Troubled says:
*steps up and admits* Yes I do have a love problem. I
need to get over a guy I've been crushing on all year. Obviously he liked
this ugly chick (I'm way prettier and friendly than) well maybe she was
too friendly and thats way he liked her. I really need to move on but theres
no guys in my school to crush on besides him(I go to a small private school)
I really need to know either how to get him or get over him. Please help.
Troubled says:
Ok, I dated this guy named chris for
five months. Then the last weeke of april we broke up. He said that I was
never around enough, but he also said that he could tell that I was interested
in this guy Pat-and that it was obvious there was a conncection between
Ok so what happened was the weekend
we broke up, I was with Chris at this bar, and I saw Patrick(Pat) I had
known him from the year before, but we had not seen each other much since
(he lives on the other side of campus and our schdules are so different).
So I saw him that night and we had this great conversation. So then about
3 weeks later I saw him and told him i'd broken up with Chris, so we spend
the whole night together, and he broght me a drink. We have been e-mailing
back and forth and we are soo much alike. So my ques is, how can
I tell if he likes me or if he is just wanting to be friends, and how can
I tell if he is my soulmate or not. Thanks
Troubled says:
I am head over heels in love with my best
friends boyfriend. I think he's my soulmate. I would hide my feelings,
but I think he likes me too. We've been really close for ages and he always
comes to me with his problems. In fact, one night he tried to kiss me,
but I pushed him back for the obvious reason. The
problem is I love him so much that it's tearing me apart. If I don't tell
him my feelings then I am going to regret it forever. If I do I risk losing
my best friend.
Can someone help me ?
-L. C.
Troubled says: just cant seem to find any guys that like do I get one?
Yours truly,
Blaise, the witch Goddess extrodinare