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JV at Camp!

The Photo Album

Here are some pictures of the JV squad from 1998-99 at camp. We attended the UCA camp in Columbia, South Carolina, between July 15, and July 18. Our Camp Counselors were Angela, Melony, Erin, Ron, and Chris. Thanks a bunch for all the help, great tips, and wonderful things that you taught us!!

camp pic 1

(from left to right)
Front: Kristin, Missy
2nd: Brandy, Jovena, Chandra
3rd: Stephanie, Melony (UCA), Angela (UCA), Erin (UCA), Cortni
Back row: Chris and Ron (UCA)

camp pic 2

(from left to right)
back: Kristin, Stephanie, Brandy, Chandra
middle: Missy
front: Cortni, Jovena
This is us with all the ribbons and our UCA camp trophy!

camp pic 3

(from left to right)
Back: Chandra, Missy, Stephanie
Front: Brandy, Jovena, Cortni, Kristin

*Note: This page was created by a student, not by the school, any incorrect information to be sent to me. BHS is not reasponsible for these pages or their contents.*
