This is my visitors book. I think it is interesting to find out a little about the people who visit my web site here. Please take the time to give me a few simple details about yourself.
Unlike most visitors books this one will not post your entry immediately. Most of the visitor book services offered on the web do not offer any form of editing facility and I have seen more than one of my friends have to remove a 'book' and start over due to a single obscene entry. For that reason I chose not to use a 'visitor book server'. Instead, your details and comments will be forwarded to my e-mail address. This allows me to edit out any 'unwanted' material.
If you find this approach interesting please feel free to copy the HTML source and modify it for your own use. While a link to my home page and an acknowledgement would be welcome it is not necessary if you should feel that it would not fit with the style of your web site.