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Live September 30, 2001 from Detroit, MI.

Bloody Online Wrestling comes on the air after a Pay Per View copyright notice is displayed. Chris York is seen in his office watching on at the monitor while drinking a glass of milk. A scented candle burns on the desk giving off the little bit of light that is in the dark room. The camera zooms towards York who has a disturbed look on his face.

York: To those who may feel offended, change the channel at this time. To the rest of you sick and twisted individuals, welcome to WARFARE!!!

A video opens up while "Down with the Sickness" plays over the package. The cameras cut to the ring area as the capacity crowd drowns the arena with noise. Manic and Chico are at ringside as the camera cuts over to the ring announcer.

Nita: Ladies and gentleman, Eddie Vedder!!

Vedder plays "I am a Patriot" as another video package is played showing the recent events that have gone down over the last couple weeks. The crowd applauds soon after the song finishes playing and Vedder exits the ringside area. A referee makes his way down to the ring as the first match is about to begin.

Manic: As Saturn makes his way down to the ring. Ladies and gentleman, we know you've probably heard this a billion times, but the Red Cross needs your donations. Call the number at the bottom of the screen for more information on how you can help ease the tragic events that happened a couple weeks ago.

Chris Jericho makes his way down to the ring as the match begins with Saturn and Jericho exchanging chops. Jericho gains advantage and hits a flying forearm. Jericho runs off the ropes again and goes for a dropkick, but Saturn sidesteps. Jericho staggers into a belly to belly suplex from Saturn. Saturn covers for a 2 count. Jericho blocks a punch and chops away. Saturn stops his momentum and hits a clothesline off the ropes. Saturn covers again for a 2 count. Jericho counters a suplex and hits an enziguri. Saturn staggers up but Jericho flys over with a bulldog. Jericho runs up for the Lionsault but lands on his feet as he saw that Saturn was getting up. Saturn goes for a spear but Jericho sidesteps. Jericho with a double leg takedown as he goes for the Walls of Jericho. Jericho locks it in but the referee gets distracted as Kasper and Homicide run down to the ringside area.

Chico: What the hell are the tag champs doing down here?

Jericho breaks the hold and tosses Homicide into the ring. Homicide goes for a clothesline but eats a sidekick. Jericho hits the Lionsault on Homicide. Jericho rolls Homicide to the outside, but that distraction is enough for Saturn to hoist Jericho up and drop him with a Death Valley Driver. Saturn covers. 1, 2, 3. Saturn wins the match.

Manic: It took an assist from Kasper and Homicide, but Saturn walks away with a victory over Y2J.

The cameras cut to the backstage area where Steve Corino is standing by with Bob Levy.

Bob: Steve, later tonight you get the shot of a lifetime going one on one with the current BOW world heavyweight champion, Shawn Michaels.

Corino: First off Bob, HBK is the one who is getting a shot of a lifetime. He ONCE again gets to step into the ring with the KING of Old School...Yours truely, Steve Corino. Now, some call me the underdog in this match. Some people can kiss my aa...These were the same people who counted me out the last time I faced off against him. Guess what Bob, the last time HBK and I were in the ring. If I do remember clearly, the winner of that match was Steve...Corino. Thank you very much.

The camera cuts back to the ringside area as Triple H steps into the ring. HHH grabs the microphone as his music cuts off.

HHH: You know, one man can only take soo much of this ridiculous BULLSHIT. I should be in the main event. The Game, the cerebral assassin. What do I get? I get a damn midget who looks like Donkey Kong. And...

"War Machine" plays over the PA system as Taz makes his way out with a microphone of his own.

Taz: Apparently you don't get it Hunter. They don't call me the Human Suplex Machine for nothin. And Donkey Kong? Sorry but his ass needed weapons, just like your sorry ass needs a sledgehammer. Triple, I don't need a weapon, my HANDS are my weapons. And just like Chris from Tough Enough? You're about to become...Just another victim!!

Taz power walks down to the ring as HHH meets him center of the ring. Taz and HHH brawl away as neither are gaining advantage. HHH gouges the eyes and knees Taz in the head. Taz counters an irish whip but HHH clotheslines him. HHH gloats to the crowd but doesn't realize that Taz got right back up. HHH turns around and Taz tosses him over with a head and arm Tazplex. Taz rolls on top of HHH and smacks his head with forearm shots. HHH counters an irish whip with a chestbuster. Taz staggers into a Pedigree from HHH. HHH jaws with the crowd again but once again Taz gets right back up. HHH turns around and stares in shock as Taz looks even more pissed than before. Taz ducks a swing from HHH, locks in the Tazmission, and gets the tap out from HHH. Taz wins the match in quick fashion.

Manic: Taz wins in quick fashion as HHH must of been caught of guard by the Human Suplex Machine. Coming up later is the HBK vs Corino match, but ANOTHER match that will indeed be one hell of an outing will be Nob vs WAI vs Chance and Descent vs NOK. With four teams like that, who knows what will happen.

Chico: Well I can't tell you what will happen, but I do know that Felix Randall and Descent are ready to tear the house down in a Bloody Title LADDER match!!

Bob Levy is standing by with the BOW World Tag Team Champions.

Bob: Kasper, Homicide, can you two explain what you were doing interfering in the Saturn versus Chris Jericho match?

Homicide: Damn Rob, you’re just fucking brilliant aren’t you? You just answered your own question. But anyway…Jericho, you put up quite a fight, good for you. I mean, hitting me with the Lionsault? Wow, you flipped on top of me, that’s amazing. Y2Gay, lemme speak on dis. I CAN TAKE ANY FUCKING MOVE!!!! Rhino, Dreamer, let this be a lesson to you two fucking retards. Kasper and I busted our ass for these damn belts, and nothing you do tonight will change that. We walk IN, tag champs. Tonight, we walk OUT as the BOW World Tag Team Champions, WHOOO!!!!!

A remixed version of U2’s “Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me” plays to a promotional video for the October PPV, “BOW Presents Obscured”.

Descent makes his way out as the crowd stands in anticipation for the big Bloody Title ladder match. Descent makes his way in as the crowd erupts for Felix Randall. Felix wears the Bloody Title with pride as he enters the ring and the referee calls for the bell. The match begins with the crowd clapping for both men in unison. Randall and Descent exchange armdrags. Another mat sequence ends with both guys flipping up to their feet as the crowd applauds. Randall sucker punches Descent in the face. Randall whips Descent off the ropes and hits an elbow. Descent kicks Randall in the face and gains advantage. Randall counters an irish whip but Descent counters a tilt a whirl with a chokeslam. Descent goes to the outside to grab the ladder, but Randall knocks him down with a baseball slide. Randall grabs the ladder, but Descent dropkicks it right into his face. Descent recovers and slides the ladder back into the ring. Randall grabs onto Descent’s foot as he was climbing back into the ring. Descent kicks Randall in the head and hits him with a dropkick to the floor. Descent sets the ladder up and climbs it, but Randall runs into the ring and powerbombs him off. Randall climbs the ladder only to get powerbombed himself. Descent picks up Randall and chops away. Randall hits a few chops of his own. Both guys are chopping away as neither gain advantage. Randall gains advantage and corners Descent before suplexing him on the top turnbuckle. Randall ties Descent in the tree of woe and goes to climb the ladder. Randall grabs a hold of the belt, but Descent pulls himself up onto the top turnbuckle. Descent dropkicks the ladder from under Randall. Randall by reflex grabs the ring that the belt is on. Randall in the process of doing so ends up dangling in the air.

Chico: Uh oh. What will Randall do now?

Manic: Question is, what will Descent DO to him?

Descent grabs the ladder and jabs the top of it into Randalls groin. Randall crashes to the mat. Descent scrapes Randall of the mat and piledrives him onto the ladder. Descent asks the crowd if they wanna see it again, and the crowd of course plays into his hands. Descent sets up for a tombstone, but Randall somehow reverses and hits a tombstone onto the ladder. Both men were cut wide open in the head after exchanging piledrivers.

Manic: Randall somehow out of desperation reversed the tombstone piledriver!!

Chico: Good thing too cause otherwise we’d be looking at a new Bloody Champion.

Randall gets to his feet in a slow deliberate manner. Randall sets the ladder up and slowly climbs up the ladder. Descent recovers to his feet also. Descent climbs the opposite side of the ladder, grabs onto Randall, and suplexes him from the top. The crowd goes crazy.

Manic: Suplex, from the top of the ladder!! My god, did you see the impact!?

Descent goes to the outside and grabs a chair from underneath the ring announcer. Descent goes for a chairshot. Randall kicks Descent in the midsection(Descent drops the chair in the process) and DDT’s him onto the chair. Randall goes to the outside and finds a table from underneath the ring. Randall sets the table up in the middle of the ring and places Descent on top of it. Randall climbs the top turnbuckle, but Descent makes his way over and crotches him onto it. Descent steps on the top turnbuckle, sets up Randall, and superplexes him onto the table. Descent kicks pieces of the table away and sets the ladder up. Descent climbs the ladder, rung by damn rung, slowly inching his way to the title. Randall gets a surge of adrenaline and tosses a chair towards Descent. The chair smacks Descent in the head. Randall grabs onto the ladder to make sure it doesn’t topple over, which in return causes Descent to dangle on top of the ladder. Randall climbs the ladder and locks in a ladder assisted Liontamer.

Manic: Randall with a version of the tarantula on top of the ladder!!

Chico: Or a Walls of Jericho, whichever you prefer. Either way Descent is in a world of hurt!!

Randall lets go of the hold, only to slingshot him groin first into the top rope. The male portion of the crowd turn their heads from the ghastly sight. Descent gets tied up on the ropes by his knee as he tumbled off. Randall is slow to get back up though, since he crashed to the mat when delivering the slingshot.

Manic: If Randall had a time to win the match, that time is now!!

Descent works his way out of the ropes, but by the time he goes over to knock the ladder over, it’s too late. Randall made his way up in dramatic fashion, and retained the Bloody Title. Randall wins the match.

Manic: You know the thing that sticks out of my mind the most Chico?

Chico: The toupee you’re wearing?

Manic: …Descent later on tonight is going to be going into another hellacious match. The Fatal Four Way BURNING TABLES match!!

Chico: I still liked the toupee joke more.

The crowd applauds as both men shake hands and exit the ring. The camera cuts to the backstage area where HBK is standing by with Bob Levy.

Bob: Shawn…

HBK: That’s HBK to you, jack. Now I know what you’re going to ask so I might as well get it out of the way. Steve Corino, the current BOW Hardcore Champion. Congradulations, you’re the champion of a garbage division. So now you want a shot at the gold, the REAL gold, the BOW World Heavyweight Title. Let me tell ya something, kid. You got a win on me and no matter what I say, nothing will change that. Cherish that win, as it will be the LAST time you ever get a victory over HBK. Tonight is a new night, and the Heartbreak Kid is gonna lay you out with some Sweet CHIN Music.

Justin Lawless comes out by himself as the Dudley Boyz are already in the ring. The referee asks where Lightning is, but Lawless tells him to ring the bell. The referee shrugs his shoulders and calls for the match to begin. Lawless puts his hands up in the air and tells the Dudley Boyz to 3D him.

Manic: What the hell is going on here. Lawless is calling the match off.

Chico: He’s doing more than that, he wants the Dudleys to 3D him!!

D-Von gets confused at the situation, but Lawless pisses him off with a slap to the face. D-Von kicks Lawless in the balls and launches him up into a 3D. Bubba covers. 1,2,3. Dudley Boyz win the match. The crowd gets pissed about paying cash for a squash, but they too have no clue why Lawless would toss the match out like that.

Meanwhile we go backstage where Rob is standing next to Hacksaw and his wife Seline, both seem worried.

Hacksaw: Where the fuck is he?

Rob: Where is who?

Seline: Carlos. We have called him various times and still he doesn’t pick up, we haven’t talked to him at all before this match.

Rob: He still has time, he will show.

Concern hits the arena after this turn of events but fans are quickly distracted when Rhino and Tommy Dreamer representing the Extreme Alliance come down to the ring ready to face Kasper and Homicide.

Manic: Both these teams are relatively new Chico but both are equally dangerous, as we all know Rhino and Dreamer are part of Extreme Alliance, a stable that has slowly grown way out of proportion.

Chico: Of course, plus the fact that York is an ally doesn’t hurt either.

A joint flashes in the BOW-tron as people light up their lighters because its time for the tag team champions to come out, Homicide and Kasper walk down wearing their tag belts proudly around their waist.

Manic: Both this guys already made their presence felt earlier tonight be attacking Saturn and Jericho in a filler match.

Chico: Yes, we tried to provide a little extra but this two stoners had to ruin it, but the fans don’t mind, they seem to like this guys.

Both teams enter the ring, Homicide and Dreamer start up. Both men walk around until they lock up, Homicide with a knee to the midsection followed by a hip toss, Dreamer quickly gets up but goes right back down with a shoulder block by Homicide. Dreamer rolls to his feet, Homicide goes for a clothesline but this time Dreamer sweeps him off his feet, Dreamer applies a spinning toehold on Homicide, the scream can be heard around the arena, Kasper enters the ring illegally and knocks down Dreamer freeing Homicide.

Manic: Homicide was in serious danger right there if it wasn’t for Kasper.

Chico: Kasper must be to stoned to remember but he entered the ring illegally.

Homicide tags in Kasper, Dreamer immediately does the same and tags in the VETERAN monster Rhino. Rhino charges towards Kasper but Kasper hits him with a nice drop kick that sends the monster down, Kasper hits various punches that rock Rhino back but fail to knock him down, Kasper does a split legged punch to the nutsack followed by a punch to the face and a leg sweep that not only takes Rhino down but also makes the fans go insane.

Manic: Whoo, I don’t think that is taught in any wrestling school I know of.

Chico: And the fans love it Manic.

Kasper bounces off the ropes and lands an elbow on Rhino, Rhino gets up, Kasper bounces off the ropes in an attempt for a clothesline but Rhino gores him down, before he can pin Homicide enters the ring and attacks Rhino, Dreamer enters the ring and the brawl breaks out. Rhino and Dreamer double team Homicide who does his best to defend himself but is unable to do so. The ref tries to pull back both men, Kasper slides out of the ring and grabs one of his tag team belts, while the referee tries to make Dreamer go back to his corner Kasper drops the belt to the mat, he grabs Rhino from behind and nails a DDT right on the belt, Kasper pins, the ref finally sees it and goes for the count, 1,2… Dreamer tries to break it up but Homicide grabs his leg with everything he has left and… 3! Homicide and Kasper retain.

We go to a shot of the Beer Domain, inside it is jam packed with people who are viewing the TV via the big screen, inside hosting is non other than Lars Douglas.

Lars: Well I bet all of you thought you could watch a BOW PPV and not see me, the boss and owner of BOW and the sexiest BOW superstar on the planet, Lars Douglas. Now I know all of you are worried as to whether or not Shotgun will arrive, well don’t worry because we got Wilbermen ready for action any second and all we need to do is call him up and he will go and wrestle his sack off, lets see this best of Wilbermen tape.

The scene shows Wilbermen in the front office.

Wilbermen: I quit.

Scene fades.

Lars: Wow, that truly is the best he ever did in his career, quit, because he was shit, but who cares, back to the arena where I hear they gonna cook up some WAI on a stick tonight, and remember I am the boss and I order people around, cause I can and I will.

Manic: Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come, the burning tables match is next. Sweating Bullets by Megadeth plays in the background, an image of a burning table is shown with various clips of all men taking sick bumps, the best of their interviews is heard as well as small clips of WAI vs. NOK, Decent and Chance in their prime, NoB vs. WAI, Shotgun tapping in the middle of the ring in the hands of Number 8, tonight it all falls together, three teams from the first ever BOW era are joined by the legends that are NoB, what happens when Shotgun and Enforcer collide? What about the fact that this is the first time Shotgun and Number 8 stand in the middle of the ring together? How will 8 react to Hacksaw and Seline? Don’t forget Decent who already fought in a ladder match tonight has to come back and fight in burning tables, questions will be answered, legends will collide and only one team can be called winners.

Let it Burn by The Ataris plays over the arena, the tag team of Chance and Decent walk out, Decent looks a little tired and battered, his hair is wet, Decent slowly walks to the ring while Chance waits for him, both men get a standing ovation as well as a welcome back chant.

Some sort of dumb generic theme plays as NOK comes out, the fans are pumped and get on their feet, they raise their arms in the air and chant:


NOK settle in the ringside area and wait for the next team to come out.

Check Ya by Zero plays, NoB make their return to BOW TV with a bang as the fans explode all around the arena with NoB chants, they were surely missed, they step into the ring and take a well deserved bow, Number 0 does his usual routine by banging his head on the turnbuckle over and over again while 8 posses with his backwards cap and shades.

Backstage Hacksaw and Seline are standing alone, where the hell is Shotgun?

Dragula by Rob Zombie plays as Hacksaw and his wife Seline make their way out for a huge ovation, WAI chants explode all around, Hacksaw looks around for his partner but he is nowhere to be seen, about a minute of thin air goes by as all 3 teams and a half look around and wonder, suddenly we get a shot of the parking lot where the gray convertible arrives, Shotgun steps out and walks quickly towards the ring taking off his jacket and jewelry along the way, the fans inside go wild as he runs towards the curtain area, when Rob intercepts him and asks where he was his simple answer is plane trouble, Chop Suey by System of a Down plays all over the arena, the WAI logo is shown and Carlos A. Shotgun makes his official PPV return, the fans go insane as he slowly takes his black shirt off to reveal a WAI shirt underneath, you can see all the way from the ring Number 8 smiling, Shotgun slowly walks towards Hacksaw and Seline, he gives Seline a little kiss and shakes Hacksaw’s hand, together they share the metal sign and the sign that signals its time to kick ass, the bell rings and all hell breaks lose.

Manic: So Shotgun finally arrived and went face to face with his partner Hacksaw and his ex-wife Seline and the crowd loved it but that moment couldn’t last because the 8 men in the ring have some serious burning to do.

Chico: Last night Tito Trinidad lost and Puerto Rico was at a lost, can Shotgun restore Puerto Rico’s honor tonight? Me and the Latin community are behind him 100%.

Enforcer and Shotgun pair up and beat each on each other, Hacksaw and Number 0 decided that they want to play as they pair up on the other side of the ring, Decent decides to kick a little ass as he and Number 8 go to the outside followed by Ex and Chance who have a little brawl of their own. On the outside Ex, Chance and Decent triple team Number 8, Hacksaw whips 0 against the ropes, Hacksaw leap frogs and 0 takes off over the top rope with a beautiful plancha that takes out all three men, Shotgun picks up Enforcer and suplexes his ass down, he looks at Hacksaw and takes out his lighter, Hacksaw quickly goes to the outside for the tables and some gas cans, Enforcer gets to his knees and no sells some punches by Shotgun, he locks up and throws Shotgun back, he charges towards Shotgun but slips down and lands on his ass, Shotgun bounces off the ropes and missile drop kicks down, the tables are in and the gas is poured so, Shotgun picks up Enforcer by the hair, together him and Hacksaw set him up on the top rope, Hacksaw lights the table up as the cheers pour, in an amazing feat and with a lot of help from Hacksaw Shotgun gets Enforcer up in a top rope powerbomb, however Enforcer thinks he is a cruiserweight and tries to counter with a frankensteiner, big no-no, Shotgun didn’t budge so instead Enforcer falls head first through the burning table as the first man is eliminated. The fans stand up, raise their arms in the air and proceed to chant as loud as they can.

You Fucked Up, You Fucked Up

Meanwhile on the outside it is pretty even however there is an odd man out, Ex is slacking off and talking smack with the fans around ring side, Chance, Decent, 8 and 0 stop fight and get two tables, 0 pours the gas and Chance takes out the matches, 8 hits Ex from behind, Decent hits him in the midsection and nails the down and out, on the ring WAI watch as 8 picks up Ex, Chances lights the shit up as 8 delivers a running power bomb that drives Ex right through the table, the smell of burning flesh hits the arena as Enforcer and his NOK is taken out by WAI with the help of NoB for the third fuckin time in the BOW. All three teams enter the arena, now the fight gets interesting, 8 looks at Shotgun, both can read each other and back away, Decent takes on 8, Hacksaw and 0 go at it again and this time Chance tries his luck on Shotgun. All men take three different corners in the ring, Chance and Decent read each other and try to whip Shotgun and 8 at the same time to the middle of the ring, reversal, both men stop right before impact, 0 and Hacksaw see this and being the crazy fuckers that they are immediately tackle both men down, they roll out of the ring and brawl around, without no suspense whatsoever 8 and Shotgun go at it, the fans explode as both men finally meet, lefts and rights, non gets the upper hand, both lock up and exchange wrestling holds. Meanwhile on the outside Decent goes for the down and out on 0 but he reverses it into a back drop, Decent literally lands on the safety rail in a sick looking bump, the referee quickly checks on him and it can be heard him muttering “give me time”, spot time as Hacksaw slides a table into the ring, Hacksaw and 0 seem to have done a little alliance as 0 throws Chance in, 0 picks up Chance and powerbombs him down into Hacksaw’s knee making it a power-bomb-back-breaker I guess. Hacksaw signals Shotgun while 0 does the same with 8, the gas is brought out and the lighter is pulled out, Chance is set on the top rope, Hacksaw and 0 go for a double-super-plex off the top rope, Shotgun lights it up, 8 and Shotgun stand back, just when they are about to pick him up Chance flips over them and hits a double downwhirl spiral on both of them at the same time, all three man go down and are out. Shotgun and 8 are in awe as to what just happened, they check on their respective tag partners as the replay plays.

Manic: Holy Shit! That is all I can say, Holy Shit!

Chico: I can not believe what we just saw, lets see the replay.

Manic: Right here you can see 0 and Hacksaw going for the double superplex off the top, Chance counters by flipping over both men while holding onto them.

Chico: Manic, I have no clue what the hell you’re talking about, but it was devastating indeed.

EMT’s come out and check on all three men as they take them all to the back, but this match isn’t over yet, Decent is still on the outside and he is hurt, 8 stands in the middle of the ring as Shotgun sets up the table where the ramp ends and the ring begins, Shotgun picks up Decent and throws him into the ring, 8 picks up a lifeless Decent, Shotgun lights the table up, 8 picks up decent and nails a power bomb all the way from the ring to the outside through the burning table, holy shit chants reign supreme over the arena as Decent looks like he is dead! Even more EMTs run down to check on him, 8 and Shotgun are the two remaining.

Manic: I have seen sick matches in my life, but this one is right on top, how all this men can escape without injury is a mystery to me.

Chico: Who says they are not injured? Except for Shotgun and 8 the rest look like they died, plain and simple.

Shotgun and 8 get it on, Shotgun goes for a clothesline, 8 ducks down and nails the knee from behind, he bounces off the ropes and nails a shoulder block on Shotgun, as he tries to stomp the back Shotgun quickly rolls to his feet, both men lock up, 8 applies a head lock, back body drop by Shotgun, both men roll to the side and get up, they look at each other and take a brief rest as the fans cheer. 8 bounces off the ropes and goes for a huracanrana, Shotgun catches him and nails a sit-down powerbomb, 8 is out, Shotgun goes to ringside and picks up a nearby table, he throws it into the ring, as he sets it up two wrestlers jump over the guard rail, non-other than Cain Hunt and Mike Hunt, from behind they attack Shotgun and finish him off with a spike piledriver, 8 is unaware of all this, he slowly starts to wake up, Cain and Mike light the table up and leave like a thief in the night, 8 slowly gets up and sees the table light up and Shotgun knocked down, puzzled he picks up Shotgun and delivers a powerbomb to finish this hellacious match. NoB wins.

Manic: Whew, whatelse can be said? That was indeed a fight.

Chico: Wow, you sound soo enthusiastic about it Manic.

Manic: More exhausted than anything. It’s been a long night and we’re not through yet.

Camera cuts to the backstage area as Bob Levy is walking down the hall. Bob knocks on York’s office door. Lance Love opens the door as the crowd cheers.

Bob: Lance!! Long time no see man.

Lance: Yeah no doubt. Lookin for York? Want a hash brown?

Bob: Erm, that’s okay. York, tonight in the main event, speculation is…

York: I know what yer gonna ask. Afterall I did ask you to come down here for a particular reason. HBK and Corino. Corino and HBK. You know, I’ve been having difficulties running this place because of certain people not wanting to do the right thing. Well, tonight that all changes. Alliance…if any of you run down to the ring at all, match is THROWN out. HBK, same thing with you. If ANYONE comes down to help you, well…Winner, and NEW World Champion, Steve Corino. That’s all I have to say, thank ya very much, DUDE!!

Matt Morgan makes his way down to the ring as the Internet Title match is ready to go. Morgan gets greeted with cheers from all sides of the arena as he enters the ring. RVD is the next man to come out as Fonzie acts obnoxious as usual. RVD enters the ring and hands the referee the belt. The bell rings as the match gets underway.

Manic: RVD and Morgan don’t appear to be fazed at all by each other’s presence. RVD of course being one of the longest reigning singles champions in the BOW. Morgan, of course, is Hall of Fame bound.

Morgan and RVD lock up and exchange armdrags. Lock up again, same results. Morgan ducks a spinkick and RVD blocks a sidekick. Morgan with a headlock takedown but RVD counters with a headscissors. Morgan kips out of it and RVD follows up with a kip up of his own. Both men stare off as the crowd appreciates the start of the match. RVD shrugs with a smile before pointing to himself three times. Morgan slaps RVD in the face and chops away. RVD counters a go behind and takes him down to the mat. Morgan does a go behind out of the armbar and plants a few knees into RVD’s arm. RVD counters into an armbar of his own but Morgan escapes. Morgan blocks a punch and starts pounding away picking up the pace of the match. RVD counters an irish whip and does a legsplit, but Morgan flips over with a headsnap that almost broke RVD in half. Morgan hits a northern lights suplex for a 2 count. Morgan goes for a blindcharge that RVD counters with a foot to the face. RVD jumps onto the top turnbuckle, but Morgan shoves him off. RVD crashes to the barricade on the outside in the process. Morgan slides out and stomps away. Morgan tosses RVD back into the ring and covers him for a 2 count. Morgan hits a suplex before going to the outside back in with a slingshot legdrop. Morgan covers RVD for another 2 count. Morgan picks up RVD and chops him into the corner. RVD counters an irish whip and connects on a monkeyflip. RVD follows up with a rolling senton splash. 1, 2, Morgan kicks out. RVD picks up Morgan and hits a kicking combination. RVD goes for a somersault standing moonsault, but Morgan counters with his knees. Morgan gets back up and hits a DDT on RVD. Morgan covers for a 2 count. Morgan drags RVD over to the corner and hits an outside back in slingshot moonsault for a 2 count.

Manic: What a move by Morgan!! Pace is picking up in this match despite both men getting tired by the minute. A testament to both Morgan and RVD’s ring conditioning.

Chico: No comment.

Morgan tumbles over RVD, leaps on the turnbuckle, and hits a moonsault for another 2 count. Crowd is eating up every pinfall attempt. Morgan goes for a Russian legsweep, but RVD counters with a rollup for a 2 count. Morgan gets back up. RVD ducks a clothesline and hits a standing sidekick. RVD drags Morgan to the corner. Morgan gets the knees up on RVD’s split legged moonsault attempt. RVD staggers over and Morgan hits him with a rolling german suplex, ending the combo with a release Dragon Suplex. Morgan points over to the turnbuckle as the crowd gets more rabid by the minute. Morgan ascends the turnbuckle and signals for the swanton bomb.

Manic: Morgan may be going for the 86!! If he connects on this, we have a new Internet Champion!!

Morgan dives off the top and flips into the swanton bomb, connecting on RVD. Morgan appears to have taken damage himself from it, since he’s slow to make the cover. Morgan crawls over and drapes his arm over RVD. 1, 2, RVD kicks out.

Manic: RVD kicked out of the 86!!! My god.

Morgan picks up RVD and hoists him onto the top turnbuckle. Morgan appears to be going for a superplex, but RVD fights it off with jabs to the midsection. Morgan falls to the mat, but is quick to go for it again. RVD once again fights off Morgan. Morgan falls down again, and this time the wind got knocked out of him. RVD looks towards the crowd, preps himself, and hits the 5 Star Frog Splash. RVD covers. 1, 2, Morgan kicks out.

Manic: Morgan kicked out of the 5 Star!!

The referee starts the 10 count as neither can recover to their feet. RVD makes his way up first, but Morgan starts a comeback. Morgan pounds away and hits a backdrop from off the ropes. RVD goes for a legsweep, but Morgan counters with a Rocker Dropper. 1, 2, RVD kicks out at 2. RVD counters an irish whip with a backslide. Morgan kicks out at 2. Morgan tries to counter a backdrop into a huracanrana, but RVD jackknifes him down and flips over for a pin. 1, 2, 3!! No, the referee says that it’s only two. Everyone including the announcers thought that RVD had the win there. Morgan counters an irish whip into a sunset flip. RVD sits down on the sunset flip and pins, but Morgan counters with a pin of his own. RVD rolls over. Morgan tries to counter, but RVD hooks Morgan’s legs. 1, 2, 3. RVD retains the title.

Manic: Funny how things can turn out. RVD kicked out of the 86, Morgan kicked out of the 5 Star. In the end, a move as simple as a rollup can end the match.

Chico: Fans, BOW Warfare tonight is bought to you by…Heh, where’s the papers with the advertisers Manic? Hell with it.

The bell rings three times as the crowd grows silent. Mark Austin is in the ring getting ready to announce the main event.

Manic: Guess we couldn’t afford Michael Buffer.

Chico: Hehe.

Austin: Tonight, is a night where there is no line of failure. Tonight is a night where the men get separated from the boys. Earlier we saw the ladder match, then the burning tables match, and on top of all that, now we have…….this match. Are you ready!? What? Are you ready!? What? I said, ARE…YOU…READY!? For the hundreds of fans in attendance, and the THOUSANDS at home reading this Pay Per View over the internet..

Manic: Yeah right, more like less than 10, but whatever.

Austin: Llllllllllllllllets get ready to rumble!!!

“Come with Me” fires up over the PA system as Steve Corino makes his way out.

Austin: Coming down the aisle first, is the challenger. He is from Skippack, Pennsylvania. His hard work and dedication to this craft, along with bleeding on all circuits he’s come across, has earned him the title of…King of Old School. He is a member of the Alliance, he is the CURRENT BOW Hardcore Champion, ladies and gentleman…The King of Old School, Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve Cooorino!!!

Corino enters the ring as ascends the turnbuckle so the fans can take a photo of him in all his glory. His music cuts off, as “Sexy Boy” gets pumped over the speakers. Shawn Michaels makes his way out.

Austin: Here is a man who needs no introduction, but fuck it I’m gonna give one to him anyway. This Texas native is a man who’s earned honors all across the nation. He’s a Grand Slam Champion in the WWF, the first one to ever pull off that feat. His comeback to the BOW was second to none, and all of it paid off quite well. He is the champion, he is from San Antonio, Texas. The CURRENT, BOW WORLD Heavyweight CHAMPIOOOON….HBK, the HEART BREAK KID…Shaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn MICHAELS!!!

Austin exits the ring as the referee holds the world title belt high in the air. HBK and Corino circle the ring and tie up. Neither can gain advantage. Another tieup, HBK grabs a headlock into a back armbar. Corino elbows out and shoulderblocks HBK. Corino ducks a clothesline from HBK off the ropes and hits a flying cross bodyblock for a 1 count. Corino picks up HBK and chops away. HBK counters and starts targeting Corino’s face with his fists. HBK suplexes Corino and pins him for a 1 count. HBK gets back up and starts working on the knee of Corino. The camera pans the crowd as the world champ hits a few knees into the thigh of Corino. HBK goes for a figure four, but Corino shoves him into the turnbuckle and schoolboys him for a 2 count. Corino picks up HBK and goes for a northern lights suplex, but HBK goes to his knees and hits a blatent lowblow. HBK covers Corino for a 2 count. Michaels tosses Corino to the outside stomps away at his midsection. HBK grabs onto Corino’s legs, perches him, and slingshots him headfirst into the ringpost.

Manic: Is it? Wait, oh yeah, he’s drawn blood.

Chico: What’s a Corino match without a little crimson eh?

Corino’s head starts to drip with blood as he staggers back up. HBK rolls Corino back into the ring and covers him for a 2 count. HBK starts acting a little more laid back now, as he methodically works over Corino’s head. HBK grabs Corino by the head and starts jabbing away at the cut, drawing more blood. HBK pins for a 2 count. HBK takes Corino over to the corner and goes for an irish whip. Corino counters the irish whip out of nowhere and HBK does a somersault on the turnbuckle. Corino goes for a superkick as HBK flipped back down, but HBK ducks it and hits a side suplex. Michaels shakes his head for not taking that minute or two seriously, and he starts stomping a mudhole in Corino’s head. HBK grabs on a headlock and wears out Corino more. The crowd starts stomping their feet for Corino which is odd since he’s face, but the bloody mask he’s wearing has woken some people up. HBK still has the majority of the crowd in his hands though, of course. Corino elbows out and starts punching away, but HBK kicks him in the midsection and piledrives him to the mat(leaving a big bloodstain where his head hit). HBK starts working on the leg that he was working on earlier, and locks in a figure four in the middle of the ring.

Manic: I dunno how much more Corino can take. HBK has SERIOUSLY put the hurt on him in this match.

Chico: Just a matter of time Manic, mere minutes in my opinion.

The referee counts Corino’s shoulders. 1, 2, Corino gets a shoulder up and starts to reverse it. Corino almost…yes, he reverses it. HBK thinks about going to the ropes, but then realizes that it’s easier to simply break the figure four. HBK staggers back up, but it’s clear that Corino was on the worst end of the figure four. Corino gets back up and HBK chopblocks his leg. HBK is starting to get into his groove as a smile lights up on his face. HBK goes for another chopblock, but Corino sidesteps it. HBK smacks into the turnbuckle. Corino turns around and hits a superkick out of nowhere.


Manic: Corino has the title won!! All he has to do is crawl over and pin him!!

Corino drapes an arm over HBK as the referee counts. 1, 2, HBK gets the shoulder up at 2 7/8ths. The crowd is stunned and so is Corino. Corino starts stomping on the mat as he warms up for another one. HBK staggers up and Corino goes for another superkick. HBK ducks, grabs Corino, and hits a Dragon Suplex.

Manic: HBK hit Corino with…Heart Break Expulsion?

Chico: Old School Expulsion…Shut up Manic. 1, 2, Corino kicked out!!!

Corino kicks out as HBK can’t believe it. HBK picks up Corino. Corino does a go behind and goes for Old School Expulsion, but HBK backs him into the turnbuckle, taking the referee out in the process. HBK grabs an international object out of his tights and wraps it on his fist. Corino staggers up and HBK drills him in the head with it. HBK slips the object into Corino’s tights and covers him. The referee slouches over. 1, 2, Corino kicks out. HBK bodyslams Corino and goes up top. Top rope elbowdrop connects as Michaels jacks the crowd up for what’s coming up next. HBK goes over to the turnbuckle and warms up the band for Sweet Chin Music.

Manic: Oh it’s COMING Chico, it’s coming up!!

Corino staggers up and HBK goes for the kick. HBK kicks, but Corino catches the leg. Corino spins HBK around and hits a Stonecold Stunner.

Manic: Stunner!! Oh my god it’s Austin vs HBK again.

Chico: Hehe.

Corino covers and the referee counts. 1, 2, 3. The bell rings as Corino wins the match.

Austin: Your winner, and NEW BOW World Hea…

Buchanon: Wait wait wait a second…

Manic: What the?

Bull Buchanon comes out with a microphone.

Manic: I thought Hardtime disbanded, heh. Guess not.

Buchanon: Referee, why not do your job and check to see the foreign object that Corino had in his tights. Do it will ya?

Corino has no clue what he’s talking about, but HBK can be seen in the back smiling to himself as he gets back up. The referee checks and finds the object that HBK snuck into Corino’s tights. The referee waves for the bell and calls for a DQ. Corino looks pissed and so does the crowd from the screwy finish. HBK is about to leave when Christian York makes his way out.

York: Hold on a second, HBK. You think you’re gonna have it that easy? I saw what you pulled, that little stunt. Get your ass back in the ring, this match is gonna continue!!

HBK gets pissed as the ref calls for the bell for the match to restart. HBK jaws with Christian. Corino takes advantage by rolling HBK up for a 2 count. HBK is losing momentum by the seconds as Corino’s adrenaline starts to rush(despite him losing blood). HBK counters an irish whip and goes for a clothesline. Corino ducks under with a go behind and hits the Dragon Suplex. The referee counts.

Manic: Old School Expulsion!!!

1, 2, 3. Corino wins the match.

Austin: Your winner, and NEW BOW World…

Lars Douglas appears on the Bowtron from the Beer Domain. The crowd boos the total crap out of him and he loves every second of it.

Lars: No no, you don’t get it guys. I’m here to lay down the law in the BOW, cause I’m a nice guy like that, mmkay? Hell, even on my OFF days I find it compelling to see such total crap go down in such a high profile match. Christian, don’t think about changing this result. We’ve gotten a lot cooler with each other in the past couple months, but I’m still your superior. Roll the footage shall we?

The footage shown has Shawn Michaels smacking Corino in the head with the foreign object before sticking it in Corino’s tights. The Bowtron cuts back to Lars.

Lars: Such a dirty, dirty, tactic, ya know? HBK, you’re a bad bad man. You do know what this means right? Your winner, by DISQUALIFICATION, the King of Old School, ha. Steve Cryrino!!! BUT, because the title can’t change hands on disqualifications. STILL BOW World Heavyweight Champion, HBK, Shawn Michaels!!

Manic: What in the hell? I’m not a huge fan of Corino, but he showed us that he had fight in this match, and the ending downright sucks!!!

Corino slams his fists into the mat as blood sprays from his head. Corino points at HBK who has a big smile on his face from the outcome of the match. Corino grabs the microphone and looks towards HBK.

Corino: HBK…You know what…Yeah you. You think you’re getting off that easily? Look at me, LOOK!! I’m draining blood out of my body, exhausted, tired. Yet, you couldn’t BEAT me. This issue isn’t done, no it’s not. Fact of the matter is…This issue…is just getting STARTED.

A Promotional Video plays to U2’s “Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me” for the October Pay Per View, Obscured.

End of Show.