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The scene opens up in the parking lot, S&N is making their way into the arena and they look ready for some action, tonight 8 will defend his title and Shotgun will face his biggest opponent ever, Matt Morgan, it is Sunday the 25th and we here at the BOW are Jaded!

Aerosmith’s Jaded plays all over the arena, Watson and Bob Lombardi are doing commentary tonight, it is a sell out crowd and they are pumped up for some action, suddenly Drain by Days of Contempt plays, Alex Hawk comes out to the boos of the fans, he slides into the ring and gets ready to face Descent for the first time. Day by Daze by NOFX plays, Descent comes out to the cheers of the fans, he poses a bit before he enters a ring, Referee Ruby Buttchick has been assigned to this match and he wastes no time as the bell rings.

Descent and Alex lock up, Descent with a quick takedown, Alex jumps to his feet and nails a drop kick on Descent, Descent goes against the ropes and answers back with a clothesline.

Dan : Is that the shittiest clothesline of all or what? Get up, Alex you whiny kid!

Chris : Looks like Descent is making another move here...

Descent quickly picks Alex Hawk and goes for a DDT, block by Alex followed by a series of kicks that send Descent down, Alex bounces off the ropes and nails an elbow on Descent, quick pin, 1,2… kickout!!!

Descent gets up, Alex charges towards him, he catches him when Alex attempts a cross body block, Descent performs a beautiful back breaker on Alex.

Dan : Oh come on! What the hell is this? Beat Alex Hawk for a quarter?

Descent hooks Alex in a camel clutch, he isn’t able to hold it for long, he kicks the back of the head of Alex as he breaks the move. Suddenly Alex jumps up and nails a beautiful frankensteiner on Descent, he quickly climbs the ropes and goes for a moonsault, Descent rolls out of the way, he picks Alex and goes for a running powerbomb, Alex counters with a facebuster that sends Descent down.

The fans get on their feet as both men seem to be even at this point, Alex stomps the hell out of Descent, the fans start booing the youngster, he ignores them and keeps stomping him.

Dan : That's more like it! You're doing fine, kid!

Chris : This is insane! What kind of a human being would stomp like that?

After minutes of stomping, Alex poses as he seems to be a second away from winning this match, Descent slowly gets up, Alex tries to nails some punches on Descent, Descent with a schoolboy roll up, 1,2…kickout!

Chris : He almost had him!

Descent picks Alex up and goes for a northern lights suplex, Alex counters in mid air and nails a super DDT on Descent, the fans jump right up as Alex climbs the ropes, suddenly out of nowhere Alex hits his patented moonsault, he quickly pins for the 1,2,3! Alex has won it!

Dan : Aaaand it's over!

Chris : Well, I gotta admit Alex Hawk's moves were obviously very impressive.

The fans boo as Alex stands up and poses, he quickly flips them off and walks to the back as Drain plays, the fans are shocked, this can be called an upset.

Suddenly the BOWtron cuts to a scene.

Chris : Hey look,  we get a shot of the outside, it is a hot night, wait a sec, there is a black pickup outside with the WAI initials, what does this mean?

The BOWtron then cuts into the S&N locker room, 8 and Shotgun are talking strategy while Sasha watches her monitor.

Sasha : Carlos, what the hell?

Carlos : Not now. So I pick him up and bullet bomb him for the 1,2,3.

Sasha : Carlos, its important.

Carlos : Not now, so if he goes for his finisher I can counter it and…

Sasha : Damien is here.

The fans explode in the arena are both 8 and Shotgun look at Sasha.

Carlos : Damien is in Zealand Sasha, he ain't never coming back, he would had called me.

Sasha : His pickup is outside, maybe you should check it out.

Carlos : Maybe I will…

Meanwhile in the ring My Way by Limp Bizkit hits the speakers, Flex Kavana comes out, the fans boo as he flips them all off, he smiles as he enters the ring and stretches. Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit plays, The Tank alongside Timmy walk out to a nice pop, Tank wheels Timmy down as he gets ready for this First Blood match. He leaves Timmy right next to Dan and Chris.

Chris : Hi there Timmy!

Timmy : Tiiiiimmyyyyyyyyy!

Dan : Man this kid is annoying.

Timmy : Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmyyyyyy!!!!!!!!

Dan : Yeah yeah I know your name. Shut your mouth you damn stoner.

Tank climbs into the ring and he is quickly met with a super kick by Kavana. The ref quickly rings the bell as this match is underway. Kavana with a shoulder block on Tank, Kavana picks Tank up and nails a beautiful suplex, Kavana goes to the outside and grabs a chair, he slides in and swings right into Tank’s head. Tank ducks, he kicks him in the mid-section, Kavana drops the chair, Tank picks him and nails a tombstone on the chair! Kavana is out!

Dan : My God did you see that?

Chris : That is inhuman!

Dan : Yes!!! I love it!

Tank goes to the outside and grabs a bottle of beer from the cooler. Tank gets in the ring and waits for Kavana to get up, after a few seconds Kavana gets to his knees when he suddenly sees Tank in front of him, he tries to cover but its too late, Tank breaks the bottle of his head busting him wide open. Holy shit chants start up all over the arena! The ref quickly rings the bell as this match is over! Tank has defeated Kavana! Tank grabs Timmy and goes to the back as Break Stuff plays in the background.

Dan : That was cool! Did you see all the bloo... Hey look! It's Carlos!

Chris : It's Shotgun, Ladies and Gentlemen, making his way out of this arena. What the hell is going on?

The scene cuts to the interview section in the back where Rob is standing right next to Lightning.

Rob : Lightning, you will face Inferno just in mere minutes, what are your thoughts?

Lightning : Inferno, Iceberg, I got nothing against you two, hell, you might become big players in the future, but tonight is my night, I wanted a simple match, but that isn’t enough, it is a tables and ladders match, someone will get hurt Inferno, and it wont be me.

Blood Brothers by Papa roach plays, one half of EOD and the brother of Iceberg, Inferno walks out. Inferno stands at 6’10 and this guy is a monster, he quickly gets a table and sets it up in the ring. Inferno waits for Lightning to come out, suddenly from behind Lightning nails Inferno, he came from the crowd!

Chris : Sneak hit by Lightning there.

Dan : What a cheap shot!

Inferno is receiving a beating thanks to Lightning. Lighting picks Inferno up and nails a vicious low blow, Lightning follows up with a Russian Leg Sweep! The fans go wild as Lightning goes under the ring and pulls out the ladder! He sets it up in the ring, he picks up Inferno and sets him up in the table, he climbs the ladder and drops an elbow! Inferno moves out of the way, Lightning crashes though the table in a sick manoeuvre.

He rolls around in the ring in pain, Inferno picks him up and nails a powerbomb, from the back Iceberg comes out with a table, he sets it up at the ringside area, Inferno picks Lightning up and signals for a powerbomb to the outside?!?! He picks Lightning and goes for a running power bomb, Lightning with repeated right hands to the face forcers Inferno to let go, Iceberg gets on the apron, Lightning nails a drop kick on Iceberg, Iceberg goes right through the table he set up! Inferno charges with a clothesline, Lightning with a kick to the midsection followed by his finisher The Lightning Strike! Inferno is completely out, Lightning isn’t done yet, he climbs the ladder all the way to the top, the fans go wild as he signals for the end, he jumps off and nails the Lightning Storm on Inferno! Its over, the fans go wild as Lightning pins for the 1,2,3!

Dan : Whoaaaaaa did you see that?

Chris : Do I!

Dan : What? I won't do you.

Chris : No, I meant.....

Suddenly the BOWtron shows Shotgun again. Shotgun is approaching the pickup we saw earlier. He bangs in the door’s window.

Shotgun : Open up, I want to know who is in there.

Nothing happens, Shotgun gets upset.

Shotgun : I said open the fuck up or I will break the window and find out myself, you got till 3, 1,2,3!

Suddenly the door slams Shotgun right in the face, Morgan pops out of the pickup.

Morgan : Hey Carlos, nice to see you.

Morgan whips Shotgun into the windshield, he follows with a superkick. Shotgun is laid down, Morgan picks him up and nails with right hands, they keep brawling all the way through the locker room area, Morgan nails Shotgun with a chair, he keeps dominating him as they walk through the curtain, the fans pop in cheers as Morgan pretty much drags Shotgun down the ramp into the ring. Shotgun on his knees tries to make Morgan back off, Morgan laughs and nails a stiff kick right into the face that seems to knock out Shotgun. Morgan grabs the microphone.

Morgan : I didn’t want to do this Carlos, but I need to beat some sense into you, you are smarter than this you jackass, deep inside you miss the cheers and the applauses.

Shotgun is still out cold as the fans start a weak Shotgun chant.

Morgan : You are the hero of many kids out there, you were number 1, what have you achieved with 8 Carlos? What the fuck have you gotten from him?

Shotgun mumbles in the mat as Morgan keeps stomping him.

Morgan : Nothing! You are a loser Carlos, a fuckin loser! See the damn light Carlos, this fans want you, this fans need you, fuck 8!

Shotgun asks Morgan for the microphone, he is still battered and beaten.

Shotgun : You are not doing this alone Morgan, who is behind this? Tell me, I demand it.

Morgan : The man behind it is none other than half of the founder of the WAI and the owner of the pickup, Hacksaw asked me to do this Carlos, now what do you say?

Before Shotgun can answer anything suddenly One by Metallica plays, the fans stand up as the WAI symbol is shown in the BOWtron, the fans stand up in cheers as suddenly Hacksaw walks from behind the curtain alongside Karen, Shotgun looks at him in disbelief, Hacksaw steps into the ring and helps Shotgun up, he hands him his WAI shirt, Shotgun looks at Karen and Hacksaw, the fans chant WAI all around the arena.

Shotgun stood still, confused. Sasha runs down to the ring to be caught by Shotgun, Morgan stands there smiling with his arms crossed on his chest. Suddenly, Watson and Rob came out to join them. Rob hands Shotgun the microphone.

Carlos : I .... I ....

The fans chants "Shotgun! Shotgun!". Shotgun looks around at the fans. He was about to say something, but then suddenly......

Synthetic by Spineshank plays to the dismay of every fans in the arena. 8 walks out with his shades on and his cap turned backwards. His belt is worn around his waist. He held a mike in his hand. 8 walks down the ramp to ringside and stopped. He stared with cold face at Hacksaw, then turned his head to Shotgun. Shotgun looked at 8 with confusion. Morgan climbs the second rope and yell at 8.

Number 8 ; Charles Alexis Shotgun, do you really want to hang out with these losers again? After I gave you such power? After what the S&N has done? We are God! We rule, Carlos! No one can beat us. Soon, we will get full control of this federation, and then no one can mess with us anymore! We can just get our pay, beat anyone's ass, without ever giving a fuck. Do you want to throw all that away for these bunch of losers?

Shotgun is silent.

Number 8 ; Carlos....

Hacksaw : Only his friends can call him Carlos, you son of a bitch!

Number 8 : You shut the fuck up, old boy! He dumped you and now he have me on his team. He doesn't need a dirt bag cow balls licker like yourself.

Suddenly Morgan did a tremendous jump over the top rope and landed on 8. Hacksaw slides under the bottom rope and help Morgan beat on 8.

Dan : Here we go!

Shotgun is still standing, unsure of what to do. Sasha hugged him to comfort him. Suddenly, "Jumpdafuckup" by Soulfly plays!!! The fans are on their feet as Number 0 and Number 1 rushed to ringside to help Morgan and Hacksaw beat on 8. Seline is right behind them, cheering on as the 4 of them continues to beat 8.

Chris : Wait a minute! What the hell is that security guy doing?

Dan : That security guy is beating on 8! What the fuck is this? 8 is not a sandbag for you people!

Chris : Wait... it's... Holy Shit, it's Cain Hunt! Cain Hunt is dressed as a security guy! This is a 5 on 1!

They keep on beating on 8. Number 8 is completely helpless. But then Lars came out with a sledgehammer. The five of them stopped beating on 8 and stared at Lars. Lars got scared and dropped the sledgehammer. He tried to run to the back. But then he is stopped by someone.

It's Christian York! Christian York is holding a chair in one hand and a mike in the other. He stared at Lars. Then York made a money hand gesture that made Lars smile. Lars nodded. York smiled back.

York : You know people, Number 8 is a huge investment to this fed. I won't let anything seriously bad to happen and get the ratings down. Besides, I got a match with him tonight and he is mine!!!

York rushed down and smacked Number 0 in the head with the chair. Number 1 tried to help but was swiped off the ground by the chairshot to his legs. Hacksaw rushed towards Lars, who is picking up the sledgehammer.

Hacksaw : Been a long time since I saw your ugly face, cocksucker.

Lars swung his hammer to Hacksaw. Hacksaw ducked and kicked Lars in the midsection. Lars dropped the hammer and Hacksaw stomped on the suited man.

Shotgun can't take it anymore. He slides under the ropes and started beating on Cain Hunt. Morgan joins the fight. Shotgun grabbed Morgan's head and rammed his head to the steel steps. Shotgun then picked Morgan up and threw him over the rail guard. After Morgan hits the concrete floor, Shotgun hit a Bullet Bomb on Hunt.

This chaos allows Number 8 to get up. He released his belt from his waist and nailed Number 0 and Number 1 with it. Then 8 and York beat up Hacksaw with brutal chairshots and stomps. Lars got up and stomp on him also.

Suddenly York turned around and smacked 8 in the head. Then he dragged 8 all the way into the ring. York grabbed Cain Hunt's limp body and threw him into the ring also. York climbs in and signals for the bell. Referee Chief Luke rushed down to handle the match.

Chris : Ladies and Gentlemen, after that hellacious rumble, the main event for Jaded has finally begun! This is Christian York vs Cain Hunt vs Number 8 for the BOW title!

York beat up the two with a devilish grin. Cain Hunt and Number 8 are both completely worn out. The two are easy prey for York's brutal attacks. Number 0 and Number 1 are unconscious on the outside. Karen is taking care of an unconscious Hacksaw in the middle of the ramp. Sasha is in Shotgun's arms, both are watching the match closely from ringside. Lars ran away to the back, not wanting to be hurt furthermore. Seline is watching the match closely at ringside.

Chris : This is sick! Just look at this! Cain and 8 are totally helpless.

In the ring, Cain Hunt got up and nailed York with a weak clothesline. York got back up in a second and returned the favour. 8 crawled and nailed a low blow on York. Cain Hunt got up and tried to bounce off the rope, but Shotgun pulled the rope down and made him fall out of the ring. Inside, York continued to stomp the hell out of 8. Cain Hunt slowly got up and get back in the ring with the chair York brought.

Dan : York! Behind you!

Hunt is about to nail York, but the referee grabbed the chair away from him. As Cain and the ref argues, Shotgun seized the opportunity and slides into the ring. He turned York around and did a sidewalk slam. Then he grabbed York's legs and did an atomic headbutt. York rolls around in pain as Shotgun slides out again.

Chris : What the hell? He can't do that!

Dan : He just did, buddy! Ha haaa what a fuckin genius!

8 draped his arms over York. The referee saw this and counted. Cain realized and kicked 8's head at the count of two. Number 8 got up with the help of the ropes and slapped Hunt. Hunt returned the favour and the two exchange right hands. York got up also and nailed both with a double clothesline.

In a tremendous move, 8 grabbed York's legs from behind and lift him over his head. Then 8 dropped himself backwards, bringing York down with him, but at a higher height. York's head hit the ringpost. York is busted open. Cain Hunt got up and nailed 8 with a spear. Cain beats the hell out of 8. 8 is down. Cain slides down and reached under the ring. He pulled out a table.

Dan : What the hell?

Chris : Oh god....

Dan : Well, well..... This is getting a bit more interesting.....

Cain set the table up and is ready to put 8 through it with a power bomb. 8 counters and flips Cain over. Cain landed on the table, but it didn't break. 8 climbed the table and then set Cain up for the Shout Drive. He nailed the jumping Shout Drive from the table! Cain Hunt is totally dead.

Chris : Dear God! What kind of a move is that!?

Dan : It's a piledriver off the table! That move is sick! I love it!

8 pinned Hunt. The ref counted. 1......2....... Christian York with an elbow drop! York whips 8 to a corner. York ran and did a splash to 8. 8 is down. York pins Hunt. 1....2..... Kickout! The cheers are deafening!

Chris : Cain Hunt! Where did he get all the strength and stamina?!

Cain Hunt kicks York in the mid section. DDT! Cain pulled him up again. Another DDT! Cain has no mercy! He pulled York up again and nailed yet another DDT! Cain pulled York up again and nailed the Hunt You Down!

8 rushed to hit Cain only to be met with a samoan drop. Cain pulled 8 and whips him to the outside. Shotgun climbs in and tried to clothesline Cain. Matt Morgan speared Shotgun!!! Morgan threw Shotgun's ass out of the ring. Morgan slides out of the ring. Cain pins York... 1.....2......3!!! The bell rings as Hunt stands proudly for the fans.

Dan : I cannot believe this! Cain Hunt??? Champion???

Chris : It's about damn time! We have a new BOW champion! Cain Hunt! Cain Hunt! My god what a beautiful yet sick victory!

Dan : Hey look who's back!

Number 8 climbed back in and nailed Hunt from the back. 8 is stomping the hell out of Cain. Morgan and Shotgun is brawling on the outside. York is completely out. Hacksaw got up and tried to get in the ring, but then Lars came out with cops!

Lars : Officers, this man is trespassing! Get his ass out of here!

The cops restrained Hacksaw and Karen. Both are brought to the back, followed by Lars. Meanwhile, Seline climbed into the ring and slapped 8!

Dan : Uh ooooh! Trouble!

Seline : So 8, forget about the belt for once and listen to me. What about our baby? What are you going to do about it, huh?

Number 8 : I'll tell you what I'm going to do.

Number 8 grabs Seline by the hair and dragged her all the way up to the top turnbuckle. 8 set her up and is ready to powerbomb her through the table below, which is set earlier by Cain Hunt. Seline screams.

Chris : My god! He's not going to do it! Please tell me he's not going to do it!

Dan : He is!!!

Shotgun saw this and stopped his fight with Morgan. Shotgun rushed towards 8 and screamed.

Shotgun : 8!!! Nooooo!!!

Number 1 suddenly appeared behind 8 and nailed him from behind. The crowd cheered as the two fight at the top of the turnbuckle, with 8 holding Seline in one hand. Number 0 then joins in and punched 8 right between the eyes. 8 fell towards the table, bringing Seline down with him. The two fell on the table and broke it in half.

Chris : Oh my god!!!!

Number 0 and Number 1 looked down from above, don't know what to do. Shotgun got in and checked on both 8 and Seline. Shotgun screamed for medic. Cain Hunt got up. Shotgun and Cain Hunt had a stare down as the show came to an end.