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We open up with clips between the Recoil/Enforcer feud as edgecrusher by Fear Factory plays, both men seem to be even, clips of Recoil getting arrested thanks to Ex, Recoil comes out, the devastating chair shot that Shannon no sold because she was “too good” for it, ha, Enforcer nailing Nita, Recoil swearing revenge which brings us to tonight.

I stay away be Alice in Chains takes over as we show clips of Cain Hunt and Shotgun staring at each other in the middle of the ring in past fights, then we show both men going at it in a mix of their best moves, followed by their interviews on each other, the return of the WAI to take Cain down, we finish off with a shot of when Cain was champ and one when Shotgun was champ both holding their belts up in the air.

Antisocial by Anthrax plays as we show shots of wars between military and people that go on in places like Spain and shit, in between we shots some of the best hits taken by the wrestlers, in the background you can hear the fans getting pumped up, we finish off with the shot that killed Martin Luther King (sick), pyrotechnics hits, the fans pop to their seat and we kick off the BOW PPV called Anarchy!

Dragula by Rob Zombie plays as Slydog makes his way to the ring, he will be facing non other than Hacksaw, he slides into the ring and warms up.

One by Metallica hits the speakers as the fans get up with WAI chants, Hacksaw comes out with his wife Seline, he is wearing his usual WAI shirt walks down with the fans approval, he slides into the ring and we kick off this PPV.

Dan Manic: Welcome everyone, I am Dan Manic.

Chris Kerrang: And I am Chris Kerrang and we welcome you to some anarchy!

Hacksaw gets the early lead on Slydog by punching him into the ground, Slydog rolls out of the ring, outside he is surprised by Seline who nails him with a drop kick!

DM: Little known fact Chris, when Seline and Shotgun were together he trained her alongside with him.

CK: Very true, Seline must be the best trained wrestler in BOW in my book.

Hacksaw slides out and grabs slydog, he rolls him into the ring, Slydog asks for a time out, Hacksaw climbs the third rope and shots a missile drop kick, Sly moves out of the way just in time, Hacksaw lands hard on the mat, you can see the concern on Seline’s face, Sly starts beating down on hacksaw, stomping him down, he picks him up by the hair, Sly goes for a jumping DDT but it is countered with a northern lights suplex with a bridge, Sly lands on the ropes breaking the count. Hacksaw gets up and signals Seline to hand him a chair, Seline throws one in, the ref tries to take it away but Hacksaw nails him right in the head, with Slydog down Hacksaw proceeds to beat Sly shitless with the chair with the fans on his back cheering him on, after about 2 minutes of chair shots Seline grabs a microphone and hands it to hacksaw.

Hacksaw: It was never about beating you Sly, its was about kicking your ass, and I succeeded, hahaha.

One by Metallica plays, Hacksaw with a smile on his face and with Seline on his arm walks to the back with the fans cheering but desiring more.

DM: Slydog sure doesn’t look like a winner right now!

CK: Never the less he is the winner do to DQ.

DM: Ladies and gentlemen up next we will have probably the crappiest match in recent history, a loser leaves BOW match between Razin Hell (Vault and Dirtbag Dog) vs The Happy Go Luckies (Ace and Gary)

CK: Yeah, both this team suck ass I might add.

Unskinny Bop by poison plays, Ace and Gary walk out to fag chants, already in the ring is Vault and Dirtbag Dog, the bell rings, Ace and Gary double clothesline Razin Hell to the outside, the ref pulls and ace up his sleeves and does the fastest 10 count ever, the bell rings, both teams are out!

DM: Short and sweet.

CK: And to the point, this crap match that could have ended in 5 minutes ended in 5 second with a 10 count, sweet, bye bye jobbers!

Security escort both teams out of the building as we cut to the backstage area.

Bob Levy is standing right next to Shannon and her women’s title.

Bob: Shannon, tonight you defend your title against Carmen, now my question is, will you even sell Carmen’s offense? Or are you too good for her?

Shannon: I ought to kick your ass right non Bob, and the funny thing is that I can, Carmen, your ass is mine, ho.

Degenerate this by LTL plays, Carmen makes her way down as we get ready for a women’s title match, Carmen warms up in the ring as she gets a nice reaction from the fans.

My Time is Now by LTL plays, Shannon with her women’s title walks down proudly, she gets heat from the crowd and a bunch of “bitch” chants, she ignores it as she slides into the ring.

DM: If you are looking for a 5 star match then change the channel right now.

CK: Shannon received a lot of heat with management when she claimed that she only sold Recoil’s chair shot cause she had to, that is something you do not do Dan.

DM: Lets put that in the past and lets enjoy a good ol’ cat fight!

The match starts off exactly like that, a cat fight, both women roll around in the ring bitch slapping and pulling hair and what not, Shannon takes control when she gets on top of Carmen and nails her with repeated punches and nearly knock her out.

DM: Shannon is one tough girl!

CK: Yeah, I will give her that.

Carmen manages to get Shannon off and nails her with a kick to the mid-section, as Shannon holds her stomach she nails her with a kick to the face that sends her down.

DM: Whoa! Shannon was surprised there!

CK: Carmen has some fight in her, no doubt about it!

Carmen pins Shannon but she kicks out at 2, Carmen goes for a boston crab but Shannon pushes her against the ropes, as she bounces off she nails a drop toe hold, Shannon gets up and signals for the end, she picks up Carmen and nails the new breed, its over, Shannon pins, 1,2,3. Shannon retains her title.

DM: Well looks like Shannon is still the champion.

CK: And you are surprised?

DM: Cant say I am, the match was much better than I expected it though.

CK: Yeah, true.

DM: Lets go backstage where Bree is standing with the challengers for the tag titles, the degenerates.

Backstage Breeanna  is standing with Lawless and Lightning the original degenerates, they will team up tonight to try to recapture the gold.

Bree: Degenerates, how confident are you about tonight?

Lawless: We are feeling good, we are great, we will tear the roof down DX style baby.

Lightning: Yeah, Franchise players tonight we smoke your asses 4:20 style.

Bree: I guess they are ready, Bob?

Bob Levy is standing with The Franchise Players, Shane Douglas and Justin Credible.

Bob: Franchise players, tonight you go against the degenerates and the one man team of Cold Hearted Crew since Ice Cold quit, how do you feel?

Shane: I feel pretty fuckin good, tonight we retain the gold and kick some ass, and that’s all I got to say. Justin?

Justin Credible: That’s just not the coolest, not just the best, that’s Justin Credible!!

Criminal by Eminem plays, American Crippler comes out alone, he receives a nice pop from the crowd as he slides into the ring.

DM: The booking committee allowed the Crippler to still wrestle but we wont see him winning, or will we?

CK: I doubt it.

Perfect Strangers by Deep Purple plays, Shane and Justin wearing their tag team gold walk down the ramp, they pose for a second and keep walking as the fans boo.

DM: People might hate them but they are the champions.

CK: as much as people hate them they sure love this guys…

Degenerate This by LTL plays, Justin Lawless and Lightning (the original Degenerates) walk down the ramp, both men seems confident and they look damn good as a team, they walk down the ramp and get into the ring.
DM: Lately we have been seeing X-pac and Lightning as a team, DX 2000 but this two guys are the original ones and if someone can get the job done, its this two.

CK: Yeah, but will they regain the gold tonight?

Crippler, Lightning and Credible start in the ring, Crippler is in a clear disadvantage as his partner quit not long ago, negotiations were done, no word if they agreed on something. Lightning and Credible lock up, Crippler with a double clothesline that sends both men down, Credible and Lightning get up, both men deliver the super kick at the same time taking Crippler out of the game, with Crippler out both men start exchanging punches, Credible takes the shortcut with a low blow followed by a chin buster, Lightning falls back, Credible tags in the Franchise, Shane hits a slingshot on Lightning that sends him right into Douglas’s corner, Douglas distracts the referee while Credible nails Lightning, Lawless has had enough, he hits Douglas with a take down, the ref quickly gets on his way pushing him into the corner, Douglas enraged suplexes Lightning in the middle of the ring, Douglas pins but Lawless keeps arguing with the referee to distract him, out of nowhere the Crippler comes back with a chair in hand and nails Douglas and Credible with a chair, he throws the chair away, the ref turns around and see Crippler pinning Lightning, he counts to 2 before a kick out.

DM: Crippler thought he could actually steal a win there Chris.

CK: Not that easy to beat Lightning Dan.

Lightning slowly gets up, Crippler goes behind Lightning and nails him with a devastating german suplex, Lightning hits hard, Crippler pins, 1,2, Douglas comes out of nowhere and nails Crippler, Lightning gets up, both men start stomping on Crippler, from the crowd in street clothes out comes running Ice Cold with a chair, he nails Douglas and Lightning and knocks them out, down the ramp out comes running Felix Randal alongside Bob Lombardi with a ref, the fans explode in cheers as Felix with a chair in hand nails Ice Cold and leaves him out cold, Felix pins Ice Cold, the ref counts, 1,2,3, Randal is the new KFC Hardcore champion! Felix and Bob run to the back, with CHC down, Lightning and Douglas down for the count Lawless and Credible step into the ring, lefts and rights all over the place, Lawless manages to get the upper hand with a jumping DDT that leaves Credible out cold, down the ramp Enforcer and EX with steel chairs come down running, the fans start up “bullshit” chants, Ex and Enforcer slide in and hit Lawless with a con-chair-to (concerto, get it?), the ref sees this and rings the bell, the winner be DQ is the Degenerates! Degenerate this plays up, Enf and Ex beat down on the degenerates but tonight they are the real winners.

DM: What a clusterfuck of a match that was!

CK: Yeah, first Ice Cold comes out without a contract since he quit, he nails Lightning and Douglas, newcomer Felix Randal comes out and nails Ice Cold to become the new KFC hardcore champion, Lawless had Credible beat but NOK interfered and gave the degenerates a victory by DQ.

DM: I think we can agree on something Chris, interference sucks.

CK: You can say that again.
DM: We sure wont see any interference in the next match Chris, this will be a technical masterpiece.

CK: Yes, Jon vs. Josh, brother vs. brother, excellence vs. excellence, this right here can be the match of the night.

Unbeatable by LTL plays, Jon Storm comes out alone, no ViXen, he wants a good clean fight, the fans give him a mixed reaction as he walks down to the ring.

Bittersweet symphony by The verve plays, The Natural Josh Storm comes out, the fans go wild for Josh as he walks down to the ring ready for his match.

DM: Well, I know two things about this match, one, it will rule and two, it is hell to write cause of Josh and Jon.

CK: Yeah, a fuck-up will probably happen cause you get confused. Oh well.

Jon and Josh actually shake hands before the bell rings, both start up staring  at each other, Jon goes for a move but Josh surprises him with an arm drag. Jon immediately gets up but is surprised with a drop kick from big brother Josh that sends him against the ropes.

DM: Josh seems to be in control in the beginning of the match.

Jon nails a take down on Josh, he bounces off and goes for a beautiful standing moon sault, Josh manager to roll out of the way just in time. Josh tries to hit the storm lock but Jon managers to kick him away, Jon slowly gets up, Josh gives him a chance, with both men up they lock up, Jon whips Josh against the turnbuckle, Jon clotheslines Josh into the corner stunning him for a few moments, Jon sets up Josh in the top rope and goes for a belly to back suplex, he is unable to hit is, Josh knocks Jon back, he gets up on the top rope and nails a hurricanrana on Jon as the fans cheer, he pins but Jon manages to kick out at 2.

CK: Incredible move by Josh Dan.

DM: Josh is showing us what he can really do Chris.

Josh gets up and puts Jon in a fujirama arm bar, Jon quickly grabs the ropes, Josh lets go of the move, Jon jumps to his feet, when Josh approaches him he nails him with a super kick that sends him down, Jon bounces off the ropes and lands a running splash, he pins but Josh kicks out, Jon applies the figure 4 on Josh, the ref checks on Josh to see if he will give, Josh refuses.

DM: Josh is in trouble Chris!

CK: I know Dan, go Jon!

Josh manager to turn the figure 4 the other way putting the pressure on Jon, Jon screams in pain, he goes to grab the ropes, Josh pushes him back and stands up into an instant sharp shooter that makes all the fans pop wildly, Jon is in trouble! Jon uses all his strengths to finally reach the ropes, Josh gives him a clean break, Jon looks exhausted, Josh picks him up and goes for the rock bottom, Jon kicks him into the midsection and out of nowhere he applies a crossface chicken wing on Josh, Josh looks in real pain, the ref checks on Josh, Josh will not tap, Jon brings him all the way down, Josh seems to almost pass out, with the corner of his foot he manages to put it over the ropes, the ref makes Jon break the hold, Jon climbs the ropes and with a downed Josh he goes for his finisher, the swandive headbutt better known as the Storm’s eye, Josh at the last possible second rolls out of the way and takes a breather, both men are down and hurt.

DM: My god! What a match!

CK: Jon went for the win right there and he failed! Its anybody’s ball game right now Dan!

The 10 count begins, at 7 both men are on their feet, Jon goes for a drop kick to Josh, Josh grabs his legs, the fans jump to their feet as Josh locks Jon into the Storm Lock, with nowhere to go in the middle of the ring Jon starts to scream, the fans start to chant “Tap Out!”, Jon wont do it, he holds his head in pain, Josh pulls back as hard as he can, Jon slowly starts to pass out, the ref lifts his hand once, twice and three times, it hits the mat, its over, the ref rings the bell as the fans cheer, the winner of the match Josh Storm!

DM: Out of nowhere Josh storm hit the stormlock and it was over!

CK: And my god, Jon didn’t tap! The man passed out from the pain but he didn’t tap!

Josh looks at his little brother who is down, he raises his arms in victory and walks to the back, the ref helps Jon to the back as well as we finish this great match.

DM: That could be the match of the night right there Chris, its going to be hard to top that, but Shotgun and Cain just might try to top it!

CK: And this is one long rivalry Dan!

Clips are shown of Shotgun and Cain in the past, the first time they fought. Thor vs. Shotgun.

Thor: Shotgun, how can you defeat me when you are only a man and I am a god?

Shotgun: My name is Shotgun and you god will become my own personal bitch.

Shotgun sits in the bar with a young attractive lady, Shotgun and the lady kiss, two days later she shows up in Thor’s corner, her name was Jenny.

Jenny: Shotgun, Thor is much more man than you will ever be, he is a god.

Shotgun and Thor face off and it ends up in a shocker, Thor beats Shotgun, then the episode where Thor lost his powers to Jenny and Cain Hunt was born, Cain feuded with Shotgun in the AU Crew days, he contributed in almost breaking Shotgun’s back, but he rebounded, Cain Hunt and Shotgun never had a PPV feud but that ends tonight as the Big Gun and the Legend Shotgun face off.

You Could Be Mine by Guns N Roses hits, Cain Hunt along side Lauren walk down the ramp to a lot of boos from the fans, Cain holds the ropes down for Lauren, they both enter the ring, Cain Hunt seems ready to fight and win.

DM: Can Cain Hunt do it? He brought Shotgun back, he stole his Hall of Fame trophy, he has slipped by Shotgun countless time, its time to put up or shut up Chris.

CK: Lets see what Shotgun can really do Dan.

Do The Evolution hits the speakers by Pearl Jam, the Do The Evolution video is shown in the BOW-tron mixed with some of the best hits by Shotgun in the BOW ring, the fans get up and cheer Shotgun, its one of the loudest reaction of the night, if not the loudest, Shotgun comes out alongside Rochelle, he flashes the metal sign to a big reaction, Cain Hunt is in the middle of the ring taunting Shotgun, Shotgun runs to the ring, he slides under the rope, Cain goes for a spear quickly, Shotgun manages to jump out of the way right in time, the bell rings and this match officially starts, when Cain turns around he is met with a spear delivered by Shotgun. Cain sits up, he is surprised with a kick to the face by Shotgun that sends him right back down. Shotgun waits for Cain Hunt to get up as the fans cheer.

DM: Shotgun taking his time, waiting for Cain to hit his next big spot.

CK: Cain got in trouble early, that’s something that you must avoid when fighting Carlos.

Cain gets to his feet, Shotgun whips him against the ropes, Cain reverses it, as Shotgun bounces Cain meets him with a hip toss, Cain hits an elbow drop on Shotgun quickly, Shotgun rolls to his side, he quickly gets to his feet, a charging Cain Hunt is after him, he nails Cain with a big boot followed by a sidewalk slam and a pin, Cain kicks at 2. Cain and Shotgun get up, both men exchange punches, suddenly Cain issues the challenge, what challenge? The chop challenge, Cain nails a loud chop on Shotgun’s chest that causes the fans to go WOOO, Shotgun fires back with an even louder chop that cause the same reaction, Cain goes for another chop, Shotgun hits a drop toe hold followed by an Ankle Lock, Cain starts screaming in pain as the ref checks in.

DM: There is no way Cain is submitting Chris.

CK: Yeah, Cain hasn’t come this far to give up now.

Cain turns around and kicks Shotgun in the face, Shotgun stumbles back, Cain with a springboard take down, he grabs Shotgun’s leg and goes for his very own sharpshooter, before he can Shotgun pushes him with his feet against the ropes followed by a rolling wheel barrel kick that sends Cain Hunt down, Shotgun gets up and kicks Cain out of the ring, he follows him to the outside, both men start brawling in the outside, Cain slams Shotgun’s head against the protective rail, he carries Shotgun over the announcers area, the announcers run the hell away as Cain sets up Shotgun in the table, he goes for the rifle, Shotgun manages to avoid it, he breaks away from Cain in the table he hooks Cain up and nails the rock bottom on the table, both men go down hard, the ref in the ring starts the outside 10 count, both men are out cold, the ladies Rochelle and Lauren go over and try to wake up their men, both men start to react at about 5, they start crawling into the ring, finally both men make it in at 9, they get up on the ring, both men are clearly tired, Shotgun throws a right that is blocked and countered with a punch, Shotgun is punched into the corner, Cain gets up and does the routine 10 punch count, out of nowhere Shotgun picks him up and nails the running awesome bomb AKA the bullet bomb, he pins Cain, 1,2,3. The match is over, the winner, Shotgun.

Shotgun quickly falls down, Rochelle checks on him while Lauren does the same on Cain, both girls help them up to their feet, Shotgun looks at Cain, Cain looks back at Shotgun, a sick twisted smile comes on Cain’s face, Shotgun a bit confused walks away with the help of Rochelle.

DM: Damn it Chris, they took our table out.

Chris: We should get more respect Dan, no damn respect.

DM: Speaking of respect up next it’s a way and its personal, the NOK army has been stopped by one man, and his name is Recoil.

CK: Recoil hits Shannon with a chair Dan, Enforcer fired back by taking out Nita and sources say there is a new rule, whoever hits a staff member gets suspended for a week.

DM: The weird thing is that ruling as made by Lars himself, it is no mystery that Lars and Nita were once a couple.

CK: Very true Dan, lets get the show underway.

My Wordz are Weapon by D-12 plays, the challenger Recoil walks down the ramp to a huge pop, as big as Shotgun’s, perhaps even bigger and louder, he welcomes this as he walks into the ring, this is the first time this young man main events a PPV and keep in mind he did beat Enforcer cleanly once.

My Time Is Now by LTL plays, Enforcer alongside Shannon who has the heavyweight belt walk down the ramp, the fans greet him with huge boos, for some reason Lars isn’t with him, Enforcer kisses Shannon for good luck and steps into the ring.

DM: I am receiving word from the back that Owner Ary has banned anyone from ringside, Shannon is allowed because she has a manager’s license but no one else is allowed.

CK: I guess that includes Lars, who cares, Enforcer can beat Recoil alone.
The bell rings and the match starts, Recoil quickly starts with huge punches, Enforcer pushes him down, Recoil jumps right back up and starts punching Enforcer again, Enforcer pushes Recoil down again, Recoil bounces off the ropes and nails a shoulder block on Enforcer that sends him back against the ropes, Recoil tries to clothesline Enforcer out but he isn’t able, Enforcer nails a closed fist into Recoil’s face that sends him down hurting, as Recoil gets up Enforcer nails a running knee lift that sends Recoil right back down, Enforcer picks up Recoil and nails a back breaker followed by a huge leg drop, Enforcer looking confident starts climbing the ropes, once on top Recoil quickly jumps up and nails body blows on Enforcer, he goes for a superplex but Enforcer is too heavy, he pushed Recoil down, as Recoil gets up he is nailed with a flying clothesline from Enforcer, the fans go “ahhh” as the big man went airborne, Enforcer gets an arm over Recoil but he only gets a 2 count. Enforcer slowly gets up, Recoil struggles to get to his feet, Enforcer hits a belly to belly suplex on Recoil, Recoil rolls in the ring in pain, Enforcer bounces off the ropes and drops an elbow, Recoil manages to get out of the way just in time, he proceeds to kick Enforcer’s arm over and over, Enforcer pushes Recoil back, Recoil climbs the second rope and waits for Enforcer, when enforcer gets up he is met with a drop kick from the second rope, Recoil hooks Enforcer up in a camel clutch but he isn’t able to hold it for long as the big man manages to break it up, Enforcer gets up, Recoil goes for a clothesline but Enforcer no-sells and nails a huge chokeslam.

DM: Recoil is in trouble, the big man looks like he has this match won.

CK: Yeah, Enforcer will win this.

Enforcer signals for the end, he picks Recoil up and sets him up for a power bomb, he brings him up but Recoil nails stiff punches right to the face of Enforcer, Enforcer loses control, Recoil nails a hurricanerana (?) on Enforcer that catches Enforcer off guard, Recoil is down as well, he rolls to the outside and picks up a chair, Shannon tries to take the chair away, he pushes her down, she gets up and almost dares him to hit her, she slaps him across the face, without thinking twice he nails a huge chair shot that is heard loudly, Shannon goes down hard, Enforcer sees this and I irate, he gets up, Recoil slides into the ring with chair in hand, he tries to kick the chair into Recoil’s face, he quickly moves out of the way and hits a shot on Enforcer’s leg, he quickly goes down in pain, the ref rings the bell, Recoil ignores this and keeps hitting Enforcer’s leg, Enforcer tries to get up but he is unable, he gets on one knee, Recoil takes this opportunity and hits Enforcer so hard with a chair that he breaks it, Enforcer starts bleeding heavily and is knocked out, My Wordz are Weapon by D-12 play, Recoil grabs a microphone and signals for his music to be cut.

Recoil: Enforcer, you made this personal, now live with the fact that you may be the champ but you and your wife, both of you are my bitch!

The fans start “Recoil” chants as his theme starts again and the scene slowly fades.