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Ex Memoriam
A Moment

Ex Memoriam

A misty, gentle sadness,
is how I feel this pain.
A sorrow slow in passing,
when a friendship starts to wane.

By no intent or purpose,
do such things come about,
but each day brings a fading,
as echoes of a shout.

Can anything reverse this?
I sought but did not find.
The spark, once so vital,
now left, so far behind.

So come, my gentle sadness,
envelop me with your shroud,
and keep these feelings hidden,
lest I should cry aloud.


I don't know why I hurt you
but when I do,
a little piece of me dies,
only to be reborn,
through your forgiveness.

Each day I'm learning,
learning to trust,
learning to give.
Each day I'm yearning,
yearning to share,
yearning to live.

I know, (only too well),
that I am weak,
but as long as I have you
all the while I'm yearning,
and learning,
I grow stronger -
in confidence,
in belief,
in awareness,
but mostly,
in love,
with you.


A shifting darkness surrounds me,
all around me.
Underfoot the earth trembles,
I know not where to turn.

What once seemed so sure,
has turned to smoke.
Will the wind rise
and scatter my dreams?

Is this the eye of the storm?
Or simply the calm that follows,
such massive upheaval?

I'm so alone.


All around,
it teems and seethes,
whether in crowds
or in birds
It's there,
all the time.

Lie back.
Take a moment.
Not with your ears.
With your Soul.
It can hear it.
It can feel it.

We all must learn,
every one of us
to be still
to be calm

For as you are in it,
so too it
is in you.

It's life.
Love it.

A Moment

Pure and simple happiness,
I cannot help but smile,
Pure and simple happiness,
If only for a while.
With me, it may not last long,
but in truth, I do not care,
for now I'm simply happy,
just knowing you are there.

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