion or fails to see what the user of the power does not want him to see. This power is used to permanently alter a characters memories so that he remembers things incorrectly or fails to remember something. This power can also be used to alter a characters conclusions so that he comes to an incorrect conclusion.
Before making skill rolls, the character must describe exactly the effect he is looking for. The power is normally used on only one target; two or more can only be affected if the power is used two or more times.
A character believes he is affected by any successful illusions-a character who thinks he is struck by an illusory object would feel the blow. If he thought he was injured, he would feel pain, or if he thought he had been killed, he would go unconscious. However, the character suffers no true injury.
This power cannot affect Droids or recording devices.
Control Difficulty: Varies based on the number of targeted individuals:
Number of Individuals - Difficulty
1-2 - Very Easy
3-20 - Easy
21-100 - Moderate
101-1000 - Difficult
1001-10,000 - Very Difficult
10,001+ - Heroic
Sense Difficulty: Varies based on the number of targeted individuals:
Number of Individuals - Difficulty
1-2 - Very Easy
3-20 - Easy
21-100 - Moderate
101-1000 - Difficult
1001-10,000 - Very Difficult
10,001+ - Heroic
Alter Difficulty: Varies based on the number of targeted individuals:
Number of Individuals - Difficulty
1-2 - Very Easy
3-20 - Easy
21-100 - Moderate
101-1000 - Difficult
1001-10,000 - Very Difficult
10,001+ - Heroic
This power may be kept up
Time to Use: Five minutes
Effect: Battle meditation has two possible effects. The Jedi can force her adversaries to abandon their assault and turn on each other, or she can alter the tide of the battle, strengthening her allies and at the same time weaken her enemies. Before initiating the power the Jedi must state which effect she wishes to use.
The targets of this power must have initiated combat for the effects to take hold. In game terms, a Jedi may only use this power effectively on or after the first round of combat, not before. Enemies are defined as those who seek to oppose the Jedis immediate goal (rescuing a prisoner, defeating a group of dark siders, et cetera); allies are defined as those who seek to uphold and forward the Jedis goal.
When attempting to turn attackers against each other, the Jedis highest skill roll (control, sense, and alter) to activate the skill becomes the difficulty the targets must beat to avoid the effect. Otherwise they immediately see their allies as the "true" enemy and attack. The Jedi must maintain the effect each round for the combatants to continue fighting. Once the power is dropped, its effects wear off instantly.
On a successful roll to change the balance of the battle in the Jedis allies favor (the powers second function), the Jedis enemies lose 1D for every 4D of she has in her best Force skill, in a skill determined by the Jedi (i.e., Strength, Dexterity, et cetera) to a minimum of 1D, while her allies receive a bonus of the same value to an attribute of her choosing.
Warning: The use of this power gains the Jedi a Dark Side Point. The Jedi also gains a Dark Side Point for each evil action that he forces someone under his power to do.
Note: This power is so inherently corrupt that its difficulties are substantially reduced by those who have given themselves over to the powers of the Dark Side.
Note: The Jedi must have receptive telepathy, projective telepathy, telekinesis, and affect mind to posses this power. It is unknown if this is the true extent of this power-at this point, the limits below are what is known.
Control Difficulty: Moderate, as modified by relationship. Targets with an affinity with the Force (that is, have Force skills, Force Points) are allowed to make opposed control or Perception rolls, selecting either their roll or the base difficulty.
Sense Difficulty: Easy for a Jedi who has turned to the Dark Side, as modified by proximity. Moderate for a Jedi who id of the Light Side, as modified by proximity.
Alter Difficulty: Variable, depending upon the number of targets being controlled and whether they are willing. Targets with an affinity with the Force (that is, have Force skills, Force Points) are allowed to make opposed rolls, choosing either their roll or the difficulty, whichever number is higher.
For a Jedi who has turned to the Dark Side:
Number - Willing - Unwilling
1 - Very - Easy Easy
2 - Easy - Moderate
3 - Moderate - Difficult
4 - 5 - Difficult - Very Difficult
6 - 8 - Very Difficult - Heroic (31+)
For a Jedi who is of the Light Side:
Number Willing Unwilling
1 - Moderate - Difficult
2 - Difficult - Very Difficult
3 - Very Difficult - Heroic (31+)
Effect: The use of this power allows the Jedi to take control of another person, turning him into a puppet who must obey the Jedis will. When used successfully, a Jedi can control the actions of others, making them serve his will like automatons. This power may be kept "up" to allow the user to maintain control of his targets mind- the Jedi must make a new roll if a new target is to be added.
Characters versed in the ways of the Force (with any Force skills) can actively resist by rolling control or Perception total. A character with an inherent affinity with the Force (character with Force Points) may resist by rolling a Perception total. The character may choose either the difficulty for the power use or his roll. If the Jedi attempts to control more than one such Force- sensitive characters at the same time, for all characters beyond the first, add +1 for each die code of Perception or control. The Jedi must make a new power roll whenever he attempts to take over a new target. Targets may be released without a roll.
Control mind cannot be used to control Droids or computers.
Control Difficulty: Heroic
Sense Difficulty: Heroic
Alter Difficulty: Heroic. Modified by proximity. Modified by the diameter of the storm desired: +5 for 100 meters or less, +10 for 100 to 1 kilometer, +15 for a base of one kilometer and +2 for every additional kilometer. Modified by damage: +5 per 1D of damage. Must make Heroic rolls each successive round to control the storm. Must make a Very Difficult roll to dissipate the storm.
Required Powers: Hibernation trance, life detection, life sense, magnify senses, receptive telepathy, sense Force, telekinesis, farseeing, projective telepathy, instinctive astrogation, rage
Warning: Force Storms are immensely destructive and violate the laws of nature. A Jedi using this power automatically receives a Dark Side Point.
Effect: This is perhaps the single most destructive Force power known. It allows the Jedi to twist the space-time continuum to create vast storms of Force. The power also allows limited control of these storms. Capable of creating annihilating vortices, the storms can swallow whole fleets of spaceships or tear the surfaces off worlds.
Use of this power requires the focusing of hate and anger to an almost palpable degree and there in considerable danger involved. Some are able to create Force storms, but fail at harnessing what they have foolishly unleashed. Often, those who fail to control the storm are themselves consumed and destroyed. If the Force-user is destroyed, the storm dissipates within minutes.
When a Jedi attempts to create a Force storm, he must determine the diameter and the amount of damage (the damage dice are capital scale). If the Jedi fails any of the rolls, the storm is summoned with the desired damage, but it attempts to consume the summoner.
At a +10 difficulty, the summoner can attempt unusual maneuvers with the storm, such as creating a vortex to draw unwary victims to a specified point.
Create Homonculous
Control Difficulty: Difficult
Sense Difficulty: Very Difficult
Alter Difficulty: Heroic
Required Powers: Absorb/dissipate energy, affect mind, control mind, control pain, farseeing, life detection, life sense, projective telepathy, receptive telepathy
Time To Use: 1 hour (deep meditation)
Note: The creation of the Assassin homonculous requires an element of hatred and anger to be used. For this reson, and for the associated evil intent, creators of an Assassin Homonculous automatically receive a Dark Side Point at the time of power use.
Effect: Creates a Force construct that can be controlled by the Jedi, yet also has some degree of "free will.'' One of three types of homonculi (Assassin, Scout, and Burden) can be created (for stats, see below).
Once the homonculous is created, this power need not be kept "up.'' However, a Difficult Sense roll is necessary to use the creature's senses as the Jedi's own. This done, a moderate Control roll allows communication/command of the homonculous.
Any life force the creature may seem to have is simply a physical manifestation of the Force and while the homonculi are capable of limited independent thought, they tend to simply follow the last command given.
When the creature suffers damage greater than a wound, it begins to disintegrate, then fade, and finally returns to the dust its physical form was created from.
Types Of Homonculi
Note: Use of character points during creation of the homonculous increases one skill one pip over attribute and beyond base skill level listed below. Note that all homonculi have the same number of base attribute and skill dice (+/-).
Type: Assassin Homonculous
Dodge 5D, melee combat 4D
Special Abilities:
Poison Claw Glands: Secrete a poison onto claws. Roll 2D vs.
victim's STR for effects. If poison higher, all stats -1D per
point (if any stat equals or drops below 0 then character is
unconscious). The effects of the poison last 3 hours.
Move: 10 walking, 15 gliding
Size: 50cm
Scale: Character
Description: Bat-like wings, sharp teeth & claws, long tail,
dark brown, green, or gray skin. Like a pterodactyl with a stubby
Type: Burden Homonculous
Lifting 6D, stamina 5D
Special Abilities:
Climbing Claws: Add +2D to climbing skill.
Webbed Digits: Add +1D to swimming skill.
Move: 10
Size: 100cm
Scale: Character
Description: Flat back, furry, stubby stout legs, set low to
ground, small dull teeth, muscular, fingers have climbing claws.
Type: Scout Homonculous
Search 5D, sneak 4D
Special Abilities:
Acute Vision: Add +2D to visual searches.
Auditory Sensitivity: Add +1D to audio searches.
Move: 10 walking, 20 flying
Size: 50cm
Scale: Character
Description: Feathered wings, dull beak, short claws, broad tail,
colour determined by creator.
Control Difficulty: Very Difficult
Sense Difficulty: Very Difficult
Alter Difficulty: Heroic
Required Powers: Control pain, emptiness, life detection, life sense, magnify senses, receptive telepathy, sense Force, telekinesis, projective telepathy, control anothers pain, transfer Force, affect mind, dim anothers senses
This power may be kept up
Warning: A Character who uses this power receives a Dark Side Point.
Time to Use: Five minutes
Effect: This power creates a doppleganger of the Force-user. The doppleganger is an illusion, but to those who interact with it, it seems real. The user can sense all normal senses through the doppleganger, and the duplicate seems to have form and substances: the doppleganger registers as normal on all droid audio and video sensors. Those with the doppleganger believe it to be a real person. The doppleganger acts with half the skill dice of the person using this power. The user must roll once every five minutes to maintain the dopplerganger; if the Jedi stops using the power or the dopplerganger is fatally injured, it simply fades into nonexistence.
Control Difficulty: Moderate, as modified by proximity.
Sense Difficulty: Difficult
Alter Difficulty: Dependent upon the number of individuals being affected by this power.
Number of Individuals - Difficulty
1-10 - Very Easy
11-100 - Easy
101-500 - Moderate
501-5,000 - Difficult
5,001-50,000 - Very Difficult
50,000-500,000 - Heroic
Effect: The used of this power allows the Jedi to coordinate the activities of a group in order to increase the groups effectiveness at a given task. This power was often used by the Emperor to increase the fighting ability of his troops, mentally driving them on and supplementing their will to fight. This power may only be used on individuals who are in agreement with the intent of the Jedi, and it in no way grants the Jedi mental control over the troops affected. Instead, it links the troops on a subconscious level, allowing them to fight more proficiently and with better organization. If the power is successfully called upon, the Jedi picks three specific skills. The skills must be the same for the entire group. For every 3D (round down) in those skills that the troops have, they receive a bonus of +1D.
The Jedi may keep this power "up," although he must make a new power roll whenever new troops are to be added to the power, or skills are to be changed. The Jedi may only affect Dexterity, Technical or Strength skills.
Control Difficulty: Difficult, modified by proximity
Sense Difficulty: Difficult, modified by relationship
Alter Difficulty: Moderate
Required Powers: Life detection, life sense, projective telepathy, receptive telepathy
This power may be kept up
Effect: This power allows several willing Jedi to manifest the power of the light side. As long as the power is operating, it bathes the user in the celestial illumination that is the light side. It can act as a shield against the powers of the dark side, giving an extra 5D for each Force-user involved to resist the effects of powers called upon by the dark side servants. Note that +5D may seem to be an immense bonus, but since this power must be maintained, the Jedi calling upon it suffers a 2D penalty. The number of Force-users linked in this power is limited by the number of dice the powers initiator has in the control or sense skill, whichever is lower. For example, if Leia, who has a control of 5D+1 and a sense of 4D+2, used Force harmony she would be able to link only four people (including herself).
When acting as a shield against the dark side, if both the control and sense rolls exceed the success roll of the dark side power used (if the power requires multiple skill rolls, the highest roll wins), the dark side power id interrupted. All up powers are interrupted as if the user were stunned. It cannot cancel out the presence of the dark side, but can distract its servants and make their actions more difficult.
Control Difficulty: Difficult
Sense Difficulty: Difficult
Alter Difficulty: Moderate, modified by proximity.
Required Powers: Concentration, telekinesis
The target must be in within the Jedis line of sight.
Time to use: One round
Effect: Projected fighting allows the Jedi to strike at an opponent, inflicting damage without physically touching the target. Use of this power is more than a little risky; in many cases projected fighting is quite simply using the Force to attack. However, the Jedi attempting to use projected fighting can only elect to cause stun damage only, and even then should only attempt to use this power if it is to protect an innocent in immediate danger. A Jedi who uses projected fighting for any other reason, or causes anything more serious than stun damage, receives a Dark Side Point.
After successfully using the power, the Jedi makes a brawling skill roll. If attacking a Force-sensitive, the target may use the control or brawling parry skill roll to avoid the attack. Otherwise, the target cannot deflect the Jedis blows. If the target is not Force-sensitive, a Difficult brawling parry roll is necessary to block the Jedis attack. If the brawling roll is successful, the Jedi rolls his or her full Strength versus the targets Strength. The Jedi may target a specific portion of the body (which adds +1D to damage), but must subtract an additional -1D from his brawling skill. Be sure to add any armor bonuses that the target may have.
This power can be kept "up" as long as the distance between the Jedi and the target remains the same. Should the target move significantly or the Jedi wish to select a new target, the power must be rerolled.
Control Difficulty: Easy. Modified by proximity.
Sense Difficulty: Easy. Modified by proximity.
Alter Difficulty: The targets control or Perception roll.
Required Powers: Control pain, inflict pain, injure/kill, life sense
Warning: A character who uses this power automatically receives a Dark Side Point.
Effect: This power is used to telekinetically injure or kill a target. When the user makes his alter roll against the characters control or Perception total to determine damage. The exact method used to kill the target varies: collapse the trachea, stir the brain, squeeze the heart, or any number of other methods.
Control Difficulty: Heroic, modified by relationship. If target is unwilling, increase the difficulty by +15.
Sense Difficulty: Heroic, modified by proximity. If target is unwilling, increase difficulty by +15.
Alter Difficulty: Variable, depending on willingness and Force affinity.
Circumstances - Difficulty
Specially prepared Clone host body - Easy
Recently dead body - Moderate
Live willing host - Very Difficult
Live unwilling host - Heroic
Those who a Force-sensitive may make an opposed alter or willpower roll, selecting either the roll of the difficulty, whichever is higher.
Required Powers: Absorb/dissipate energy, accelerate healing, control pain, detoxify poison, emptiness, hibernation trance, reduce injury, remain conscious, resist stun, life detection, life sense, magnify senses, receptive telepathy, sense Force, injure/kill, telekinesis, farseeing, projective telepathy, accelerate anothers healing, control anothers pain, feed on the dark side, inflict pain, return another to conscious, transfer Force, affect mind, control mind, dim anothers senses
Warning: Any Jedi using this power receives two Dark Side Points. If attempting to possess an unwilling host, the Jedi receives four Dark Side Points.
Effect: This power allows the character to transfer his or her life energy into another body. The key to immortality itself, this is one of the most difficult and evil of all dark side powers. To overcome a sprit already residing in a body is nearly impossible. This is why the power is nearly useless without the ability to clone host bodies.
Though theoretically possible, it is not yet known what the effects on an unborn fetus would be. Fortunately, there is almost no history of this power being used successfully. It is believed that if the users body perishes as an attempt fails, the users life energy is lost dispersed to the void.