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be everything to me for you are my angel
cure me of disease for you are my angel
bless me with your kiss for you are my angel
let me bow down to you for you are my angel

angel tell me why did you fall from grace

let me trust in you for you are my angel
say you’ll stay with me for you are my angel
let me protect you for you are my angel
teach me where to go for you are my angel

angel of the earth covered in sores
bleeding your black blood
spreading your black death


look at this hole this cold little hole
this is my home where I have to dwell
look at this life this pointless life
too many blind spots hiding the lies

helen give me something give me something true

just stop torturing torturing me
i’ve had enough insults just leave me be
just stop leaning on leaning on me
i’ve given so much time there’s none left for me

let me bleed for you and only for you


try living for truth break the torture in you
own up to the resentment you bury inside
try giving to life break the torture inside
because you’re fooling no one falling from your pride

all i need is my own time
away from the liars and cowards
all i want is my own space
away from this solitude hiding in my hole

is there nothing to you just petty abuse
you’re the centre of the universe is everything okay?
you’re keeping so quiet what happened to the lies
can’t face to talk it over pathetic clique are tired

inside this unenlightened room
bring the darkness with you soon
outside of the empty halls
the loneliness waits and I have to fall


against the wall or in the hole under the whisper lies untold
inside the wake out side the mind across the world our lives collide

astounded to see its oblivious to me
the reflection on the wall the face i see

calling to wounds that never heal by frailty of beauties minor appeal
oblivious to the joke that you played on me never deceived never unseen
scenic words are lost to life trying for culture i've failed to find
frozen inside frozen in time a minute of truth i've left behind

the warning i hear entangled in you
the blame I take for what you do
to look at you into your eyes
to abandon the search for the source of lies


I'm on the outside looking away
On my soul these feelings prey
Dissatisfaction with my attraction
And the things I cannot say
My feelings turn to clay
I'm cracked and falling away
Evil addiction contagious affliction
And the things I cannot say

I wait on the curse of the past
A mist that clears awaits the cast
No loss of innocence the blame is past
Can a life sail on with a broken mast

The minutes I cannot place
You turn my true display
Wrong direction no distinction
And the things I cannot say
The times I have to wait
My patience tried and played
Your affirmation with my formation
And the things I cannot say


you wear me away use me 'til I break
cast me aside endorsed with your hate
always an end to a persons faith
i'm second hand discarded and disgraced

a maze of users I feel so alone
experienced been picked to the bone
once i'm gone I can lick my wounds
you'll find another to dance to your tune

mistake I made in letting you in
you need a slave to bow to your whim
my humble hole is cosy and dry
is it enough by my fire side

nothing's beautiful in a world of pain
once you've been soaked in illusions rain
the bitter truth cracks and dries your skin
cold comfort in lies is never a sin

I don't know why I get so afraid
there is no fear no end to the pain
what solution can save me from you
lost and abused I still play your tune


sweet william arose one may morning and dressed himself in blue
come tell to me all about that love between lady margaret and you
oh I know nothing of lady margarets love andshe knows nothing of me
but in the morning at half past 8 lady margaret my bride shall see

lady margaret was sitting in her bauer room a combing back her hair
when who should she spy but sweet william and his bride as to church they did draw nigh
then down she threw her ivory comb and in silk bound up her hair
from that room the fair lady ran she was never any more seen there

day past away and the night coming on most of the men asleep
sweet william espied lady margarets ghost standing at his bed feet
night past away and the day cpming on most of the men awake
sweet william said i’m troubled in my head by the dream I had last night

he rode up to lady margarets door and jingled at the ring
none so ready as her seventh born brother to arise and let him in

oh is she in the kitchen room or is she in the hall
or is he in the bauer room among her merry maids all
she’s neither in the kitchen room nor neither in the hall
but she is in her cold cold coffin with her pale face t’wards the wall

pull down pull down those winding sheets made of satin so fine
ten thousand times you’ve kissed my lips and now love i’ll kiss thine
three times he kissed her snowy white breast three times he kissed her chin
and when he kissed her cold clay lips his heart it broke within

lady margaret was buried in the old church yard sweet william was buried close by
and out of her there sprung a red rose and out of him a brier
they grew so tall they grew so high they scarce could grow any higer
and there they tied in a true lovers knot the red rose and the brier


I keep an admission of guilt sinned against me
red affinity keep pushing me
keep pushing me over and i’ll watch you fall

danger signal, my quiet mind
my peace of mind, good signal
my evil mind, my only kind

I keep a weapon of stealth held against me
red affinity keep asking me
keep asking me more and i’ll let you call


To believe too hard so distinctly I remember
now we exist alone

how can it be that I never never saw this before
how can I see when I turn my back to the storm
how do I live when I know i’ll never forget
how can I laugh when hopes all I have left

to breath in and out in the still of the night
under the blue stare of the silver moon
feeling its light I take into me
the cycle of waves I begin to feel free

to no longer trust I bid you farewell
a single word in forgiving me
see the river revisits the land
and in damning me we fall from cliffs divided and split

to walk the streets with the labours of man on his back
to believe too hard so distinctly I remember
now we exist alone still I defend her
to hold god in your hands to clasp together


look at this hole this cold little hole
this is my home where I have to dwell
look at this life this pointless life
too many blind spots hiding the lies

helen give me something give me something true

just stop torturing torturing me
i’ve had enough insults just leave me be
just stop leaning on leaning on me
i’ve given so much time there’s none left for me

let me bleed for you and only for you


try living for truth break the torture in you
own up to the resentment you bury inside
try giving to life break the torture inside
because you’re fooling no one falling from your pride

all i need is my own time
away from the liars and cowards
all i want is my own space
away from this solitude hiding in my hole

is there nothing to you just petty abuse
you’re the centre of the universe is everything okay?
you’re keeping so quiet what happened to the lies
can’t face to talk it over pathetic clique are tired

inside this unenlightened room
bring the darkness with you soon
outside of the empty halls
the loneliness waits and I have to fall


see how far your soul reaches
don't be scared i'll be there if you fall
you've got nothing to lose
just maybe the world to gain
there's no harm in tryingb
do you want to live alone like this?
life is yours to choose

take the climb its not so high as it seems
don't be scared if you fall you know I can catch you

the right time may never come
the instant is all you have
you're dying now take this chance to live
faith is often weaker than love
though love is the strongest gift
give it time it will work out right
don't hide you have to fight to live

out if the depths I see you rise
keep holding on for tomorrow
rest today
I know it seems there's nothing more to live for
you're on your own
you're wrong


you - you do it all the time
you - messing with my mind
you - take a look inside
you - such an empty life

force yourself into a corner
tell to many tales to bear
ask me to believe your stories
after all you've done
how could I care

you - you're twisted inside
you - crocodile tears don't lie
you - I tries so hard to hide
you - understand my love has died

you look so black in the corner of this room
its faded from white but you're so easy to see
close you eyes for the door is opening those who own
want to see


against the wall or in the hole
under the whisper lies untold
inside the wake out side the mind
across the world our lives collide

astounded to see its oblivious to me
the reflection on the wall the face i see

calling to wounds that never
heal by frailty of beauties minor appeal
oblivious to the joke that you played on me
never deceived never unseen
scenic words are lost to life
trying for culture i've failed to find
frozen inside frozen in time
a minute of truth i've left behind

the warning i hear entangled in you
the blame I take for what you do
to look at you into your eyes
to abandon the search for the source of lies


I hear the whispers of angels
I hear the songs of gods
I hear the music of our dead
they tell me we are lost
I see the sun burning cities
I see the waves drown towns
I see the earth swallow countries
in the air the gods surround

slowly decending into dark slumber
as I lie still I run
from forgotten pain i'd give nothing
to be young again

I know where you find shelter
I know where you find bliss
I know where you find cover
in my soul and in my kiss
I give you all my needing
I give you all my joy
I give you all I offer
you give me the deepest love

the more and more I crawl between
the lies i've been kept alive with
the less and less I can trust the enemies I've made
again and again I make mistakes
that I forget to learn from
so I concede that I don't have a clue

WISHES FROM THE BRIDGE I know you dropped wishes from the bridge
with no direction it can be hard to live
but still the river runs blind
life is unfair and lust is unkind
the past of the past is heavy on your mind
the breeze of the past pushing all the time

but still we carry on wishing the memories gone
we never feel strong but we're always pushing on

I know you sang protection from your room
with no affection the future can be a tomb
but still the tears run dry
love is unfair and lust is unkind
the want of your heart aching all the time
the storm of your thoughts carving worry lines


who laid you to this nest of lies
who taught you to despise
who taught you to control the weak
and to bury secrets deep
who taught you to neglect
those you should respect


trust me
because there’s nothing else
take from me
because i’m giving me away
drown with me
because the air will kill us both
walk away from me
because I can still run
give me what I need
because I need this void


Fortune smiles with broken teeth
white is the colour of purity
the light i see over shadows me
shallow above profound beneath

some people don't touch they get touched
save you flowers for the dead

we don't all ride on the same street car
it's not so simple as it seems
i was only trying to understand pain
it's not so rare as it's supposed to be

madness will take you to strange new places
I find my self staring at the moon
I am told that we all start somewhere
I have found that I begin at the end