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If Only - Page 4

The Lighthouse Keeper
Cry From the Heart
The Question

The Lighthouse Keeper

I was lost and knew it
not. I struggled to find
my destination
always finding
the wrong path

Then one day we met
the keeper and I
and we knew
each other
and we touched

She opened my eyes,
and dropped
pebbles of wisdom
into the pool
of my life.

And slowly
the ripples spread

Someone once said
'It does not matter
what we achieve,
but rather
how we've lived.'.
all I know is,
it should have been she

And when the time came to part
yes, we were sad
but we knew
not to grieve

in all this time
in all times to come

We're never apart

Cry From the Heart

Where are you now,
my brothers in battle?
Gone to the soil?
Driven like cattle?

What of the mountains,
on whom your blood spilled?
Replaced by a field,
to be planted and tilled.

Harsh were the cries,
of the wounded and dying
as on a cold hillside
their loved ones lay crying

Red ran the heather
that terrible morn
when freedom, it died
and slavery was born

inspired by the poem 'Mountains, speak to me........' by Theresa Ann Gray


Nothing worth learning
can be taught.

Nothing worth owning
can be bought.

Nothing worth having
can be taken.

Only when this is learned
shall we awaken.

The Question

The journey of life is but
the crossing of a river,
the stepping-stones our path.

We take samll steps in our stride
but when we find ourselves by
a large gap confronted, we pause,
defeated for a time.

Only when we realise the question
is not 'How do I narrow the gap?'
but rather 'How do I lengthen my stride?'
will we make any progress.

For only by changing ourselves
can we hope
to change our world.


Inside me there is a voice,
it whispers in the night
words of pain and sorrow
stirring feelings of longing
and of need.
Incessant it speaks of
possible futures - do this,
do that - not here, there.
I cover my ears with my pillow
but on and on it pushes
never slowing, never halting.

The sad thing is,
it never lies

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