Let me bring you up to date first... about 26 years ago, in a small apartment complex in Houston, Texas, my parents......well, ok, I'll spare you the details, but anyways, on the 16th day of January, 1980, I was born in Houston, at Hermann Hospital. I was suppose to be a boy...(so the doc thought)...so my name changed from Adam to Amy in a real hurry once I was out in the open! My parents also decided to "bless" me with the middle name of Louise........enough said.
Eighteen months later, my parents, myself, and my sister all packed it up and moved to Montgomery Texas. Never heard of it?....didn't think so. I went to Montgomery elementary, middle school, Jr. High, and High school. I played in the marching band 6th-12th grade....I played clarinet and saxophone. My mom taught me how to play piano, so I guess you can say I really love music. My dream would be to play in a symphony for a living. I really love music!
Right after I turned 15......I was diagnosed with IDDM.....insulin dependant diabetes mellitus, for the layperson. I have been using a mini-med insulin pump to treat my diabetes. I love it! For those of you who don't have the slightest clue what I'm talking about, you can check out the link provided under the "Diabetes Information" section of my site.
I have attended some school at the Montgomery Community College in Conroe, Texas.
Well, I guess that about wraps it up. I hope you somewhat enjoyed hearing about my life story! I also hope that you'll check out the other parts of my site and take a minute to sign my guest-book!
Thanks for stopping by!