Friday, August 27, 1999.
Hi everyone!
Thank-you so much for stoppin' by!!!
Movies, music, and media don't kill people. Guns, knives, and fists kill people.
The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p.68
My name is
I am 19 years old (my birthday is December 11th
-- don't forget that date); 5'8", 124 lbs; brown, shoulder-length, layered hair; baby blue eyes; slim with an athletic build. My background is mostly German . I've lived in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada all my life.
I am currently in my third year at the University of Alberta!!!
I am taking my BSc Specialization in Animal Biology, which will lead to jobs with animals (duh). When I graduate in 2001 I want to then study could say that I have a wide variety of tastes! If you have any suggestions about what courses I should take; or
questions about life in university, please email me!
I don't collect stamps or go fishing, but I do play acoustic guitar, rollerblade, weight-lift, go out to clubs with my boo, and hang around with my crew. We usually go for out for coffee, to a movie, or just hang out at someone's pad. We've made it a yearly tradition to go to Banff during the summer holidays.
I work for my father as an Office Assistant (a spiced-up name for a secretary).
Now I realize most of you think that Wayne Gretzky is mighty old-school now -- that there are better, faster, bigger players nowadays. And maybe there are.
But will they ever compare to a quarter of what Wayne Gretzky was when he was playing for the Edmonton Oilers?
I don't think they ever will.
Wayne Gretzky made hockey what it is today. In many overseas countries, North American
Hockey is synonymous with The Great One. Sometimes when I'm in Germany and I meet new people and they ask where I'm from and I say "Edmonton," they say "oh, Great One play there many years."
He put E-town on the map, baby. He put the love for hockey in my heart, and in the hearts of many other rugrats my age who were be-dazzled
by him.
I never had heroes while growing up -- mainly for the reason that heroes fail you at times. But now that I look back, I figure that Gretzky is the stuff that heroes
should be. He's good of heart and strong in soul.
A Canadian
is someone
who possesses
the ability
to make love in a canoe.
- Richard Burton
I used to listen to heavy metal (Black Sabbath, Metallica, The Tea Party, yadda yadda) but
that got a little depressing. Now I listen to stuff like Usher , Puff Daddy , Michael
and Janet Jackson, U2, and so forth. Power 92 is the radio station that I
listen to -- and you can go to their web site and actually listen to live
broadcasts. They're a great radio station, give them a try (just click on the icon).
Hey, check out some pics of my pals HERE
Before you go further down my page, please sign my guestbook. I have one so that I can keep track of who all has been here. Please sign it...and if you have a homepage of your own, leave the addy there too. It will just take one minute of your time.
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If you are wondering where I came up with the title "Baby J's Crib", "Baby J" is what my fiance calls me *s*...I have no clue why.
His name is Rommel
(aka Replay Boy), he's 21 years old, (Pinoy), and the best man/friend/boyfriend/fiance in the world
I love you, Brown Sugar!!!
Baby J & Repl@y Boy ... As Long As You Love Me
My favourite cartoon character is Tigger! Here is a little somethin' about him:
Description: A Very Bouncy Animal, about 23 inches tall. Very active and fun-loving.
Looks like a tiger.
More Description: His top is made out of rubber, his bottom is made out of springs.
He's bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun.
Address: 100 Acre Wood North, (Lives with Kanga and Roo).
Favorite Food: Extract of Malt. Very Fussy Eater. Known to hate hunny, haycorns, and
Favorite Things to Do: Bouncing! Bouncing! Bouncing!
Other Favorite Things: Playing detective, and doing what Tiggers do best!
Other Talents: Finding his way home in the fog. Locating lost friends.
Wonderful Thing About Tiggers: Tiggers are wonderful things!
The Most Wonderful Thing About Tiggers: "I'm the only one!"
Quotes and Sayings: "That's Re-dikorus.", "Hello, I'm Tigger. Hoo hoo hoo hewooo."
"T-T-F-N, Ta Ta For Now!"
But you can't forget about Cartman from South Park!
A rock music fan dies and goes to heaven. He meets Jimi Hendrix, Cobain, Lennon,
all of the great rock stars. He's being escorted around by St. Peter and he stumbles
across Bono. He asks St. Peter: "I didn't know Bono was dead!" and St. Peters
replies: "He's not. That's just God, he thinks he's Bono".
Bono is my favorite
singer/songwriter (therefore, U2 is my favorite band). Not only is he a wicked poet...but
he's cute too! I saw them in concert twice last June ...and I took lots of
pictures that will eventually be posted here.
My sister has been listening to U2 since I was but a mere tadpole in the pool
of life so I guess I caught on to them from her.
I love their songs because to each of them I can relate; whether the song
is Pride, Desire, With or Without You, Angel of Harlem, or The Sweetest Thing -- each song holds a certain memory and a different way in which I relate to it.
I swear that U2 is like a fine, fine wine: they get better (looking) with age!!!
I love Harley Davidsons. Why? 'Cause they're an extremely powerful motorcycle, built-to-last, and they've been around for nearly a century (95 years to be exact). Besides I like to be heard and Harleys are known world-wide for their distinctive sound (I can't tell the difference between racing bikes, but you can hear a Harley a block away).
BUT...I have to admit...
This supersport bike is AMAZING! It's called a Hayabusa (and I think
the name's neat too *L*). A local motorcycle dealer
describes it as follows: "Suzuki's GSX-1300R Hayabusa
This bike is actually named after a falcon, the fastest bird
in the world. Combining (SRAD) Suzuki Ram Air Direct
and the (TSCC) Twin Swirl Combustion Chamber, this
bike is the closest contender for the "Fastest Street Bike
in the World".!"
It is FAST! Exceeding over 320 km/h (which is 210 km/h faster
than the maximum speed limit on the highways in Alberta)
it is a very powerful bike. Everytime I mention that I want
to get this bike to a guy they say "it's a 1300! You're not strong enough."
Well mister, just watch me.
I just wanna thank all the people who have helped me get my website've all been a big help.
I wanna also thank Angelfire for providing me with the space to put this thing
Now I know this page is (utterly) pathetic, but with time it will improve (I hope!). So keep coming back
because I update this page (and the links) every week! Ciao!
Oh! And by the by, (C'mon people! It is your only chance to thoroughly humiliate me!!!)
Did you know that on August 26, 580 A.D., toilet paper was invented by the Chinese??? It didn't reach the West for another 1000 years!!!
Places you MUST to check out:
Baby J's Educational Experiences page (okay, it's NOT as boring as it sounds...*L*)
Baby J's Animal Page (Tuesday, June 22nd)
Baby J's joke page (updated Friday, July 2nd, 1999)
What I find neat (updated Saturday, April 17th, 1999)
The Secrets to Winning at Monopoly
Some pics of my pals and me (updated Friday, August 27, 1999)
In my opinion (updated Friday, April 23rd)
Baby Footprints
A little baby-love (updated August 10th, 1998)
Learn some baby talk *s* (September 2nd, 1998)
The places this baby loves to go (updated January 4th)
Click HERE to go to some wicked links.
My ICQ number is: 12680610.
Woo hoo!!!! Over 1,000 people have come here *s*. Thanks!!! *S*
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A. Divide this number by 100, round up to the nearest whole number and wear it on your favourite jersey; or use it to bet on the number of a horse/dog/pig/frog/idiot at your local race track.
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C. Divide this number by 1000 and that is the average politician's IQ.
D. This is the number of times you've watched the episode of Seinfeld so strategically named "The Contest" and thought of actually having that same contest with your friends...but then figured that you'd lose.
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