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Visit our national wrestling championships page HERE

Visit our ofsaa (ontario high school championships) web page HERE.

Ontario Winter Games
New Tec Olympic Wrestling Club sent eight wrestlers to this tournament. Of those eight, four stood on top of the podium! They are:

Jocelyn Dresser - GOLD

Andrew Hood - BRONZE

Jesse Shim - BRONZE

Alysha D'Angelo - FOURTH

Feb 19th Banting held the GBSSA Championships and I don't mean to be rude but we kicked some serious rear. Banting was afraid that OD might take the championship at first. BUT our fears were not founded. We ruled the mats with a 108 - 80 point victory and won the Team championships in the boys and girls devisions. Special mentions go to every one because I can't name you individualy. There's too many of us. GOOD WORK TEAM

Wed Feb 6th. Banting traveld to their first Post-Cadet/juvenille tournament. This was held in Inisdale. (ISS) Banting Took the tounament by storm wining the majority of the matches and taking home the overall team first place. Good work Banting.

FEB 1-2-3 New Tec as a team is growing and expanding. We are learning new techniques and new styles and are using them to our advantage. We are also growing in numbers on the podium. At the Cadet/Juvinille Championships for Ontario we had the highest number of placements that we have ever had as a team. People like Matt Coffey and Andrew Hood Make our team proud with Gold medals. But it doesn't stop there. Janine Woolfries won the silver wile Emily McCague, Hailey Derrmott and Jocelyn Dresser faught hard and took home the bronze. To top it off we had our fare share of ribbons as well. Dante Gravina - 4th, James Hood - 5th, Amanda Swarbreck - 5th, Alysha D'Angelo - 5th, Scott Swarbreck - 6th, Kyle Smith - 6th

An excellent performance by all who faught for this team. Congradulations.

Jan 25 -27 The Ontario Junior championships. Matt Coffey, and Emily McCague, Faught in this Tournament. The results are as follows.
Matt Coffey Wrestled his way in to second place.
Emilly McCague Wrestled her way in to a 5th position.
New Tec sent two wrestlers and two placed. Good work team!

On Wed Jan 16th Nantire Shores. What a big building. This was a brand new High school that just opened this year. This was also their first wrestling meet ever. They did a good job and it ran smoothly. Bantings wrestlers were superior and did very well. Congradulations Banting

Wed January 9th was supposed to be our first quad meet after Christmas. It rained ice so we had no school buses to transport us to Barrie Central. This ended our day of school very early but we could not wrestle.

On Saterday December 15th NTOWC ( New Tec Olympic Wrestling Club) Traveled all the way to Brampton to participate in the Matmen Classic Wrestling Festival. We wrestled hard but had a few unfortunate injuries. This was due to improper warm ups. Never the less our male Team placed 4th over all. The girls placed second. Lets learn from our mistakes and come out on top.

Friday December 7th Banting traveled all the way to Waterford to compete in the wrestling festival hosted there. As a team the males placed 4th over all, and the females placed second !!! We had many firsts, seconds, thirds, fourths, and fifths. Good work team.

Wednesday December 5th. This tournament was held by Orillia District. Again Banting was represented by the finest group around. We are strong team but watch out Banting, OD wants thier title back.

Wednesday November 28th Banting Memorial High School hosted the first GBSSA tournament.
The schools wrestling were:
Jean Vanier,
Orillia District,
Inisville Secondary,
Barrie Central
and of coarse Banting Memorial.

Our rookies wrestled extremely well and should all be proud of their fine effort as we are. Our more experienced wrestlers once again cleaned the mats and took out the trash. Way to be Banting !!!