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Partner Stunts


All partner stunts begin with a toss. The base (more than likely, a man) will grab the flyer's waist, and the flyer will grab his wrists. On a pre-determined count both will bend at the knees, push off of their legs, and the base will catch the flyer in whatever position the two have determined. The flyer must always remember the stay tight and jump as high as she can, flicking her hands off the base's wrists to obtain a greater push. The toss is demonstrated in this animated "toss to full and then a toe-touch down."

extension to a toetouch.


These are called Chair Sits or Chair Lifts. The base pushes one hand up high under the flyer's rear, and grabs her ankle or calf with his other hand.


This is called a "hands" when preformed as a partner stunt. When preformed as a group stunt is is called an elevator, elevator prep, half-extension, or numerous other things.

full extention

This is called a full extention. The base straightens his arms from the "hands" position full up and locks his elbows out.

a nice cupie

This is called a Cupie or Awesome. The flyer locks out her knees, and extends her legs, while bringing her hands up into a High V position. The base will keep his arm tight, and always watch the flyer.

partner cupie.

This shows a full to a cupie.

hands to a cupie.

This shows a hands to cupie.

These are Liberties, Libs for short. They are preformed by tossing, landing, and then pulling your toe up to your knee. Try to make the top of your leg lay flat and parallel to the ground.


This is a heelstretch. The base and flyer tossed and have now hit a heelstretch.

another scorpion

This is called a scorpion. There are many ways to pull your leg into scorpion position. The easiest for me is to grab the inside of whatever foot you will curl with the same hand (i.e. Right foot=right hand) and pull your foot toward your head, twisting your elbow out. It takes a lot of practice and a lot of flexibility.

another bow and arrow
This is called a bow and arrow. I have never seen one done, and can honestly say I do not know how to do it!


This is called an arabesque. The flyer extends one leg out all the way behind her. This stunt can also be preformed as a partner or group stunt.