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Sage of the Halo

Original Japanese Version
Name: Date Seiji, Korin no Seiji (Seiji of the Halo/Aura)
Birthday: June 9, 1973
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Kanji: Courtesy
Element: Spirit
Armor Name: Korin
Armor Color: Green
Weapon: large curved, broad sword (no-dachi)
Special Attack: Rai Ko Zan (Thunder Lightning Thrust)
Height: 167 cm (About 5'7")
Weight: 58kg (About 127lbs.)
Seiyuu: Nakamura Daiki
North American Version
Name: Sage of the Halo

Birthday: --
Astrological Sign:--
Kanji: Wisdom
Armor Name: Halo
Armor Color: same
Weapon: same

Special Attack: Thunder Bolt Cut
Voice Actor: Michael Donovan

Sage is considered to be the smartest of the Ronins in the English version while in the original Rowen is the smartest and Sage is the flirt of the group. He is ofetn found flirting with Mia Sage was the second Ronin to be found. Ryo and Mia found him using he third line tells that he was to be found in a cave. He is also the Warrior of light and the only Ronin with an exact opposite in the Dark Warlords, Cale (Anubis).