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Wed 21 October - Millwall 3 York City 1

The thought of Millwall on a dark Wednesday night filled us all with fear. It obviously had a similar effect on the players...


As usual, the day started very badly. After Gaz had numerous pints of lager and a dodgy vindaloo the night before, he spent most of early Wednesday morning on the bog, as his belly did not agree with it. He managed to recover in time to meet a part time member of YCFC On Tour - Al. And we also met Col. Brekkie was at McDonald's, and got the train to Leeds at 0900, and paid a rather large price of £8.50 return. We wandered round the dodgy streets of Leeds, lit up with scary snowmen. We then visited a major tourist attraction - a female shop assistant's arse at 1000 in the morning, in your face. Alcohol was drunk and photos were taken.


The 1105 train to London King's Cross was uneventful, apart from Col doing his James Bond impression to get some crisps in Peterborough. He jumped off the train to run through six carriages for food. He then heard the warning beeps of the carriage doors, so jumped into the path of an old giffer, giving him a dead leg to his annoyance. As soon as we reached London we got threatened by some upstanding, law abiding citizen as he muttered "Stupid f***ers" but he didn't stick around to feel the back of our hands. By this time Gaz and Al had consumed about six pints each and were feeling merry as we entered the Underground. This resulted in Al gipping up outside Chinatown, Tower Records and the Tower of London.

Gaz and Col slotted the 8th can away. We visited Buckingham Palace again, and took more photos with coppers (as in Fulham). The copper mistook an old American woman as Gaz, Al and Col's Mum and we argued heavily . We then got some idea of how dodgy Millwall was as people didn't want to know us if we were going there. Meanwhile, Jake and Castle got the coach at 1300.


Our attempts to find the New Den started at 1830, leaving nearly two hours to find it, which we thought would be enough. But this was what happened.

Things began badly by arriving at the wrong tube station. Al was desperate to relieve himself, so he went to the bog. While he was in there, Gaz and Col got chatting with a security guard as he informed us, in these words, that this particular toilet was "Notorious for arseing". He also claimed "If he comes out limping, you'll know why". We chuckled. We then got the tube which finally took us towards Millwall. On the way to Millwall, we stopped at various attractions, thinking we had plenty of time as Millwall was only minutes away. Then we arrived at a stop after London Bridge, only to find out we had to go back to London Bridge from another security guard who simply said "You don't want to go there!".

We thought b*****ks to that, we'll get a train that goes to Millwall. After being on the train for some time, we discovered the ground was not actually in Millwall, where the train was destined to go, and we should have followed the security guard's advice. We ended up on the wrong side of the Thames, so the only option was to go underneath it. The 10th can had disappeared now.


After failing to flag down a taxi, and missing a bus, we were stuck with a bunch of Millwall fans who took pity on us and helped us to the ground. The Millwall lads ran to the top deck of the bus and we stood next to the driver, telling him to get his foot down, ensuring we were heading in the right direction. The driver was a Spurs fan, and didn't know where The Den was, but he didn't actually charge us for the bus. "Cheers mate!". We jumped off the bus and legged it to the ground, charging down some of the dodgiest alleys which would have made us run anyway. We then ran around the ground to find the away stand, and arrived at 1949, four minutes after kick off with the sweat dripping off us. Here we met up with Jake and Castle, who were shaken after a near accident on the M1.


Crap. We got off to a unusually bad start with a Barry Jones own goal, but towards half time we were recovering and headed chances were wasted by Neil Tolson and Richard Cresswell. During half time, pints were purchased from the bar under the stand while we marvelled at the stadium. But Gaz marvelled at his pint. The game was ended as a contest when Millwall scored just after half time, and a third was added late on despite the efforts of Bobby Mimms. Richard Cresswell added a consolation from the spot, but the misery was complete when substitute Rodney Rowe was sent off for apparently striking a Millwall player. A 3-1 reverse and a long journey home.


We left the ground with York shirts still proudly showing, as we headed towards South Bermondsey station where we should have been in the first place. We were joined on the platform by hundreds of celebrating Lions, as we stood silently awaiting the first kick. The train came, and everybody jumped on to create a mass pile of bodies. The tannoy bloke announced another train was coming in 5 minutes, when we heard hundreds of Cockney voices shouting "Fack off!" and "All pile on!". The train arrived at London Bridge. The doors opened and bodies flew out of the packed carriage like a shaken lemonade bottle.

We then got the tube to King's Cross, and visited McDonald's for the third time that day. FAT B*****DS! We then met up with one of many thousands of Arsenal fans returning from Wembley. He gave us some stick, so Gaz replied with "Wanker". That told him - he was having none of it and walked away. We got on the train, knackered, and fell asleep stopping at Leeds at 0130 on Thursday morning. We walked sleepily around Leeds until we were woken by a mass group of Leeds fans shouting "We Are Leeds". At 2 in the morning. The train to York arrived at 0300 and arrived back at 0330. We set off to walk home looking for pints of milk on doorsteps but we failed to find any. We walked through the doors of home at 0445. A terrible game but a sound day out. And morning. And Match Of The Day wasn't on.

Millwall was...

Match 4

Journey 7

Alcohol 10 (+1 = 11 pints)

Aggro 2 (A few shifty looks - Thank God!))

Next Away Game

Wigan Athletic
