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Sat 17 October 1998 - Chesterfield 2 York City 1

If we hadn't enjoyed it so much Chesterfield would have been a total washout...


The day began in chaos due to much partying on the Friday night. Castle overslept, and got a very late train with Daz at 1205, having planned to catch the 0905 train. Gaz managed to get up from the dead to get the 0905 train successfully, knowing football was at stake. Col had failed to turn up at the agreed time due to sleeping, and Thorpey knew f*** all about it. So with a few phone calls and stones aimed at windows, we were happily drinking away on our way to the match. Eventually Castle rose and just caught the 1205 train, hoping we would all meet up at Saltergate.


Arrived in Chesterfield at 1045 with plenty of cans and bottles to sup before we hit the pubs, and we found a nice quiet place to do so, beside the crooked spire. Gaz's bunch was then somehow mistaken for the Old Bill, and were offered a series of drugs (which they declined?). The bloke happened to be one of the top dealers in the area, complete with a mobile phone, a skinhead and an attitude, and he was stoned. He then accused another bloke of trying to wreck a wall as he sat on it. He shouted "Oi you, get off that f***ing wall - it doesn't need you propping it up." The bloke hopped off and jogged away nervously, looking over his shoulder, only to see another dealer pop up who was trying to sell his headphones for drug money. This worried everyone that Chesterfield fans were a load of drug dealing, wall preserving t***s. To ensure victory, Gaz offered a fag and a pint to a statue of Jesus in the yard. But the fag fell on the floor so we took it as a no...

After failing to get a free cheeseburger in McDonald's from the lovely assistant, the 8th can was finished, and we headed for a pub. After walking through Chesterfield, the Wellington pub was recommended to us, so we thought we should pay it a visit. The later fans (Castle and Daz) met up with the drunken Gaz, Col, Thorpey and also Stu King in the pub at about 1430. After a few more pints, we staggered to the ground.


After getting into the ground, Richard Cresswell made it worth getting bloody soaked when he scored after 4 minutes, chesting the ball down before firing past Billy Mercer to make the score 1-0. YEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!! We continued singing throughout the first half (including the debut of the Agnew/Agadoo song which we made up in the pub) and we were not affected by Chesterfield's equaliser in first half injury time - we kept singing through the half time interval. The sun then came out - and went back in again leaving us the rain. The match turned with Tony Barras's deserved sending off, resulting in a penalty which was converted by David Reeves to make the score 2-1. We kept the atmosphere going, but even louder, mainly by chanting abuse at the Chesterfield fans. This heated up the game - but failed to heat us up as we chanted "If you've all got hypothermia clap your hands...." and Gaz spotted a Kenny lookalike (from South Park) steward, and the song "Kenny, give us a wave" bellowed out. The next victims of abuse were other stewards and coppers, humourously referred to having t*** on their heads. But the match ended in a 2-1 defeat, and we prepared for a quiet trip home, we found out why we had lost...Gaz and others had p***ed up the spire while singing "There's only one York Minster" which resulted in rowdiness from us all.


We all decided to find a pub to drown our sorrows, only to find that Castle had lost his wallet(complete with ticket home) and Gaz's keys were between Chesterfield and Bournemouth as he left them on the Newcastle - Bournemouth train. Gaz, Col and Thorpey found a posh pub while Castle and Daz went looking for the wallet. They came back without a wallet but with mud on their shoes after going on the pitch. The 1802 train was waiting, and we were still in the pub at 1800 so a drunken charge to the station was needed. We caught the train (just) and Castle then spent the entire journey on the bog, hiding from the ticket man. He got away with it but only after some suspicious looks and an exchange of jackets. Other fans might have seen this away trip as a disaster - but it was a fun day, if a bit wet. But we were all glad to get home to watch Match Of The day.

Chesterfield was...

Match 7

Journey 7

Alcohol 8

Aggro 2 (The dodgy drug dealer)

Next Away Game

