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If Only - Page O' Links

Science & Technology related sites

Welllll, I am a chemist after all (allegedly)

New Scientist Magazine - UK based science magazine, written in non-technical language, with an updated-weekly employment section.

NASA Homepage - National Aeronautics and Space Administration homepage, where you can find the latest information on up-and-coming missions, as well as past mission reports.

Ask a Scientist - A for-kids (mainly) site where you can have your scientific questions answered by the experts.

Mad Scientists' Network - Similar to the above, but more adult-oriented - plus there is a built in random knowledge-generator!!!

Dr. Science - He knows more than you do! Why? Because he has a Masters Science!!

Spiritual/Magickal/Metaphysical Links

Over the last year or so, I have became increasingly interested in what is termed 'New Age' philosophy. In other words, I have rejected religious dogma and tried to think for myself. Below are some of the places I have visited and enjoyed on my on-going journey.

Lucid Dreams - Ever wondered what it is like to be a dolphin? Visit here and find out.

Quest Research - Enough links to fill a reasonable sized monolith.

Kabbalah - The ancient Jewish text, which holds many answers, but even more questions.

The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension - This is a must-see!

Nexus Magazine - Suppressed technologies, conspiracy theory, UFO eyewitness reports...this page has it all.

Jack Sarfatti - Physicist and thinker.

Aleister Crowley - Poet, mountaineer, magician - the Great Beast speaks.

John C. Lilly - Reprogramming the bio-computer.

Nikola Tesla - The real inventor of radio (not Marconi), and polyphasic AC circuitry. The man the Smithsonian Institute want to sweep under the carpet of history.

Tarot - Even if you dont believe in their divinatory powers of the cards, they are still useful meditatory tools.

I Ching - The ancient chinese book of wisdom.

New Dawn - Conspiracies!! - 'lost' files by the bucketful.

My Influences & Interests

Woody Allen - From the silly slapstick of 'Sleeper' to the sombre drama of 'Interiors', this man's film-making style reflects (what I consider to be) genius.

Frank Zappa - In a similar sort of way to Allen, Zappa's hugely diverse range of styles was what most impressed me about this man. Rest in peace, Frank.

Radiohead - My favourite band of the moment.

Echobelly - A less well-known UK band, who are also pretty fine in my opinion.

Robert Anton Wilson - Author of 'Cosmic Trigger', join the Hedonistic Revolution!!!

Groucho Marx - Fake moustache, fake gotta love it!!!

Jimmy Cagney - In my mind, the greatest gangster of the silver screen (although Edward G. Robinson is a very close second).

Frankie Howerd - Get your titters out for this British comic God.

The Hollywood Stock Exchange - Own a wee piece of your very own movie star (and maybe even make a small profit (unlike me))

Mystery Science Theater 3000 - Join Mike and the Robots on the Satellite of Love for the worst movies you've ever seen in your life!

Mike and the Bots

The Internet Movie Database - Want to find out who the key grip was on your favourite movie? Probably not, but you'll find everything you ever wanted to know about movies here.

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