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Live from the MCI Center in Washington DC, Sunday July the 29th


(Pay Per View advertisements are shown as "BOW Presents: Capital Punishment - Next" is shown on the top right of the screen. A commercial is played for the Pay Per View, then the screen fades to a copyright screen. After the screen is shown, a promo is played of the matches on the card tonight. The screen fades to another shot, as Capital Punishment is on the air. Fireworks go off as the sold out capacity crowd looks on hand. The camera then cuts to a shot of Manic and Mr. T.)

Manic: Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Capital Punishment!! We are live in the sold out MCI Center in Washington DC, as tonight there will be a new world heavyweight champion crowned. Because of travel conflicts, my usual partner will not be on hand. But to take his spot is a man who's ALWAYS lookin for work, Mr. T!!

Mr. T: Man Manic, I pity tha fool who didn't order this big Pay Per View. A world heavyweight champion is gonna be crowned here tonight. It doesn't get any better than that Manic.

Manic: Not only that but we have SEVEN more matches on the card tonight. One of them that I'm definately lookin foward to is Jake Roberts versus Hulk Hogan versus Soulfire.

Mr. T: Jake Roberts and Hogan must wanna keep their work that they have because they've been putting on QUITE the show since they've made their debuts in the BOW.

Manic: Not only that but last Thursday on Massacre in the huge battle royal, Jake came out of NOWHERE to win the BOW Hardcore Title. Lets get to the first match, as the Bloody Title is on the line.

(Descent and Randall are already in the ring as the referee holds the title up in the air. The bell rings as the match is underway. Both guys circle the ring and tie up. Neither gain advantage. Descent ties up with Randall and goes to the eyes. Randall gets whipped off the ropes and eats a clothesline. Decent armdrags him a couple times and locks in an armbar.)

Manic: Descent going to the basics. Which is a good thing because as basic as it is, it wears down Randall and gives Descent the advantage in the long run.

Mr. T: Good point Manic.

(Randall powers out and back suplexes Descent. Descent gets back up and kneelifts him. Randall goes to the outside, but Descent chases on. Randall goes back in and stomps on Descent as he entered from under the ropes. Randall snap suplexes Descent and follows up with a DDT. Randall gets a 2 count.)

Manic: Nice combination from the snap suplex into a DDT. Randall almost picked up the win there.

Mr. T: Don't be a fool Manic, it's gonna take more than that for Randall to win the Bloody title.

(Randall goes for a sunset flip, but Descent counters by sitting down and pinning him for a 2. Randall and Descent go through some flippy floppy pin exchanges which ends with Randall bridging out of a pin attempt and going for a backslide. Descent counters by spinning him around and hitting a swinging neckbreaker. Descent says that's it and starts to climb the turnbuckle.)

Manic: Descent is taking a high risk here!!

(Randall gets back up and crotches Descent on the top turnbuckle. Randall sets him up and hits a top rope superplex. Both men are down as the referee starts the 10 count. Both guys get up as Descent goes for the kill. Randall makes a comeback with a flurry of punches ending with a back bodydrop. Randall kicks in the midsection and hits a piledriver. Randall covers for a 2 count.)

Manic: Randall almost won the Bloody Title!!

Mr. T: Close, but not quite.

(Randall whips Descent to the turnbuckle and goes for a blind charge. Descent boots Randall in the head as Randall crashes to the mat. Descent hooks the legs and uses the 2nd turnbuckle as extra leverage. 1, 2, 3. Descent wins the match.)

Manic: Descent won the match, but he had to cheat to win. Damnit, this isn't right!!

Mr. T: Do what has to be done Manic. Descent retained the title, and that's all that matters.

(Descent goes backstage while Randall complains to the referee. The referee ignores him though, as we cut to the backstage area. Big Bossman arrives at the arena as Christian is waiting for him. Bossman gets out of his car as Christian approaches.)

Bossman: So what's the big idea York? I'm here, so what now??

Christian: You said you wanted to be at the Pay Per View, so here ya go.

(Christian hands Bossman an ID card that says "Backstage Security".)

Bossman: What am I, a goddamn rent a cop??

Christian: Exactly. Make sure nothing happens, and well, have a good evening.

(Bossman unwillingly pins the ID card on him as the next match is coming up. Brimstone makes his way out first, followed by Ultrawolf's enterence.)

Manic: The next match is a double elimination, losers leave BOW match. Alot of speculation has been going down, but the fact of the matter is that two BOW superstars are about to lose their job.

Mr. T: No doubt, no doubt, no doubt Manic. Two guys are about to lose some work here in the BOW.

(Enforcer makes his way out with Arn Anderson. Enforcer looks into the crowd before entering the ring. The referee checks all three men, then rings the bell as the match gets underway. Both Ultrawolf and Brimstone charge Enforcer and pound on him in the corner. Ultrawolf gloats, so Brimstone knocks him on his ass. Enforcer grabs Brimstone and tosses him into the corner. Ultrawolf charges Enforcer, but Enforcer dodges and it's Brimstone who eats a clothesline from Ultrawolf. Enforcer tosses Brimstone over the top rope and kicks Ultrawolf in the midsection. Enforcer lifts up Ultrawolf and spikes him down with a powerbomb.)

Manic: New Breed!! New Breed!!

(Enforcer covers, put pulls Ultrawolf up at 2.)

Crowd: One more time!! One more time!!

(Enforcer nods his head towards the crowd. Enforcer lifts Ultrawolf off the mat, sets him up, and gives him another powerbomb. Enforcer covers once again, and this time gets the 3 count. Ultrawolf is eliminated from the match, and from the BOW.)

Mr. T: That may have been the quickest sendoff I've EVER seen Manic.

Crowd: Na na naa naa, na na naa naa, HEY HEY hey, gooood bye!! Na na naa naa, na na naa naa, HEY HEY hey, gooood bye!!

(Ultrawolf gets escorted out of the ring by a few referees as this is the last time we'll ever see him in the BOW. Brimstone enters the ring and starts beating away as Enforcer. Enforcer shrugs him off, and boots him in the midsection. Enforcer goes for the powerbomb, but Brimstone counters with a low blow. Brimstone raises his hand, and then clutches Enforcer by the throat. Brimstone chokes him down, then lifts him up and DROPS him with a chokeslam.)

Manic: Brimstone is gonna win this guys!!

(Brimstone covers, and Enforcer kicks out at 2. Enforcer gets on his knees and starts shaking his head while giving off a pissed look on his face. The crowd laughs their ass off and goes nuts in the process.)

Manic: Enforcer is pulling a Hogan!! Haha,

(Brimstone punches Enforcer in the head, and it does nothing. Enforcer gets back up and points in his face. Brimstone swings, but Enforcer blocks. Enforcer hits three right hands, whips Brimstone off the ropes, and boots him in the head. Enforcer starts pumping up the crowd.)

Manic: Is it gonna be the bodyslam??

(Enforcer kicks Brimstone in the midsection and hits the powerbomb.)

Manic: New Breed!!!

(Enforcer goes off the ropes and nails a legdrop. Enforcer covers Brimstone. 1, 2, 3. Enforcer wins as Brimstone is gone from the BOW. The crowd is still busting out, but they're also cheering as Enforcer has won the match.)

Manic: Enforcer does a better Hogan than Hogan himself. Haheh, man...This was indeed a unique way for Brimstone to leave the BOW. But once again, Brimstone and Ultrawolf are now gone, as they have lost this double elimination match.

(The camera cuts to the back as Hogan waits on hand with Breeanna. Hogan looks pissed about the whole situation that just happened in the previous match.)

Breeanna: Hulkster, Hogan...

Hogan: Did you see what just happened out there?? That crap just ain't happenin brother!!

Breeanna: Actually I'm not a male but..

Hogan: It doesn't matter brother!! The fact of the matter is that stuff like that is gimmick infrigment, and I take that very seriously. Enforcer is gonna see in this next match what the Hulkster is all about, and find out that WHATCHA GONNA DO brother, when the REAL Hulk Hogan runs all over you!! Jake, Soulfire, I am going to KICK...your collective...BUTTS!! Wanna know why I am who I am?? Because I eat my vitamins, drink my milk, and kick peoples asses. That hardcore title is mine brother!!

(Hogan goes towards the ring as Soulfire has already made his entrence. Hogan makes his way on next, as the crowd starts getting on him immediately.)

Crowd: En-for-cer!! En-for-cer!!

(Hogan flips off the crowd as he enters the ring next. Hogan and Soulfire start beating on each other before Jake even makes his way out. The referee calls for the bell anyway.)

Manic: Where the hell is Jake at??

(Jake stumbles out of the entrenceway with a bottle of Jim Beam in his hands. Hogan and Soulfire continue to beat on each other. Soulfire hits some form of a bulldog on Hogan, but Hogan hulks up.)

Manic: Oh yes, only in the BOW can you see someone hulk up TWO times in a show.

Mr. T: And in two matches in a row!!

(Hogan punches away and hits the big boot on Soulfire. Hogan jacks up the crowd by cupping his ear. Hogan goes for the legdrop, but Jake enters the ring and smashes the bottle upside his head. Jake falls over and pins Hogan. 1, 2, 3. Jake retains the title.)

Manic: Jake retains!! Although all three guys are kinda on the negative end of the stick.

Mr. T: Jake is hungover, Hogan got a bottle shot to the head and well, can't forget about the big boot to the head that Soulfire received!!

Manic: Yeah right, like that's gonna do as much damage as a bottle shot.

Mr. T: It's the big boot, fool!!

(Fonzie is seen in the backstage area with Steve Corino. The cameraman stays innuendo, so Fonzie and Corino don't even realize that there's someone watching.)

Fonzie: Steve, I think you wanna reconsider this match? Remember the LAST time you guys wrestled in ECW? He literally ripped you a new A hole!!

Corino: That was then and this...Wait, I hear something...

(Fonzie and Corino see the cameraman.)

Fonzie: What the hell are you looking at daddy!! Get the hell out of here before Corino kicks your ass just like he's gonna kick Tajiri's ass!!

(Fonzie blows his whistle as Corino walks away for the upcoming match.)

Manic: Fonzie seemed a bit worried about Corino stepping into the ring with Tajiri. Wouldn't you say the same thing T??

Mr. T: Worried? He was more than that, he was ready to piss himself Manic. But enough of this jibba jabba.

(Tajiri makes his way through the curtains as William Regal accompanies him down the ring. An undeniable crowd reaction can be heard through the arena as Tajiri steps through the ropes. "Come with Me" plays over the PA system as Bill Alphonso makes his way through the curtains. Steve Corino follows right on through as Fonzie blows his whistle.)

Fonzie: Mr. Old School is gonna teach this gook a thing or two daddy!!

Manic: Can we say gook on the air??

Mr. T: You just did, fool!!

(Corino steps on the apron, as Tajiri charges the ropes. The referee calls for the bell as Corino grabs Tajiri's throat and stuns him on the ropes. Corino enters the ring and starts stomping away.)

Manic: For the sake of Corino, he's gonna want to put the Japanese Buzzsaw away pretty early.

(Corino goes for a punch, but Tajiri ducks and hits a standing sidekick. Corino goes down to a knee, so Tajiri kicks him in the head. Tajiri hits an elbowdrop and pins for a two count. Tajiri picks up Corino and starts kicking at his knees. Corino catches a kick, ducks an enziguri, and applies an anklelock. Corino works on the ankle, but Tajiri spins around and kicks him in the head again.)

Manic: Wicked shot by the Japanese Buzzsaw!!

Mr. T: That had the entire crowd in a frenzy Manic!!

(Tajiri tosses Corino to the outside. Corino grabs Tajiri's leg and pulls him out. Both start brawling on the floor. The referee tries to break it up, but is having difficulty doing so. Corino goes for a suplex on the floor, but Tajiri counters it with a brainbuster.)

Manic: Tajiri with a brainbuster on the floor!! Corino is dead.

(Tajiri gets back in the ring as the referee starts the ten count. Corino's head is cut open as blood starts dripping. Corino enters the ring, only to get kicked again. Tajiri picks up Corino and swings, but Corino ducks and hits a superkick. Corino covers for a two count. Corino goes to the outside and tosses the ring announcer off his chair. Corino gets back in as the referee tries to take the chair away from him. Corino threatens to hit the referee is he doesn't back off.)

Manic: Corino is gonna smash Tajiri's head in!!

(Corino raises the chair up and points to Tajiri. As he is about to chair him in the head, he opts to instead set the chair up and sit on it. Corino applies a headlock as the crowd is either laughing or they're extremely pissed.)

Manic: ...Nice use of the chair by Corino.

(Corino tosses the chair out of the ring and gives Tajiri a northern lights suplex for a two. Corino jerks his head back to clear the blood and hair away from his face. Corino picks up Tajiri and kneelifts him in the head. Tajiri counters the irish whip with a springboard elbow attempt, but Corino catches him and hits a release german suplex. Corino covers for a two count. Corino gets frustrated, so he climbs the ropes.)

Manic: Corino trying to figure out a way to put away Tajiri. He just doesn't seem to know what to do.

(Tajiri gets back up and crotches Corino on the top rope. Corino falls backwards with his knee caught in the turnbuckle. The crowd starts to stir up.)

Mr. T: Tree of Woe!!

(Tajiri runs towards Corino and dropkicks him in the head. Blood flys right into the camera in a sick shot. Tajiri rolls him up for a 2.)

Crowd: Holy shit!! Holy shit!!

(Tajiri picks up Corino. Corino counters a whip towards the corner and charges. Tajiri sidesteps, twists, and locks the Tarantula on. Fonzie runs over and rakes Tajiri in the eyes to break up the hold. Regal runs over to Fonzie and knocks him on his ass. Corino confronts Regal on the outside and trys to fend him off of Fonzie. The referee and Tajiri also go to the outside. Corino turns around and ducks a green mist shot that Tajiri sprayed from his mouth. The mist ends up going in the eyes of the referee and Regal. Corino rolls Tajiri and the referee back in the ring. Corino stands up straight and loses his senses for a brief second because of the lost blood. That gives Tajiri enough time to recover and start a flurry of kicks that sends Corino to the corner. Corino swings blindly, and hits the ref by accident. Tajiri spins around and locks on the octupus hold. Tajiri looks to have this match won until RVD comes out of nowhere. Tajiri breaks the octupus as RVD tosses a chair. By reflex, Tajiri catches the chair only to eat the VanDaminator. RVD exits the ring as Regal wipes his eyes out and gives chase. Tajiri stumbles up, and Corino gives him a drop sleeper. The referee stumbles over and counts. 1, 2, 3. Corino, bleeding all over the place, wins the match.)

Manic: Corino has won the match!!

Mr. T: Won the match?? He SURVIVED the match fool!! It took help from Rob Van Dam, but the job was done and once again that's all that matters. Corino picks up the win, but right now he really doesn't look like much of a winner.

(Ring crew members are seen rushing down to the ring to clean up the mat as the camera cuts to the backstage area. RVD is seen entering Christian's office as Regal follows along.)

Christian: Rob, what are you doing? Your match is next. Hello Regal, ummm...

Regal: Mr. York, I know you saw what just occured in the last match. I DEMAND to know why you did not do a thing about it!!

(Christian thinks for a second.)

Christian: Probably because it wasn't my duty to do a thing about it. You see, there's a referee down the ring for a reason. They are there to enforce the match. You really think I know a thing about the rules? Hell, most of the time I wrestled I found ways to BREAK them, but that's another story.

Regal: This is a travesty. Tajiri should have won this match. This must be a conspiracy and if I have to talk to Mr. Douglas to get things right, that's what I'm going to do.

Christian: William, Lars is a member of the NOK. You HONESTLY think he'll be that much easier to talk to?? No, didn't think so.

(RVD points to himself while Christian and Regal converse.)

Christian: I'll tell you what William. You know what? You're right, Robbie V should be punished!! Afterall, his match is coming up right after they're done cleaning the blood off the mat. Rob...

RVD: Oh, yeah punished or something, yeah?

Christian: Because of your actions in the last match...Bill Alphonso will not be allowed to manage you in your match that's coming up next. No, no he will not be. As a matter of fact, ANY outside interference at all will result in huge fines, on both parties. But you see that's not all...Because I know how much of a mat technician you are, things are going to get interesting. Your match against EX is going to be a NO disqualification matchup for the Cruiserweight title!!

RVD: No DQ?? Oh no, THAT'S not good.

Regal: What in the bloody hell is that supposed to do Mr. York?? Is Rob Van Dam even a damn cruiserweight??

Christian: According to the new SOP, yes he is.

(Christian takes out a pamplet.)

Christian: Section 208, slash 42. The new cruiserweight limit is 245 pounds instead of the previous 225. Right here, signed and dotted on July 24, 2001. New limit in the BOW. Sorry Rob, I know how much you must hate me now.

RVD: Christian, look who you're looking at. I mean come on. If I wasn't me, I'd wanna be me. You're lookin at your new "cruiserweight" champion. Would you like some tea William? It's made of my favorate barley you know.

(Regal looks pissed as RVD makes his way out for the next match. EX is in the ring as the ring announcer has just informed him that it was going to be no DQ. Also, he was informed that there can be no interference. EX of course goes ballistic, but shrugs it off and focuses on the challenge at hand. RVD makes his way down to the ring as the crowd stirs into a frenzy. The bell rings as the match is underway.)

Manic: Christian flexes some of his power as RVD has the advantage before the match even gets underway.

Mr. T: Manic, quit with all that jibba jabba. Christian did this as a way of punishing RVD for his interference in the Tajiri match. Besides, EX has the advantage in this. Afterall, RVD is the mat specialist while EX is the spot machine.

Manic: You're kidding, right?

(Flippy floppy to start, and RVD stops to pose, allowing EX a shot from behind. Dropkick gets two. Weird rollup gets two. RVD gets a standing moonsault for two. Rolling senton splash gets two. Rob goes up and gets tossed to the railing by EX, however. EX springboards off the top rope, but slips and crashes to the floor.)

Crowd: You fucked up!! You fucked up!!

Manic: EX botched a springboard plancha right there.

Mr. T: That's why they call moves like that "high risk".

(RVD hangs EX out to dry with a suplex on the guardrail. RVD goes on the apron and nails EX with a twisting legdrop. RVD covers for a two count. EX and RVD exchange irish whip counters with RVD going backfirst into the ringmat. EX charges. RVD hoists EX up, but EX springs back down from the ropes and lays out RVD with a DDT. EX rolls RVD back in and gets a two count. Fistdrop gets two. EX gets a T-Bone for two and does some boot-raking. Into an STF and he works the knee with a bridging deathlock. Backdrop suplex gets two. Slugfest and EX gets a rollup for two, reversed to a powerbomb, reversed to a DDT for two. EX wraps him in the corner and dropkicks him. EX goes for a pumpsplash but RVD gets the knees up. RVD sets up EX in the corner and hits a split legged moonsault, that gets two. RVD hits a funky kick combo, then goes outside the ring. RVD slides a table in the ring as the fans get into another frenzy.)

Manic: Crowd wants tables and they're getting some!!

(EX gets back up and hits a jump swinging DDT that gets a two count. EX goes outside the ring himself and sets up a 20 foot ladder on the outside of the ring. EX climbs up the ladder, but RVD goes on the otherside and starts climbing himself. Both guys are fightning at the top of the ladder as it shakes back and fourth. RVD punches EX in the midsection, sets him up, and hits a superplex off the top of the ladder into the ring, crashing through the table in the process.)

Crowd: Holy shit!! Holy shit!! Holy shit!!

Manic: Oh my GOD, did you see the impact??

Mr. T: That had to of been the biggest superplex in the history of wrestling.

(RVD crawls on top of EX, and gets a two count. RVD slowly gets back up, and grabs a chair. RVD tosses the chair at EX as he slowly gets up. EX catches and RVD goes for the Vandaminator. EX ducks and drops the chair. EX jumps over an attempted foot sweep and hits a fameasser on the chair. EX goes to the top rope and goes for a sky twisting moonsault, but misses. RVD gets back up. RVD goes over, jumps onto the top rope, and hits the 5 star frogsplash. RVD covers. 1, 2, 3. RVD wins the cruiserweight title.)

Manic: RVD wins!! EX gave it his all, but in the end RVD came out the winner in a BRUTAL match.

Mr. T: I'll give it up to EX. I pity da foo who doesn't respect EX after kicking out of that 20 foot superplex!!

(An August Pay Per View promo is shown. Christian is in the backstage area talking with Lars.)

Lars: You see, this is why "I" should be handling the pay per views. A tag team title match with SIX teams are you a goddamn moron??

Christian: Yeah, I had a brainfart and stuff. Shut up. Anyway, we gotta talk about...

(The camera cuts back to the ring as the teams make their way down.)

Manic: And then we have this match. Should be interesting to see. The Franchise Players have had quite a reign, and if they wanna retain the titles they're gonna have to come up with something.

Mr. T: No doubt, there are FIVE other teams that want tag team gold here in the BOW.

(The Franchise Players, The Dudley Boyz, X-Pac/ Lightning, Ozz McKean/ Tarantula, Hells Henchman, and Josh/ Lance Storm all stand in the ring. The referee has not a clue about how this match will work. He talks over with the ring announcer to see if anything is coming in from the back. The ring announcer nods his head as the referee gets back into the ring.)

Nita: Ladies and gentleman, coming in from the backstage area. Christian York and Lars Douglas have agreed on the stipulation. The following matchup, will be an elimination BATTLE ROYAL for the BOW Tag Team Titles. The winners of the matchup will be the team that has at least ONE member left in the ring when everyone else is eliminated.

(The bell rings as all hell breaks loose.)

Manic: Didn't we just do this last Thursday??

Mr. T: Shut up foo!! This is mayhem at it's best. There's no need for jibba jabba.

(The Franchise Players get jumped by the other tag teams. D-Von and Bubba Ray clothesline Xnakstarr and Ryzing from behind. Tarantula counters an irish whip from Lightning and spears him. X-Pac tries to save Lightning, but gets an elbow to the head in return. Tarantula tosses X-Pac over the top rope.)

Manic: X-Pac is gone!!

(Josh and Lance Storm both try clotheslining Douglas and Credible over the top, but instead BOTH of them get backdropped over. The Storm team is eliminated. Douglas rushes over to Bubba Ray as Credible works on D-Von. Tarantula and McKean both work over on Lightning. Bossman comes out from the entrenceway.)

Manic: What the hell is Bossman doing out here??

(Tarantula and McKean clothesline Lightning out of the match. Bossman gets on the apron, grabs McKean, and pulls him over the top and onto the floor.)

Manic: What!? This crap isn't right Mr. T!! Bossman just screwed McKean!!

Mr. T: What?? No he didn't foo, Tarantula is still...well, that foo WAS in the battle royal.

(Tarantula dives over the top and crashes into the Bossman. Tarantula beats on Bossman as referees rush down to break up the madness. Douglas hits the Franchiser on Ryzing. Wassup drop from the Dudleys onto Credible. Douglas comes over and beats on Xnakstarr, but as he turns around eats a 3D. Xnakstarr charges D-Von, and gets backdropped over the top rope. Ryzing eats a full nelson bomb from Bubba as he's tossed over the top rope also. Credible charges D-Von and clotheslines him over the top rope. Credible was sent over the top rope also in the process, as it's down to Douglas and Bubba. Douglas stumbles back up as Bubba presses him over his head. Douglas slips out though and goes for a toss. Bubba telegraphs the move, as Douglas goes flying over the top rope from his own momentum. The Dudley Boyz win the titles as Bubba was the sole survivor.)

Manic: Dudleys won!! The Dudleys have captured the BOW World Tag Team Titles!!

Mr. T: I think it was more by default Manic. They seemed like the only team that even GAVE a damn about the thing. But yes, they are indeed the new champions in the tag team division.

(Enforcer and Triple H watch on in the back as they get an extremely pissed look on their faces.)

Enforcer: Triple this match...not just for yourself, not just for the fans in attendence. Win this, for the NOK.

HHH: You're damn right.

(Hacksaw makes his way out for the next match as the crowd rises to their feet. Hacksaw enters the ring and paces back and fourth as Triple H makes his way out. Triple H takes his bottle of water and sprays it in the air. Triple H enters the ring as the staredown from himself and Hacksaw ensue.)

Manic: Hacksaw was the man who costed Triple H the Bloody Title. You can damn well believe that he's lookin for payback here tonight.

(The bell rings as both men swing away at each other. Wristlock sequence to start, and Hacksaw gets a hiptoss. HHH bails. Back in, HHH pounds him down in the corner, but Hacksaw backdrops him and goes back to the arm. Three suplexes get two. Brawl outside, which HHH gets the best of. Backin, HHH drop toeholds Hacksaw into a Indian deathlock. . HHH gets a legwhip, but Hacksaw gives him an clothesline on a second try and gets two. HHH goes back to the knee. HHH bails, but an attempt to post Hacksaw from the outside backfires. Brawl outside, HHH meets the stairs. Back in, Hacksaw misses a blind charge and gets posted, and HHH adds a chairshot to the knee for good measure. He drops Hacksaw kneefirst on the stairs, then back for a clip. He pounds the knee. HHH goes into a weird deathlock variation, and Hacksaw fights out, but walks into a facebuster. HHH slaps a figure-four on him and uses the ropes.)

Manic: Come on ref, Triple H is using the ropes damnit!!

(HHH breaks it up and goes for a slam. Hacksaw counters and gets a small package for two. He shoves HHH to the post on another figure-four attempt, and they slug it out. DDT gets two. Atomic drop & german suplex get two. Russian legsweep sets up a trip to the top, which HHH prevents via a Razor’s Edge for two. Pedigree attempt is blocked with a slingshot, which is in turn blocked by HHH, which in turn accidentally countered by Hacksaw with a lowblow. Top rope splash gets two for Hacksaw. Hacksaw goes for HHH's legs, but HHH holds onto the ropes. Hacksaw picks up HHH and slams him, then goes for another splash off the top. Hacksaw misses. HHH gets back up and kicks Hacksaw in the midsection. Pedigree attempt is good. HHH pins. 1, 2, 3. HHH wins the match.)

Manic: Hacksaw gave it a good fight, but in the end Triple H came away the victor.

(Another promo is shown for the August Pay Per View. After it's done, a brief history is shown of how this match came about. Shotgun's injury is shown, which leads to the battle royal that took place on Massacre. In the end, Cain Hunt and Recoil came out the victors who earned the right at the main event here tonight.)

Manic: Now it has come down to this. Lets get to the ring.

(Cain Hunt makes his way down to the ring as the crowd starts to stir in anticipation.)

Manic: As everyone knows, Cain is a former world heavyweight champion. He has the chance to regain past glory as he goes for the vacant BOW World Heavyweight Title. Standing in his way, is Recoil.

Mr. T: Cain better realize. Recoil is hungry, EXTREMELY hungry. He wants the title, bad. Very, very bad. He's had many chances, but now is the time to get it done. Whichever way it goes, we are in for one hell of a fight Manic.

(Recoil enters second as the pop he receives from the crowd is truely something to behold. Recoil slides into the ring as the referee checks them both out. The referee calls for the bell as the match gets underway. Recoil hits a clothesline and follows with an elbow. Cain neckbreaker sets up the piledriver, which is blocked. Recoil goes for a stunner, which is countered and they head outside. Into the crowd and back to ringside, where Recoil gets a short-arm clothesline. Into the ring, Recoil hits the rope straddle for two. Superplex gets two. Cain fights back with a flying lariat and a back suplex for two. Brawl to ringside, where Recoil nails him with the bell.)

Manic: The referee being VERY leniant in this match.

Mr. T: Would you expect otherwise? He wants a clear decisive winner just like the rest of us do!!

(Cain starts bleeding, as Recoil methodically pounds him. Recoil stomps the hell out of him in the corner. Cain blasts out with a lariat then rams him into the turnbuckle. Cain nails him with the bell for good measure, as Recoil starts bleeding also. Cain pounds him, and works on the neck. Back outside, Recoil drops Cain on the barricade. Recoil drags Cain and suplexes him on the ramp, twice. Over to the announce table, where Cain gets a monitor to the head. Recoil throws some chairs in the ring, and Cain flees the scene. Recoil chases him down and continues pounding him. Back in, Recoil uses a chair and beats the hell out of Cain with it. It gets two. Recoil grabs the bell, but Cain flees again. Cain grabs a chair and tattoos Recoil with it. Stairs to the head follows. Cain manages to regroup, and hits the piledriver, which gets two.)

Manic: Recoil kicked out of the Rifle!!!

(Cain sets him up and goes for another one. Recoil counters and slingshots him into the corner. Recoil rides the turnbuckle and its the stunner. Recoil covers and gets a two count.)

Manic: Point Blank on Cain only gets a two!!!

(Recoil slaps a sleeper hold, which Cain reverses with a jawbreaker. Recoil stumbles over as Cain goes for a powerbomb, but Recoil slips out of it. Recoil rides the turnbuckle one more time, and hits the stunner. Recoil covers. 1, 2, 3. Recoil is the new world heavyweight champion.)

Nita: The winner of this match, and NEW BOW World Heavyweight Champion, RECOIL!!!

Manic: Recoil has done it!! Recoil has done it!! After weeks upon weeks of frustration, Recoil has emerged as the NEW BOW World Heavyweight Champion!! Fans, not to cut back from what is going on but we are out of time for tonight. Tune in on Thursday as BOW presents Massacre!!

(A promo for the August Pay Per View is shown one more time as the video feed cuts off. End of show.)

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