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new tecumseth OLYMPIC WRESTLING club

New Tec Travelled to the eastern provinces of Canada for the Canadian National Juvenile / Cadet Championship in New Brunswick. They wrestled extremely well and made the coaches proud.

Eight athletes and two coaches all piled in to a 12-seater van and drove the 14 hour drive across Canada to Fredericton, NB. They began wrestling on Saturday with a bright, yet considerably late start at 11 am.
Emily McCague, Cynthia Stacy, Beth Emptage, Andrew Hood, James Henry and James Hood all wrestled diligently and competitively. Unfortunately they were defeated after 2 or more rounds and could not place. They all did however show great effort and amazing skill.

Jocelyn Dresser, our female 75 kg competitor fought 4 grueling matches. She came out undefeated in all. It was assumed that she would be crowned the champion but unfortunately she could only rank second due to a terrible technicality, but after much debate she was finally awarded what she rightfully earned. Congratulation Jocelyn!

Matt Coffey Our 105 kg Competitor fought a terrific tournament complete with spectacular throws and rolls. He Triumphed over the Canadian boys as the heavyweight champion and took home yet another gold. A terrific athlete and a heck of a nice guy Matt deserves everything he got. Congratulations Matt!

I want to thank Mr. Leroux, Todd Clarke, their wives and families and our roll model Gill for putting up with yet another tournament and taking us all the way there. Congratulations on your teams achievements.

Our National Team:

Matt Coffey

Jocelyn Dresser

James Henery

Emily McCague

Andrew Hood

Cynthia Stacey

James Hood

Beth Emptage