Review of Relativity

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There was an unforeseen and unpleasant turn in physics at the end of XIX. century. 1883-'87 experiments - made by Michelson and Moorley - showed that it was impossible to detect the movement of bodies compared to a light-beam or to its supposed carrier-medium, the aether. A furthermore consequence was that no difference exists in the relationship of light and material bodies whaether the body is standing or moving.

Until these ominous dates physicists estimated it as evidence, that there was an aether-sea surrounding the heavenly bodies, and light was moving with a constant speed compared to this medium. Moving a well-constructed instrument in this medium the relative speed of light has to change, and the instrument has to sign this change. When Michelson made this experiment he did not move his interferometer, but put it down onto a table . As it is known, it is very difficult to work with a moving optical instrument. However his instrument was considered as a moving one, because Earth is moving around the Sun. "An aether-wind must be blowing on surface of Earth!" - this was declared in those years. In spite of this consideration the instrument did not produce any effect.

The situation was not reasonable even it was confusing. Twenty years passed without a really good explanation. Then Einstein came in 1905 with his theory of relativity. That theory was hardly of physics, but rather of geometry, formal logic and mathematics. In that situation it would have been quite enough to suppose, that there is no aether-wind on the surface of Earth, i.e. the Earth and the aether was moving together. Einstein avoided this solution and declared a quite new statement: "There is no carrier medium i.e. aether at all!". On the base of this second step he has built an abstract theory, the theory of relativity of movement (in short REL).

In this article first we introduce and shortly analyse the principles (so-called postulates) of REL. There are more principles, than Einstein listed. We use a different drafting which shows the missing links, the hidden suppositions and the inner contradictions in this theory.

Then we point to the importance of a newly discovered physical entity, the so- called physical vacuum. The being of this entity is just the refutation of Einstein's theory.

After that we introduce our rivalling theory, the Theory of Localised Aether (in short TLA). In this critical situation, when the deeply believed theory, REL collapses, it might be reassuring to get a new one immediately. By the way, TLA is a very simple theory, leading back to the view of physics of the past century.

Finally we analyse the so-called proofs of REL, showing that most of them are rather proofs of classical mechanics, others are just refutation of it. Going along we list further experiments and phenomena not cited by followers of REL, since they seem to deny it.


I. postulate: "Physical effects are always the same and independent of speed. It does not make any difference whether a reference frame is standing or moving with a constant velocity. The movement is always relative, and depends on the observer only."

This principle was declared by Galilei first, so Einstein has named it as "principle of Galilean relativity". Indeed, Galilei made some very rough mechanical experiments, and at the end he declared, that it could not be found out in a closed room whether "this reference frame" was standing or moving. Einstein adopted this unproved idea. Now we know, that at a high speed the mass of body becomes heavier and its inner clock goes slower. So the principle of Galilean relativity is not only unproved but false.

Let's notice that there is a hidden promise in this principle. A promise of simplicity: big heap of our physical laws and equations do not become more complicated by parameter of speed. This promise may have been the reason, why Einstein believed it without any supervision and, why science at last accepted Einstein's theory based on this false principle. But after all we cannot avoid the use of speed, either looking at Einstein's complicated equations, or watching experiments near light-speed.

II. postulate: "The cosmos is quite empty. The so-called aether does not exist."
Einstein frequently said something like above, but he never postulated it. But he should have done so! In the first place because the aether was one of the most important element of science until 1905. In the second place because this was a very important road-junction; the world is quite different if there exists a material-like medium among the bodies or not.

We have to admit there was no other way for Einstein. He had to deny the possibility of any medium, otherwise he had to relate the speed of bodies to this entity. Bit doing so postulate I. collapses immediately.

The medium problem is a first class question in physics and also in Einstein's theory. The rules of addition speed vectors are less important. So the name of relativity of movement is delusive: Theory of Empty Space would have been the proper name.

III. postulate: "Speed of light is a speed border. Relative speed of light and of a body is always the same, independently of the speed of the body. So it is not possible to demonstrate uniform motion with the aid of light."
The first two sentences are known as "the two postulates of the REL". Later Einstein admitted, that the two are really one, and his intention was only to emphasise the importance of light-speed.

The origin of this statement might have been this: There are two heavenly bodies moving in space, and there is no connection between them. Thus we may say that one is standing and the other is moving. Or inversely. But a light-beam may run beside the first body, then beside the second one too, and so it forms a connection between the two bodies.

What could Einstein do to stop this connection or, at least to transform it into formal? He had to say, that the light-speed was the same compared to the second body, too. Now at this point we have two possibilities; we accept the funny c-v = c equitation - or we refuse this postulate.

Einstein has chosen the firs way, of course. His formal "solution" provided the fulfilment of the I. postulate: "Physical effects are always the same and independent of speed." (Measuring light-speed at the second body is also a physical effect.)

The third sentence is consequence of the first two ones: if the relative speed between a body and a light-beam is always the same, instruments are theoretically unable to sign any change in connection of this two elements. But this statement provides us a good judgement; if an instrument effects any change, that proves the III. postulate to be false.


After this short browse of postulates of REL we analyse the II. postulate i.e. the question of aether. In the past century physicians estimated the aether as a fundamental and indispensable entity:

" The vacuum or aether is a superfine, and weightless fluid. This transmits the diverse affects like gravity, electricity and magnetism, its physical character define the speed of light. It is an endless sea, the whole cosmos is full of it. This medium is possibly motionless, so the movement of bodies might relate to it."

All these above were suppositions only, but - mostly in this century - more and more physical parameters are discovered indirectly, searching the electricity for example. These parameters are the dielectric constant of vacuum (8,85 exp-12), the magnetic constant of vacuum (1,25 exp-6), the wave-resistance of vacuum ( Z=377 ), etc. So the vacuum is not a fiction, not "the nothing", but a real physical entity.

In the last decades vacuum was researched directly, and was named as "physical vacuum", emphasising, that the notion is something else then earlier. It turned out, that it has an inner movement or fluctuation, the so called ZPF (zero-point-fluctuation or -field). This fluctuation hides incredible big energy; the excepted value is 10exp111 Js/m3 , which is equal to 10exp94 kg/m3. The equitation of quantum-mechanics also shows something like vacuum-force, and this force was demonstrated by experiments, for example, by the Cassimir-effect. Furthermore, today physicians suppose the vacuum to be full of elementary participles, as photons, gravitons, Higg's bosons, virtual particles etc.

All these show, that the vacuum is reality an existing entity. We suggest to return to its original name - given by the early Greek physicians - the aether. It is true, that the name "vacuum" or "physical vacuum" hides the same entity, but the name "aether" is less ambiguous and more proper.

There is a disturbing question here. If the existence of aether is so obvious, why does not science admit it? Well, there are many reasons, but the main one is the existence of REL. It has swept out every material-like medium from space. Researchers possible have no time and inducement to knock against Einstein's statements.

Another reason is that we, human beings estimate the word just as we "understood" it in our childhood: things we see or touch are surely reality, others less. The aether is not touchable, so we are rather to dismiss it, thought its physical parameters show, that it is more important than matter the itself. So the right sequence of importance of physical entities is the following: aether is the first, and the so-called matter is possibly the second one. (My another theory, "The Bubble Word" is based on this right sequence of importance.)


Besides REL there are other hypothesis for explaining Michelson's experiment and other problematic phenomenon. A possible way is to return to the aether theory. Of course, aether theory does not work in its original form. The supposition, that a motionless aether-sea is standing among heavenly bodies gives trivial contradictions, e.g. we should have to observe an aether-wind while Earth moves to and fro in the space.

The inner structure of aether must be more compound. It is known, that for example there are different parts of Earth's oceans by the aspects of temperature, salt content and currents. So there has to be different parts of the aether-sea too. What kind of forces does the dissection of aether separate? Maybe the gravity field, maybe the electromagnetic field, e.t.c.

Measurement of aether sections might depend on strength of fields, and boundaries are where the fields are equal. The shape of boundary is possible not a spherical one, and there are turbulences there. All these mean, that there are not motionless aether in the cosmos, every small section of the aether are moving.

Aether moves and turns together with the Earth, as gravity field and electromagnetic field are moving and turning together with her. So there is no aether movement or aether-wind on the surface of Earth! Because of that any experiments, which want to use the aether-wind, are in vain.

According to the afore-said, TLA stands on two pillars: There are a material like medium (i.e. the aether) between bodies (1), end this aether moves together with Heavenly bodies (2). The first pillar is a fact nowadays, the second one is merely a supposition. But this supposition enables us to explain all phenomena in relationship with REL. Furthermore, this theory is so simple, that, in most case there is no need of explanation of its aspect.




















Now we have listed many heavy arguments against REL above. Nowadays one would be enough to refuse such a complicated, non-physical theory. Why has been Einstein's extraordinary theory accepted, and why is it not refused now in the possession of great pile of contradictions? These are very important questions, which may get anyone confused. We try to give some answers.

To accept the hypothesis of empty world at the beginning of XX century is the first question. An association may explain that ominous acceptation: The emptiness of bag of science, compared to the knowledge of science of nowadays. Now space and the bag of science is not empty at all, but they are full of newly discovered bodies, radiations, particles, rules of their connections, etc. Now, no one would dare create a theory based on emptiness, including Einstein, of course.

The second heavy problem of nowadays is to declare that the theory of relativity is false. The reason is possibly the strong and hidden inertia of human mind. First we do not want to accept new observations and laws, latter we reject to get rid off old ones, even if they had been obviously proved to be false. The whole history of science sets examples of this two kinds of effect.

Now it is high time to reject the theory of relativity of movement. Maybe the acceptation of this "new" theory of mind-inertia might help us to do so.

Feb 1995 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thomas-t


[1] Laszlo Gazdag: Super fluid mediums, vacuum spaces, Speculations in Science and Technology, Vol.12, No.1, 1989
[2] Haisch, Rueda, Puthoff: Inertia as a zero-point-field Lorentz force, Physical Review A, Vol.49, No.2, Feb. 1994

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