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Pic's and/or Bio's of #7thHeaven's Regulars:


My real name is: Mike. I live in Utica, Michigan. I am 20. I like baseball, football, working out, hanging with my friends and I really hate people that are jurks, & liver. Some cool facts about me are I work for General Motors, and I just bought a kicking new 4x4 truck.





Hi I am the one and only SuperChic..Im an op for #7thheaven on the IRC. I am 14 years old and will be 15 in November. I have 2 bros and a sis (they are kinda odd hehehe) I have lived in California all my life.The IRC kicks but.. you can see me there at #7thheaven. I got a lot of Friends that include... June_Moon, good ole Str_Wolf..and who the hell could forget RusH and Wild-Angel =)





I'm John a 16 year old Student at Gordon H.Garrett Academy of Technology. I have lived all my life in S.C. My sports include Cross Country & Track. My hobbies are De-bugging PC's, Windsurfing, and surfing. I've been on the IRC for 2 years now and know many IRC commands. I hate Internet Explorer "Internet Thief" and wish it would crash but I fully support Netscape Navigator. I like chating on IceNet(XNet) in #7thHeaven, my channel. I find that XNet Admin's are verry nice people to ask for help. I have liked experieing the nice service on IceNet(XNet). (-:

_ _ _ _ S Wolf



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