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Funny Sayings!

This page is a bunch of funny sayings I hear throughout my day....

  • Said by Percilla while in gym class: "listen can`t play by yerself...There`s no I in team!"

  • Said by Nathan during lunch: "So Hasebe was at my house yesterday and he`s picking his nose and whipeing it on my couch!....I mean come on man...atleast eat it!"

  • Me and Nathan during lunch: Nathan:"ew this Fruitopia stuff is groose...emma you want it?" Emma:"sure" Nathan:"WAIT DON`T DRINK IT IM SICK!!" Emma:"whats wrong with you?" Nathan:"I have a cold..." Emma:"I have a cold too..." Nathan:"alright then drink up"

  • Robyn, Jess, Nathan, and I are sitting at lunch and Jess was trying to memorize a test...she starts clapping her hands while memorizing and Nathan starts laughing so hard out of nowhere for like 10 minutes and eventually Robyn starts hitting the table so Jess and I laugh at that then we were all laughing really hard....i guess u had to be there eh?

  • Nathan at lunch: Nathan: "this pudding sucks!" Jess: "thats because its fat free" Nathan: "well fat free pudding isn`t as good as fat full pudding!"

  • Jess broke Nathans key chain so he attached his key to his wallet and was very proud and said: "now in the morning I don`t have to grab my wallet and my key, I can just grab my wallet key!!"
