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The Holocron


Model: Holographic data storage/retrieval/learning device

Scale: Character

Skill: Force Sensitive

Cost: Priceless

Availability: 4 (X, illegal during Emperor's rule)

Game Effect: Can be used by a Jedi in the place of a Jedi Master. The teaching level a Holocron can teach a Jedi to vary between holocrons, it completely depends on the age of the holocron and the amount/type of information that is stored within.

Holocron teaching abilities are as follows:

Scholar: Galactic History 0D - 11D

Scholar: Jedi Lore 4D - 15D

Jedi Teaching Techniques 3D - 10D

Perception 0D - 5D (used to gauge a characters influence by either the Light or Dark Side of the Force. Light Side holocron have at least 1D.)

A character is automatically cut off from any knowledge that will allow them to further their Force skills if he or she gains two or more Dark Side points, if the holocron is a Light Side holocron. Dark Side holocrons will work for anyone that is Force sensitive and will never cut anyone off from the knowledge they can obtain from it.

Description: Holocrons come in every shape and size but most Jedi holocrons are cube shaped. One of the few Sith holocrons known to exist was pyramid shaped and within it lay the spirits of the Sith Lords that had placed their knowledge within the holocron, this holocron was destroyed by Exar Kun 4000 years before the Battle of Yavin.

Other holocrons have varied over the years but all retain two common things: a holographic projector and what are believed to be living organic crystals that give the holocron infinite storage capacity. Their outer casings can be made from any know material, from wood, metal, even crystals, and it's been rumored that a few even had water for a casing material.

During the Jedi Purge, which marked the Emperor's rise to power, many of the holocrons were captured by the Jedi hunters and presented to the Emperor. It is believed that an equal amount were hidden away on an infinite number of worlds and await to be found.
