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D-Day Results

***The Pay Per View advertisements stop playing as the copyrights for BOW's D-Day is shown on screen. Clips shown leading up to the show are being led by "Alive" by Pearl Jam. A graphic is shown with Enforcer vs Josh Storm in the 60 minute Iron Man match for the World Heavyweight Title. A few more clips are shown before the camera cuts to a live shot of the Saint Matthews Arena as BOW's D-Day is on the air. The fans raise to their feet as fireworks go off and the camera cuts to a shot of Manic.***

Manic: Fans, tonight is one of the biggest nights in the new era of Bloody Online Wrestling. This show will make or break what goes on here as it IS truely BOW's D-Day. Because of personal problems, Chico will not be able to make it tonight. Here's replacing him is someone that we haven't seen in a long time. Robert Levy, also known as Bob the Interviewer!!

Bob: Hey Manic, yeah it has been a while. Christian called me up and asked if I was available. So I decided what the hell, ya know?

Manic: Great to see you here filling in. Later on tonight, we will have an explosion between the two biggest factions here in the BOW as DX goes against the Triple Threat.

Bob: Yes that should be interesting to see as the Triple Threat has really risen to become the next best thing here in the BOW. Led by Bloody Champion, Josh Storm, it has what it takes.

Manic: Yes but like we said, it's still the number 2 faction. Of course the number 1 faction is still DX led by the tag team champions the Degenerates, and of course the World Heavyweight champion, Enforcer. That can all change here tonight.

("I Run This" by Less Than Likely is played over the PA system as EX makes his way out for the first match. EX looks towards the crowd with arrogance as he enters the ring. EX runs the ropes as "My Words are Weaponz" by D-12 is being played. Recoil makes his way out and runs down the ring as this match is underway. The referee calls for the bell.)

Manic: Recoil looks like he wants to win here guys, he charged down the ring!!!

(Recoil jabs EX in the head and gives him a clothesline. Recoil goes for another right hand but EX rolls out of the ring and puts his hands up begging for a timeout.)

Bob: He's not gonna get THAT from the referee. He better get in the ring before he gets counted out.

Manic: EX knows what he's doing. He's gonna take all the time he needs until the ref gets to 9. This is a good idea slowing down Recoil's pace.

(Recoil has had enough as he jumps out of the ring and chases EX around. EX enters the ring and as Recoil goes in to get him, EX stomps on his back. EX bodyslams him for a 2 count. EX goes for a leg, but Recoil kicks him off and EX hits the turnbuckle. Recoil rolls up EX for a 2 count.)

Manic: Recoil almost won it there!!

(Recoil picks up EX and hits an atomic drop. Recoil follows up off the ropes with a bulldog. Recoil starts to go up top for a high risk move.)

Manic: High risk move coming up from Recoil.

Bob: He better hurry because EX is getting back up.

(EX trips the legs from under Recoil and Recoil gets crotched on the top turnbuckle. EX sets up Recoil and hits a superplex. EX pins for a 2 count. EX kicks Recoil in the midsection and DDT's him for another 2 count. EX goes off the ropes and drops an elbow before hitting the chinlock.)

Manic: EX once again going back to slowing down the pace of this match.

Bob: Yeah, it's worked soo far because everytime Recoil has built momentum, the match has swung into his favor.

(Recoil gets to his feet and elbows out of the chinlock. Recoil goes off the ropes and EX hits a flying knee to the face.)

Manic: Knee by EX drilled Recoil!!

Bob: That could do it right there.

(EX swings his arms saying that he's going to end the match. EX props Recoil on the turnbuckles.)

Manic: EX looks like he's going for another superplex here.

(Recoil blocks the superplex attempt with a punch. EX gouges Recoil's eyes and sets him up again. EX lifts him up, but in mid-motion Recoil turns the move into a DDT.)

Manic: Recoil with a DDT off the top!!

Bob: My god!!

(Recoil quickly covers EX as the referee counts. 1, 2, 3. Recoil wins the match.)

Nita: The winner of this match by pinfall, Recoil!!!

(The referee raises up Recoils arm as the camera cuts to a shot of EX who is still on the ground after the DDT from the top rope.)

Manic: Recoil wins a big match here in his Pay Per View debut. Come to think of it, this is Recoil's first win here in BOW!!

(A replay of the DDT is shown.)

Bob: Yes it is and look at this. Off the top, wham!!! Countered to a DDT and Recoil picks up the win.

(The camera cuts back to Bob and Manic at the announce table.)

Manic: Good way to open up the Pay Per View here tonight. Coming up later on as we said was the DX vs Triple Threat war, but of course that big war is going to be topped with Enforcer defending his World Heavyweight Title against Josh Storm with Christian York as the special referee. Lets go back and see how this went down last Thursday.

(Shots are shown of Thursday Night Massacre's main event match between Shane Douglas and Enforcer. The Triple Threat and DX brawl with led to Christian coming out and saying this before the show went off the air.)

Christian: Just so everything will be down the middle, here's what I plan to do. I already said it, Enforcer and Storm, neither of you like me and I feel the same. So in that case there's no bias. This will be down the middle in the 60 minute iron man match cause I...will BE...the SPECIAL REFEREE!! Have a good time boys...and oh yeah, my time here is done, thank you very much.

(The show cuts back to the arena.)

Manic: So there ya go, 60 minute Iron Man match for the title will have Chris York as the special referee. And this is a really odd turn of events.

Bob: Yeah I mean, Josh Storm tried to cripple York who already has notoriously bad legs. And Enforcer...Those two have had some history too as Enforcer SQUASHED York in a match he had no clue about.

Manic: But the fact remains that Enforcer holds a big win against Christian. Christian later would then go on to beat Enforcer but it was all by screwy means.

Bob: Yeah, I dunno a whole lot about that situation but it didn't end the conflicts between those two either.

(Raizin Hell waits on in the ring as "Unskinny Bop" by Poison plays over the speakers. The Happy Go Luckies make thier way out as the crowd is mixed in reactions. Mostly cheers.)

Bob: Yes, these two are a riot.

Manic: Raizin Hell and Happy Go Luckies had a match last Thursday but it seems as if their problems weren't solved at the show.

Bob: What was there left to do? Happy Go Luckies tore them a new one, heheh.

Manic: Yeah quite literally.

(Before Ace and Gary can get into the ring, Justin Lawless and Lightning rush down to the ring with chairs and drill them in the head.)

Bob: What the hell is this?

(Vault and Dirtbag Dogg are laughing inside the ring as this appeared to be a big setup by DX and Raizin Hell. Lawless and Lightning get into the ring and shake hands with Raizin Hell. As Dirtbag and Vault turn around, DX attacks THEM too!!)

Manic: ...Umm, e, yeah.

(Lightning tosses a chair at Dirtbag and SUPERKICKS the chair into his face.)

Manic: Lightning Strike on Dirtbag!!

Bob: A Lightninator, so to speak.

(Lawless props Vault on the ring steps. Lawless jumps up, and gives Vault a jumping tornado DDT to the floor.)

Manic: Lawbreaker to the floor from the ringsteps!! What the hell is going on here??

Bob: I dunno but the referee has tossed out this match with a no decision because well, neither team is going to be able to compete. I mean, LOOK at this.

(Lawless and Lightning grab a mic.)

Lawless: Just two more victims of the destruction that DX is laying down in the BOW. Douglas, Diamond, let this show you what happens to teams that mess with us. They get their ass kicked, bottom line!!

Lightning: And if you're not down with that, we got two words for ya!!

(Lawless and Lightning point the microphones into the crowd.)

Crowd: SUCK IT!!!

(Lawless and Lightning leave as Raizin Hell and the Happy Go Luckies are being carried off to the back by referees. The camera cuts back to Christian who is talking to someone in the backround.)

Christian: Yeah, just make sure to do so okay? I gotta run, don't do anything stupid.

(The unknown man nods his head.)

Christian: Okay, good.

(Christian leaves the room as the camera cuts to the Triple Threat who is standing by with Rob.)

Rob: Douglas...

Douglas: First off all dumbass, it's the Franchise to you!!

Rob: Franchise, Simon, and Josh Storm. The three of you have a task on hand. Franchise and Simon, you two have the task of going for the world tag team titles. The Degenerates have held the tag titles since April the 12th.

Simon: Rob, Simon has a problem. The problem is that idiot interviewers like you seem to be the most IGNORANT type of people in the business today. You know why the Degenerates have held the belts for that long?? It was by default, NOT because they're a good tag team. Of course those guys have held the belts for soo long, the only other teams here are Raizin Hell and the Happy Go Luckies. When teams like that are the only competition, well...

Douglas: Rob, the fact of the matter is that the Degenerates haven't faced a Blue Chipper in the name of Simon, and they certainly haven't faced the Franchise. Not that we have to worry about that anyway, because when...Note I said WHEN, not IF. WHEN we win both of our singles matches here tonight, we won't even HAVE to worry about facing those two in a tag team match. Put it this way....Simon has won both of his singles matches, and Lawless has LOST both of his. The facts are there. The fact is that NEITHER of those guys are good without each other, and that weakness will be put tenfold here tonight. And Lightning? Prepare to get your ass FRANCHISED at the hands of the Franchise Shane Douglas.

Rob: Josh Storm, you tonight will have a shot of a lifetime. On Pay Per View, 60 minute Iron Man match, against the top dog here in the BOW, Enforcer.

Storm: Top dog Rob? WHO the hell do YOU think you are?? First off, just because he's got the title now doesn't mean he's the top guy. The casual fan out there is under the impression that just because a crap wrestler is the paper champion, he's the top guy. If you haven't noticed, I've been putting on top match, after top damn match while this Kevin Nash wannabe is AAHHHHHHHHHH Powerbomb!! Wow, big freakin deal. It's all about making an impact Rob. When Enforcer won the world title, the BOW started going down the drain. When DX was on top, nobody gave a damn. Well guess what. Just as Josh Storm is getting the shot he so deserves...Just as the Triple Threat is making a presence here in the BOW...People are starting to notice, business is back up, and so is the interest in this flailing organization. Enforcer, your time is up here in the BOW, and it's time to fall to the BETTER wrestler. I've beaten you before, and I can do it again. Rob, don't do anything Josh Storm wouldn't do. This interview is finished, now get the hell out of here.

(Enforcer is in his private dressing room with Amber.)

Amber: Enforcer, later on tonight you face one of your toughest challenges to date. Tonight you defend your BOW World Heavyweight Title against Josh Storm in a 60 minute Iron Man match.

(Enforcer looks up towards Amber.)

Enforcer: ....Josh Storm, the current Bloody Champion. He has everything to gain and nothing to lose. If he were the man he said he is, he TOO would put his title on the line. But apparently not, because he knows there's no chance in hell I'm gonna lose this belt. MY belt, the BOW World Heavyweight Title. Brimstone knew he couldn't shake a stick at me, and he's gone. Josh Storm, tonight you face the wrath that Brimstone felt.

Amber: Also..

Enforcer: Also...Storm, you feel the need to talk about my abilities in the ring. Make no mistake, I'm not Chris Benoit my any means. I'm not even of your ablilities. But I can do my fare share as far as technical abilities are concerned. And besides, I make up for what I don't have with this. I know how to kick ASS in the ring. Storm, this isn't collegiate wrestling, this is BLOODY ONLINE WRESTLING. Tonight, you are going to bleed all over the place. Tonight, your ass just like what happened to Brimstone is going to get RETIRED.

(Justin Lawless is making his way through the backstage area with his KFC Hardcore Title. Simon Diamond rushes up from behind him and clotheslines him. A referee is on hand and apparently this hardcore match is underway.)

Manic: What the hell? Lawless hasn't even made his way out yet and already the match is underway!!

Bob: Diamond doesn't want to wait to get to the ring!! Not like being in the ring would have lasted long anyway.

(Simon slams Lawless into a table filled with drinks as the drinks go flying all over the place. Simon slips on the drinks and Lawless piles on top of him for a 1 count. Lawless punches Simon and hits a clothesline. Lawless and Simon drag each other all around the place. Lawless makes a mop out of a mop bucket and breaks the handle over Simon's back. Simon yells in pain.)

Manic: Lawless is mopping up the place with Simon!!

(Simon takes the mop bucket and dumps the hot water over Lawless' head. Lawless is going nuts as Simon takes a chair and smacks the bucket that's on top of Lawless' head. Lawless goes down and Simon pins for a 2 count.)

Manic: Simon almost pulled out the win!!

(Simon moves over to a wooden pillar and sets up Lawless for a Simonizer.)

Manic: Simon is going to finish him off guys!!

(Simon lifts Lawless in the fireman's carry, spins it into the reverse DDT setup, and as he's about to drop him onto the pillar Lightning comes out of nowhere and superkicks Simon in the jaw. Simon goes flying and falls onto a table that doesn't break.)

Bob: Lightning Stike, oh my god!!

(Lawless dives with a splash that breaks the table and the referee counts. 1, 2, 3. Lawless retains the title. A replay is shown of the superkick then the splash.)

Bob: Simon almost had the match won, but Lightning came out of nowhere and hit the Lightning Strike superkick which in the end SPELLED the end to Simon.

(Deep Purple's "Perfect Stangers" plays over the PA system as the crowd rises up to their feet. Shane Douglas makes his way out with a microphone in hand as he enters the ring.)

Douglas: What just happened in the back was a bunch of CRAP. Simon was about to finish off Lawless, then out of NOWHERE Lightning had to save his buttfuck buddy. That's not how the Triple Threat does things, we don't NEED to do that kind of thing. Lightning, if you have the GUTS to face the Franchise one on one without any damn interference, BRING it right now. Oh yeah, and prepare to get your ass FRANCHISED, ha ha ha ha ha.

("Degenerate This" by LHL plays over the PA system as Lightning makes his way out. Lightning stands at the entrence way with a smile on his face.)

Lightning: CUT the fucking music!!!

(The music stops playing as the crowd laughs at the Douglas impersonation.)

Lightning: You wanna go one on one with Lightning? Douglas, it's all about getting the job done. Simon had a problem, and that was that he got his ass KICKED, DX style!! Douglas, you sure as hell aren't the Franchise, and to add to that...Well, you just plain SUCK ass in the ring. One on one? You got it!!

(Lightning charges the ring and swings with right hands that barrel Douglas into the corner. The referee calls for the bell as this match is underway. A referee is shown placing ladders at the entrence way.)

Manic: Just in case this match ends with Lightning as the victor, the final match in the 2 out of 3 will immediately happen. Right now though, Lightning is kicking Douglas a new one!!

Bob: He sure the hell is Manic.

(Lightning hits a standing dropkick in the corner and Douglas folds up like an accordian. Lightning covers for a 2. Lightning picks up Douglas and tosses him to the other side. Douglas sunset flips as Lightning charges and gets a 2 count. Douglas picks up Lightning and bodyslams him before wrenching in an armbar.)

Manic: Douglas slowing down the pace of this match.

Bob: Yeah that's something he wants to do against the faster Lightning.

(Douglas forearms the back of Lightning and gives him 2 rolling suplexes, finishing it off with a delayed vertical suplex. Douglas pins for a 2. Douglas picks up Lightning and backbreakers him before going up top. Douglas goes for a double ax handle but Lightning dropkicks Douglas on the way down.)

Bob: Lightning drilled Douglas as he was going for the double ax handle!!

(The referee counts as both guys are down. Douglas gets back up at 9 and goes towards Lightning with his arms up. Lightning punches Douglas in the chest. Another punch by Lightning. Lightning whips Douglas off the ropes and hits with a back bodydrop. Lightning hits another backdrop. Lightning whips Douglas off the ropes and hits a powerslam for a 2 count.)

Manic: Lightning is on fire here!! He smells blood Bob!!

Bob: No doubt, Lightning is going for the kill!

(Lightning signals for the superkick as he warms up the band. Douglas gets up and Lightning goes for the kill. Douglas catches the kick and swings him around. Douglas goes for a clothesline but Lightning ducks. Lightning goes for the superkick again but Douglas ducks and it hits the referee.)

Manic: Lightning Strike on the referee!!

(Simon Diamond rushes down to the ring and tosses a chain into the ring that Lightning and Douglas fight for. Justin Lawless runs down the ring as he and Simon brawl on the outside. Lightning gets the chain, but as he goes to put it on Douglas low blows him and nails the Franchiser. Douglas covers as the referee gets back to his senses. The referee counts. 1, 2, 3. Douglas wins the match. Douglas grabs the microphone.)

Douglas: Oh Lightning, I LIED!!! Referee, start the damn tag match.

Manic: What in the?? Lightning is out and Simon and Lawless are fightning on the outside. This ladder match is underway!!

(Douglas rushes to the outside and drills Lawless from the back. Douglas and Simon pound on Lawless.)

Manic: Douglas and Simon are beating down Lawless!! Lightning is crawling back to his feet now.

(Lightning makes his way back up. Simon and Douglas are posing on the outside. Lightning goes on the top turnbuckle and dives off with a cross bodyblock. All three guys tumble onto the floor.)

Manic: Lightning risked his body to take out the Triple Threat!!

(Lawless and Lightning grab opposite sides of a ladder and rush it towards Douglas and Simon. The ladder takes out Douglas but Simon blocks. Simon on the opposite side dropkicks the ladder and it smacks Lightning and Lawless in the face.)

Manic: Lightning and Lawless drilled Douglas, but Simon drills them in return.

Bob: Nice telegraph move right there.

(Simon picks up the ladder and moves it into the ring. Simon sets up the ladder and climbs it. Lawless runs into the ring and powerbombs Simon off of it. Lawless goes up but Douglas powerbombs him. Douglas goes up but Lightning runs in and powerbombs HIM.)

Manic: Triple powerbombs!!

Bob: Heh at this rate we'll know how to master the move.

(Lightning goes to the outside and grabs a chair. Lightning goes to hit Douglas, but Douglas kicks Lightning in the midsection and drops him with a DDT on the chair. Lawless gets back up and works on Simon. Lawless gives Simon a kneelift and drills Douglas in the back with a double ax handle. Lawless and Lightning toss Douglas over the top rope.)

Manic: Douglas goes crashing to the outside.

(Lawless whips Simon into the corner and gets on all fours. Lightning hits Poetry in Motion. Simon staggers out and Lightning nails a superkick.)

Manic: Lightning Strike on Simon!!

(A replay is shown of Poetry in Motion then the superkick.)

Bob: Look at this doubleteam, then WHAM...Lightning Strike on Simon drops him to the ground.

(Lightning and Lawless both climb opposite sides of the ladder going for the titles. Douglas gets back into the ring and shoves the ladder from under their feet. Lightning and Lawless get crotched on the top rope to a bunch of groans to the crowd.)

Manic: Lightning and Lawless go crashing into the top rope!!

Bob: Good thing for the Triple Threat because they were about to retain the titles.

(Douglas grabs Lawless and snap suplexes him onto the ladder. Simon is finally regaining his senses as he goes over and clotheslines Lightning. Douglas grabs the ladder and sets it back up. Simon gives Lawless a Cactus clothesline as both of them fly over the top rope. Douglas goes up for the belts, but Lawless puts him on his shoulders and turns it into an Electric Chair drop.)

Manic: Electric Chair drop off the ladder!! Oh my GOD!!

(A replay is shown of the Electric Chair drop off the ladder.)

Bob: Nothing more to say than that Manic. Douglas went FLYING off the ladder.

(Lawless drills Simon on the outside with a chairshot. Lawless grabs a TALL ladder and places it into the ring. Lawless gets into the ring as Lightning tosses Douglas to the outside. Lawless sets up the TALL ladder on the opposite side of the ring near where the announce table is. Douglas gets back to his feet, but Lawless takes a ringside monitor and smashes it onto his head. Lawless pounds on Douglas enough to get him layin on the table. Lawless dashes back into the ring and climbs the ladder. Simon and Lightning are still fightning on the opposite side. Lawless climbs up top.)

Manic: Oh my god, no no hell no.

(Lawless dives off the TALL ladder and drills Douglas with a legdrop. Papers and monitors go flying all over the place as the table crashes to the floor with Douglas and Lawless on top of everything. The crowd is going apeshit.)

Manic: OH MY GOD!!! Lawless flew about 20 feet onto Douglas!!!

(Replays from multiple angles are shown of the legdrop.)

Manic: Lawless is willing to risk his body and soul for the BOW Tag Team Titles, LOOK at this.

Bob: No doubt, that had to of been 20 to 25 feet!! Douglas was flattened, but honestly I dunno who took the most damage. Both guys are layin there motionless.

(Lawless and Douglas are still down on the ground as Simon and Lightning fight inside the ring. Simon hits the Simonizer.)

Manic: Simonizer!! This is the opening that the Triple Threat drastically need!!

(Simon sets the ladder back up. Simon climbs rung by rung getting closer every second. The crowd is on their feet.)

Bob: Simon is going to get it Manic, he's right there!!

(Simon is on the top as he grabs onto the titles. Simon tries to get them loose, but he's soo winded that he can't keep his arms up that long. Lightning gets back up, and in desperation superkicks the ladder from under Simon's feet. The ladder crashes down, but Simon is hanging on the belts.)

Manic: Simon still going for them!!

Bob: But he's in a precarious position Manic. He's almost HELPLESS up there!! Wait a minute, that's Justin Lawless!!

(Lawless is on the TALL ladder once again. Lawless dives towards Simon, grabs him, and drops him with a spinning DDT. The crowd once again goes nuts.)

Manic: HOLY SH...Lawless challenges death once again with a LAWBREAKER off the ladder from 15 feet!!

(Replay is shown off the leap off the ladder into the Lawbreaker.)

Bob: I dunno where he gets it Manic, but Lawless once again wows the crowd with a death defying move.

(Lightning grabs the ladder and starts to climb but then the lights go out.)

Manic: NOW what?

(A scream is let off before "You Could be Mine" plays over the PA system. A spotlight shines the entrance as Cain Hunt makes his way out on a Harley Davidson. The crowd goes nuts.)

Manic: It's CAIN HUNT!! Oh my GOD, what in the hell is going on here??

(Cain gets off his Harley and leaves it at the entrence way as he casually strolls down the eisle. Lightning is the only guy still standing as he looks with confusion. Lightning quickly regains the task at hand by going up the ladder before Cain can do anything. Lightning is on top of the ladder, but Cain quickly dashes up the opposite side. Cain drills Lightning in the midsection, sticks his head in between his legs, and piledrives him off the ladder onto the mat. The crowd once again is going insane. Cain recovers himself and makes his way out of the ring. Cain strolls up to his bike, and rolls on out.)

Manic: I'm speechless Bob, I dunno WHAT to say after that one. Lightning is dead.

(Douglas is back in the ring.)

Bob: It's DOUGLAS!! How he can get back after he got pummeled on the table I have no clue.

(Douglas sets up the ladder and makes his climb up. Douglas is half way up and the crowd is getting restless.)

Manic: Douglas is close to pulling off the huge win Bob!!

(Douglas is on top as he goes to grab the belts. Douglas works for it, some more, some more. The belts unloosen. Douglas grabs the belts and the Triple Threat win. The crowd raises their arms as Douglas raises the belts in the air. Nita grabs the microphone.)

Nita: The winners of this match, and NEEEEEEEEEEWWWWW Bloody Online Wrestling Tag Team Champions, THE TRIPLE THREAT!!!

(The camera cuts to a shot of Lightning and Lawless who are recovering to their feet as Douglas and Simon make their way to the back. Multiple replays are shown of what went down in this match.)

Manic: So there ya have it, the Triple Threat in what will go down as a classic wins the BOW World Tag Team championship titles. This has to go down as an upset as the Degenerates have been nothing less than DOMINANT for over a month.

Bob: The big story in this match though, will be Cain Hunt's involvement. Why did he do it?? What was his intentions?? All we know is that Cain is back in the BOW and he returned in a HUGE way by being a factor in why the Degenerates are no longer the tag champions.

(The camera cuts away as the ring crew cleans up the ring from the damage that was done during the ladder match. Clips are shown of what went down earlier. As we get back, Nita waits in the ring as the World Title match is ready to begin.)

Nita: The following matchup, is the SIXTY MINUTE IRON MAN MATCH, for the BOW World Heavyweight Title!!!

("Guerilla Radio" by Rage hits the speakers as President York makes his way down the ramp. York steps into the ring and is sure to point out the stripes in his shirt, yes he is the referee. Christian points to Bob and nods his head.)

Manic: Christian makes his way down the ring as the world title iron man match is about to begin.

("Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve plays. Josh Storm with the Bloody Title, accompanied by his lovely manager Vixen walk down the ramp. The fans meet Storm with a chorus of boos which he ignores, he steps into the ring and gets right in York's face.)

Manic: Storm is already getting in the face of York as this should be interesting to say the least.

(Storm starts to pose in the ring when suddenly "My Time Is Now" by Less Than Likely hits. Enforcer wearing the BOW title around his waist walks down the ramp with his sexy wife Shannon, Storm watches as the fans cheer Enforcer one, Shannon takes the belt off Enforcer and hands it to York. York hands it to the time keeper. Enforcer gives Shannon a little good luck kiss. York signals for the bell to ring, and we are off.)

Manic: Here we go, the 60 minute Iron Man match is underway!!

(A little clock on the bottom of the screen signals the time, its 60:00. Storm and Enforcer lock up. Enforcer overpowers Storm into the corner, chops to the chest by Enforcer. Storm counters with one of his own. Enforcer with a knee to the midsection that stuns Storm momentarily. Enforcer whips him against the other turnbuckle. Enforcer charges with a clothesline but Storm counters with a big boot that sends Enforcer down. Storm climbs the ropes and hits a splash on Enforcer. York gets a 2 count as Enforcer kicks out. The clock is at 55:00 now. Enforcer gets up, Storm and Enforcer stare at each other as the fans eat it up.

Bob: Seems to be even at this point of the game Manic.

Manic: Sure seems so Bob, both men are hitting each other with everything but they have prepared so well it doesn't seem to have effect.

Bob: Back to square one I guess.

(Enforcer and Storm exchange punches in the middle of the ring. Storm realizes he can't beat the 7 foot Enforcer this way. He quickly drop kicks Enforcer. Enforcer bounces off the ropes with a vicious clothesline. Storm meets him with a drop toe hold that sends him down. Storm applies a camel clutch that stops Enforcer. York checks Enforcer, he wont give up. Enforcer uses his long reach advantage and grabs the ropes, York forces Storm to break the hold, Storm with kicks to the head to Enforcer, this slows him down but Enforcer somehow gets to his feet. Storm runs and bounces off one rope, he clotheslines Enforcer out of the ring, Storm falls out as well, York follows them to the outside as they brawl, the ladies try to get a piece of action but York quickly warns them to get away or he will DQ their man, they listen and back away. Meanwhile Enforcer slams Josh's head against the Spanish Announce table. Josh is stunned, suddenly Enforcer grabs Storm and gutwrenches him through the table for a huge pop from the crowd, Enforcer posses as Storm has taken the most brutal blow of this match.

Bob: Oh my god! Storm is out!

Manic: Damn!! Not only has our table been destroyed, but the Spanish announce table has been put to death!!

Bob: Wow, there's a suprise. What the hell is Enforcer doing?

(Enforcer grabs a chair and is about to hit Storm with it. York quickly takes it away from him, he receives some heat from the crowd. York orders Enforcer to get back in the ring, he does so. York starts the 10 count, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10! Storm has been counted out, Vixen quickly checks on him, he seems ok as he gets on one knee, the clock is now at 45:00, long way to go, Enforcer tries to go after Storm, York stops him, Storm slowly gets to the ring, Vixen distracts York, Storm has a chair! Storm swings it full force and lays Enforcer down, York notices something is wrong, when he turns around Storm is pinning Enforcer but the chair is still in the ring! York refuses to count, Storm gets up upset, he gets on York's face, the fans stand up in excitement. Storm threatens to hit York, York does his best to back down, from behind Enforcer is up, he hits Storm with an inverted DDT, Enforcer picks Storm up and hits a backbreaker, Enforcer pins, Storm quickly kicks out. Enforcer with angry stomps on Storm. Storm rolls out of the ring, York starts the 10 count again. Storm takes a nice breather and come back into the ring at 9. Enforcer goes for a spear on Storm, Storm quickly counters with a brutal superkick to the face. Enforcer goes down in pain holding his jaw.)

Bob: My god, that right there change this while match, Enforcer took quite a blow.

Manic: Incredible, Storm is such a great athlete, he is back and better than ever, how long can he keep this up?

Bob: What time are we at Manic?

Manic: The clock reads we are at the 40 minute mark, and the action isn't slowing down!

(Storm grabs a leg and wrenches into it. Enforcer goes for the ropes, but Storm pulls him back to the middle of the ring and slaps on a figure four leglock.)

Manic: Figure four on Enforcer!!

Bob: That move HAS to be painful on Enforcer's huge legs.

(Enforcer's shoulders are down. Storm gets a 2 count before Enforcer gets a shoulder up. Christian checks in but Enforcer says no. Enforcer goes to turn it over, but Storm breaks the hold and stomps on the knee somemore. Storm grapevines the leg as he puts the pressure on.)

Manic: Storm really being smart here. Get the big man down, he can't hit any of his power moves.

Bob: Like a one legged man in an ass kicking contest Manic, the other guy is going to win.

(Enforcer punches his way out and hobbles onto his feet. Storm clips his right knee from underneath him and pulls him to the middle of the ring again. Storm goes for another figure four, but Enforcer boots his rearend and Storm goes flying into the post. The clock reads 35 minutes. Storm is dizzy as he staggers out of the corner. Enforcer gets to his feet and boots him in the face. Enforcer drags Storm into the middle and gives HIM a figure four leglock.)

Manic: Enforcer showing that he's got some moves of his own!!

(The crowd goes nuts but Enforcer has enough of that as he breaks the hold. Enforcer whips Storm off the ropes. Storm ducks a clothesline. Enforcer gets Storm as he hits the other side with a spinebuster. Enforcer covers for a 2. Enforcer picks up Storm and gives him a guerilla press slam. Storm staggers up and gets backdropped.)

Manic: Storm is in some REAL trouble now!!!

Bob: Enforcer is kicking his ass with no end in sight Manic. We're at the 31 minute mark as Enforcer is lighting him up with huge moves.

(Enforcer goes for a Lou Thesz press but Storm counters it with a double leg takedown. Storm goes for the Stormlock, but Enforcer powers out by slingshotting Storm into Christian. Christian and Storm knock heads and Christian goes flying to the outside hitting his head on the floor.)

Manic: Christian is out, oh my god!!

(Enforcer signals for the New Breed. The crowd rises to their feet as the lights in the arena fade totally out.)

Manic: Christ ENOUGH of this already.

(The fans begin to chant loudly as they cannot see a thing. They have no clue what is going on in the ring. They don't know if the two men are still fighting, or if they are waiting just as the they are. The crowd begins to die down a bit as something begins to happen. The BOW-Tron comes on and displays some evil looking Burning Skull. The skull's mouth is open, exposing huge fangs. Through out the whole skull are protruding, jagged bones. As the skull burns on the BOW-Tron, thunder can be heard in the back round and that same deep, dark, evil voice is heard once again.)

Voice: Death Be Not proud...Though Some Have Called Thee Mighty And Dreadfull...How It Not So...Though Soonest Thou Best Men Would Thee Go...Rest Of Their Bones, And Souls Delivering...But Thoughs Thou Dust Thinkest though Dust Overthrow, Die Not, Before Death...Nor Cans't Thou…Kill Me…

(As the voices stops the crowd is left in total silence until Plasmic Honey's "The Funeral" begins to play loudly. And an evil voice is heard.)

Voice: The Funeral Is About To Begin...

(The lights in the arena begin to strobe every couple seconds. Activity can be seen in the ring. But there are still only two men. Enforcer, and Storm. But then the lights stop strobbing. And at that point voices are heard in the song "He's Coming to get you" over and over again. The song still plays as the crowd is left in blackness. A few moments later the lights in the arena come back on! It is now Josh Storm, Enforcer and Brimstone.)

Manic: What the HELL?? BRIMSTONE!??

Brimstone stands right in front of Enforcer staring straight into the eyes. As the camera zooms in on Brimstone's face you can see that his eye's are covered with pure white contacts. On his arm is a tattoo of the same skull that is still shown on the BOW-Tron. "Coal Chamber" continues to play as Brimstone stares into the eye's of Enforcer. Enforcer has not a clue of what to do because he's stunned. In instinct, Enforcer swings. Brimstone ducks and grabs Enforcer by the throat.)

Manic: Brimstone is choking him out!!

(Storm watches on and makes sure to see that Christian isn't up to make sure that no DQ will result from this. The camera cuts to a shot of DX's lockerroom which has been nailed shut trapping DX inside. They cannot do a thing from what's going on. The camera cuts back to the ring. Brimstone picks Enforcer up with one hand, and holds him up before planting him down with a huge chokeslam.)

Manic: Huge ass chokeslam on the 7 foot Enforcer!!

(Christian is finally getting to his feet but still has no clue of what's going on. Brimstone stands there in this position as his new song plays on. After about a minute the lights go out once again. The song stops suddenly and the skull on the BOW-Tron disapears. The lights turn back on and Brimstone is no where to be found. By the time Christian makes it into the ring, he has not a clue of what just happened to Enforcer.)

Manic: Christian doesn't have a clue of what happened guys, oh my god.

Bob: Of course not, he probably STILL doesn't know where he is after he literally piledrove himself onto the floor.

(Storm goes for the legs and locks the Stormlock on Enforcer.)

Manic: At the 25 minute mark, Storm slaps the Stormlock on Enforcer. Enforcer is out as Christian checks in!!

(Christian raises Enforcer's arm three times and calls for the bell as Enforcer is unable to answer. The match is tied 1 to 1. Storm tells Christian to check his arms again, but Storm is forced to break the hold as Christian isn't allowing a fall to happen like that. Storm breaks the hold and pins Enforcer. Christian counts and Storm gets a 2 count.)

Manic: Enforcer finally regaining his senses after BRIMSTONE came back and delivered a huge ass chokeslam.

Bob: Suprisingly. It appeared as if Enforcer was about to go down 2 falls to 1.

(Storm locks on a Million Dollar Dream and Enforcer is reeling once again. Enforcer falls to one knee. Enforcer is down on both knees. Storm locks it in even deeper as Enforcer's eyes are falling. Christian checks the arm, it falls once. Christian checks his arm again, and it falls one more time. Christian checks in the third time, but Enforcer's arm stays up. Enforcer counters the sleeper into a back suplex and now both Storm and Enforcer are down. Storm gets back up and goes for a sleeper once again, but Enforcer backs into the corner and sandwiches Storm. Storm HOPS onto Enforcer and slaps a sleeper on once again, but this time Enforcer turns around and drops Storm onto the canvas. Storm gets the wind knocked out of him and Christian does the 10 count. The clock on the screen reads at 20 minutes as Storm gets to his feet first.)

Manic: Clock is down to under 20 minutes now.

(Storm charges, but Enforcer punches. Storm goes again, but Enforcer with an uppercut. Enforcer is making a move now. Right, right, Enforcer nails a clothesline. Enforcer with a surge of adrenaline now. Enforcer nails a sidewalk slam for a 2. Enforcer sends Storm off the ropes and goes for a clothesline. Storm counters with an attempted crucifix but Enforcer just falls backwards with a Samoan Drop. Enforcer covers for a 2. Enforcer hits an atomic drop.)

Bob: Enforcer is on a roll once again.

(Enforcer hits a boot to the midsection and pulls Storm in. Enforcer lifts up Storm and goes for the New Breed. Storm rolls over and goes for a sunset flip. Enforcer grabs Storm by the throat, lifts him up, and slams him. Enforcer covers for a 2. Enforcer whips Storm into the turnbuckle and charges full force. Storm puts up the feet and Enforcer SLAMS onto the mat after getting booted in the head. Storm hooks the legs and puts his feet on the second turnbuckle. Christian counts. 1, 2, 3. Storm gets the suprising fall at the 16 minute mark.)

Manic: Storm pulls out a fall from NOWHERE and is now leading 2 to 1!!

Bob: It was by screwy means, but Christian didn't see it.

(Enforcer gets back up and gets in the face of Christian. Christian tells him that he didn't see Storm cheat. Storm rolls up Enforcer and gets a 2. Enforcer elbows Storm in the face and slams him to the ground. Enforcer gets in front of Christian once again. Christian says anymore of that and he'll DQ him. Enforcer turns around and clotheslines him anyway.)

Manic: What the HELL?? Enforcer getting frustrated now and that can cost him huge.

(Christian calls for the bell and Storm picks up another fall. Storm is up 3 to 1 now. Enforcer shrugs it off. Enforcer boots Storm in the midsection, lifts him up, and drops him with the New Breed. Enforcer covers and Christian counts. 1, 2, 3. Enforcer picks up a fall and now it's 3 to 2 in favor of Storm.)

Manic: Enforcer picks up his 2 fall, but that clothesline to York could cost him in the end.

Bob: We're at the 13 minute mark and now things are really getting interesting.

(Enforcer punches Storm, but is sucking wind at this point. Storm isn't doing much better as fatigue is really kicking in at this point. Enforcer goes for a snake eyes, but Storm rolls over the shoulder and goes for a rollup. Enforcer counters the rollup attempt, wraps Storm's legs and locks in a Sharpshooter.)

Manic: Sharpshooter!!

Bob: Can Storm escape the hold??

(Enforcer breaks the hold, drags Storm to the middle of the ring, and slaps on a Stormlock.)

Manic: Stormlock!!

Bob: How INSULTING would it be at this point to have Enforcer get a tapout on Storm while having him in his very own hold?

Manic: It would definately give a psycological edge.

(Storm reaches the ropes. Enforcer picks up Storm and grinds in a full nelson. Storm knees out of the full nelson and does a go behind. Storm hits a German Suplex, but Enforcer's weight crashes down. A double pin occurs. Christian counts. 1, 2, Enforcer gets the shoulder up but Storm cannot. 3. Enforcer picks up a fall and it's tied 3 to 3.)

Bob: Enforcer pulls out 2 falls from literally NOWHERE and now it's tied 3 to 3.

Manic: That's what you do when you're the world champion. Find ways to get the job done and now Enforcer is back in the ballgame.

(The clock reads 9 minutes as the final moments of the match are rolling in.)

Manic: We're under 9 minutes as Enforcer and Storm are now tied 3 to 3.

(Storm gets back up first and gouges Enforcer's eyes. Storm with a drop toehold into an STF. Enforcer is fightning out of it but Storm is relentless in wearing out the bigman. Enforcer reaches the ropes. Storm snap suplexes Enforcer and gets a 2 count. Storm covers for another 2 count. Storm covers AGAIN and still only gets a 2. Storm picks up Enforcer and hits an enziguri. Storm covers and gets a 2 count.)

Manic: Storm hitting some big moves but nothing is working.

(Storm sets up Enforcer in the corner and props him on the top turnbuckle facing the crowd. Storm goes up and goes down with a sunset flip powerbomb. Christian counts for a 2. Storm hits a standing dropkick and drags Enforcer to the corner. Storm goes to the outside, wraps Enforcer's legs around the post, and locks in a ringpost figurefour.)

Manic: Ringpost figurefour!! Shades of Bret "Hitman" Hart!!

(Enforcer yells in pain as Christian goes to the outside and tells Storm to break the hold. Storm refuses to do so as Christian starts a 5 count to break it. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Storm won't break it and Christian FORCEFULLY pulls Storm off. Christian gets back into the ring as Storm rolls back in. Storm asks Christian to check the timekeeper before KICKING Enforcer in the groin. Enforcer's head goes straight in between Storm's legs. Storm signals.)

Manic: Oh christ, not a jackknife!!

(Storm locks his arms together, lifts up Enforcer, and drops him in a powerbomb.)

Manic: Enforcer got powerbombed!!! Storm may not be known as a powerhouse, but he just showed what he can do!!!

Bob: My god, he actually got him up.

(Storm covers and Christian counts. 1, 2, Enforcer kicks out.)

Manic: Enforcer kicked out and that was a HUGE kickout!! We're under 2 minutes here as Storm is running out of ideas!!

Bob: Storm better think of SOMETHING if he wants to win this match.

(Storm kicks Enforcer down and goes for a leg. Enforcer kicks Storm away from him, but Storm kicks Enforcer in the knee. Storm nails the knee a couple more times. Storm goes for a leglock, but Enforcer small packages for a 2. Enforcer gets up, but Storm takes him down and goes for the legs again. Storm jacks Enforcer right in the jaw and Enforcer is stunned for a second. That second is enough for Storm to roll over and slap on the Stormlock.)

Manic: 30 seconds!! Can Enforcer hang on!!

Bob: He's GOT to!!

(The seconds tick away but Enforcer's knee is close to snapping. Storm wrenches it in even more as Enforcer's hand is up about ready to tap. Christian asks if he gives it up and Enforcer yells out no. The crowd chants the final seconds.)

Manic: Enforcer is about to tap, we're at 7 seconds!!

Crowd: 6...5...4...3...2...1!!!

(The bell rings. Storm doesn't break the hold but Christian tells him to do so as the time limit expires with the match tied at 3 falls a piece. Storm finally breaks the hold as Christian grabs the microphone.)

Christian: This has happened more than once and as everyone knows, no Iron Man match ever ends with a time limit draw. This match shall continue until SUDDEN DEATH!!!

(Storm gets up in Christian's face and then asks him why he would force him to break the hold then. Storm shoves Christian as the bell rings. Christian shoves Storm back and Enforcer rolls him up for a 2. A man is seen making his way down to the ring with a chair in hand.)

Manic: Who the hell is that?

(Shannon is distracting York as Storm goes up top. The man tosses Enforcer the chair as Storm looks towards the man. Storm gets a confused ass look in his eye, but dives off the turnbuckle. Enforcer drills the chair into the midsection. Enforcer sets up Storm, and DROPS him with the powerbomb.)

Manic: New Breed!!! NEW BREED!!! COVER!!!

(Enforcer covers and Christian counts. 1, 2, 3. Enforcer retains the World Heavyweight Title. Nita grabs the microphone.)

Nita: The winner of this match, and STILL BOW World Heavyweight Champion, Enforcer!!!

(Enforcer, drenched in sweat and sporting a hobble, hoists the belt high in the air as he retains the title in a hard fought match. Enforcer has a look of confusion though as he still ponders over why the hell Brimstone came out and attacked him. Vixen looks at the man as he makes his way back and slaps him in the face.)

Vixen: God DAMN you Jon!!

Manic: Enforcer retains the world title against Josh Storm. I have a feeling that they're not through yet, but now BRIMSTONE is part of the picture. And who in the hell is Jon??

Bob: Don't forget about Cain Hunt either, as he caused the Degenerates the tag titles earlier.

Manic: That's right he did.

(Replay is shown of the powerbomb onto Storm.)

Bob: Storm goes for the double ax handle but gets the boot, lifted up...WHAM!!! 1, 2, 3. Enforcer retains. The big question, who in the world is Jon? There's alot of things that must be answered Manic.

Manic: Fans it has been a wild night of action here at D-Day. Make sure to tune in this Thursday as BOW presents Massacre!!! We'll see you then, good night!!

End of Show.