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Angel Forces Rouge Spear Guide

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The Angel Forces has resorted to dropping all known Members of the clan and are reorganizing the unit to suit the needs of today.

First is a list of System Requirements that must be met to qualify you as a member.
1. Computer Processor Speed will be now slower than 300 Mhz, with no less than 64megs of Ram.
2. Modem Connection Speed. Not Modem Speed but the connection of which you connect to the internet. This must not be below the mark of 45 kbps.
3. Attitude. You must be a team player!!! You will be given rank in the nature of your skill and behavior.
4. Must be Able to follow directions. When given a plan to learn, Learn it! ! ! !
5. Use Chain of Command. All rank is assigned in US Army style. Training programs will be offered for the nature of advancement. Unless other wise told all new recruits will be started at the rank of Private E-1. Thus any problems will be directed to your next in command IE Private talks to squad Leader.
6. Be Prepared to Have Fun..... This is only a game so enjoy it and have some fun.

1. All Angel Forces Members will be required to Purchase the Game Rainbow Six: Rouge Spear. This will be our Primary Game. When the Game is made available all members will obtain it quickly.
2. Recomendation to All Members. Start saving Money Now for Rouge Spear, or Pre Order it now, and save future problems.
Thank You Cpt Merlin