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The scene opens up in the BOW arena, it is jam packed and it is a hot night, the fans are excited, the wrestlers are ready and we are ready to kick off the first Monday Night Rampage of our new era. No excuses by Alice in Chains plays, everybody’s favorite Commissioner walks out from behind the curtains, he posses for the fans as he makes his way down the ramp.

Nita: Making his way to the ring, my favorite BOW superstar, Commissioner Lars!

Lars steps into the ring and he grabs Nita, they get REALLY close as he takes the microphone away from her, she smiles from ear to ear as she leaves the ring.

Lars: Thank you beautiful Nita for the excellent introduction, how about a raise? I know, I will erase some zeros from York’s contract and add it to yours… anyway, where was I?

The fans throw garbage at the ring, Lars keeps his prestige by ignoring them all.

Lars: Look at you people, so pathetic. Please, respect a man of class and integrity such as myself. Thank you. Anyway, I am here for two reasons. One, I rule I can do whatever I want, I am the boss now aint I? And second to talk a little bit about tonight’s match. I had a perfect match set up for tonight. It was so beautiful, Shotgun was going to downright kill York, but the little bitch quickly changed it to a cage match, and that my friends really do pisses me off!

The fans start York chants all around the arena, Lars manages to keep his cool which causes the fans to hate him even more.

Lars: You see, under normal situations this would be a good thing, but as I don’t like to say it, Shotgun doesn’t have a good history when it comes to cage matches. He broke his jaw in a cage match, and that isn’t no good. I believe he can beat anyone one on one, but on a cage, well I doubt that he can…

Suddenly bloodline by Slayer plays, the man who used to raise people from their seats but now is merely a shadow of what he once was (shotgun) makes his way out. Some people greet him with cheer but the boos overtake the arena. He smiles as he walks down with his arm wrapped around Sasha. He holds the ropes for Sasha to enter the ring, he gives her a little kiss before he takes the microphone away from Lars.

Shotgun: Lars, you are completely right, this people really do suck!

The fans explode with “you suck” chants, Shotgun laughs as he looks at all the people booing him.

Shotgun: Anyway, Lars, my favorite commish, you are wrong in one thing, York vs. Shotgun in a cage isn’t a bad idea, its an excellent idea! You see, I believe York beat me once in a cage, and well, that was about a year ago, I think another cage match will come in handy, specially when I bash his skull against the steel until his blood starts flowing. I will not only beat York, I will put him out FOREVER!

Suddenly Guerilla Radio by RATM plays, Chris York himself makes an appearance as he interrupts both men in the ring.

York: Whoa, whoa, hold it right there jerky. Before you come out and talk all this trash let me speak in behalf of the fans here, and that is by saying Shut The Fuck Up, bitch!

Shotgun remains silent as the fans laugh at him.

York: Lets make this short and sweet Carlos, I beat you once and I will beat you again, tonight it wont be no different, after I defeat the all mighty Shotgun I will make my way to Jaded and defeat the man known as Number 8, and when I do that not only will I be world champion, not only will I still be the president but Y2K will also reign supreme! Thank you very much!

Guerilla Radio plays as York makes his way to the back, Shotgun looks at Lars, Lars can not do nothing, his hands are tied, Shotgun vs. York, in a cage, tonight!


March 18, get ready because the BOW will get Jaded!

Jaded, live on PPV, order it now!

-end commercial-

We go backstage with The Tank accompanied by Timmy getting interviewed by Amber.

Amber: Tank, you will face new comer Flex Kavana in moments, how confident are you?

Tank: Well Amber, I think we can sum it up by letting Timmy address Kavana, do the honors Timmy.


Tank: You don’t get much better than that.

My Way by Limp Bizkit plays, the newest member of the BOW family Flex Kavana makes his way out. The fans greet him with a diverse reaction.

Nita: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 256 lbs, Flex Kavana!

Flex slides into the ring and waits for his opponent The Tank to come out.

Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit plays, The Tank comes out alongside little timmy who is in a wheel chair, Tank rolls his little retarded ass down the ramp as he gets a weird face pop from the crowd, he parks Timmy next to the ring steps and gets ready for some action.

Nita: And his opponent, from Adelaide, Australia, weighing in at 275 lbs, The Tank!

Tank slides into the ring and is meet with a clothesline from Flex, Masta D signals for the bell to ring as this match begins. Tank quickly gets up, Tank and Flex lock up in the middle of the ring, Tank whips Kavana against the ropes, Tank goes for a charging clothesline, Kavana ducks, he bounces off the ropes and nails Tank with a drop kick that sends him outside of the ring. Kavana stands on the apron, he goes for a shoulder block and nails Tank that sends him over the announcers table. Flex pounds on the Tank, he climbs the apron again and goes for a splash, at last minute The Tank rolls out of the way causing Flex to take the blow of the table. Kavana is in bad shape as Tank picks him up and whips him against the steel rail. Kavana is dangerously close to Timmy, Tank runs towards Kavana planning to nail a spear but Flex puts Timmy in front of him, Tank manages to stop right in time, Timmy starts crying desperately, Tank doesn’t know what to do, from behind Kavana picks up a chair, Tank does his best to make Timmy cry, he gives up but when he tries to focus on his opponent he is met with a direct chair shot to the face that pretty much knocks him out. Kavana rolls Tank into the ring and inside he nails his finisher, The Finger Bang! Flex pins as Masta D counts for the 1,2,3. Kavana makes his way towards Timmy, quickly BOW officials restrain and escort Kavana out of the ringside area.

Meanwhile backstage we have a shot of Shotgun in his dressing room smoking some of his Benson & Hedges (who are official sponsor’s for the Jaded PPV by the way).

Sasha: Now Carlos, I don’t doubt your talent, but you still have a sore back, things like that just don’t go away.

Shotgun: My back is as good as it will ever be honey. Don’t worry about me, if I were you I would be worried that I might break York’s neck in two pieces, now that is scary. How about you champ, think you can beat those two sissies in your match?

From the back Number 8 wearing his trademark backwards cap walks out, he holds his belt proudly in one hand and a malboro in his other hand.

Number 8: I got a match? Bah, I apologize, its just that I don’t give a shit, I am so good that I don’t need to prepare. Anyway, take care of that back for me Charlie boy, and try not to put York in a wheel chair, just make sure he goes into a coma or something.

Shotgun: Sure thing.

Meanwhile in the ring Guerilla Radio hits, Christian York makes his way out to the ring.

Nita: The following contest is a Cage match and the winner will face the champion at Jaded for the BOW Title. Coming out first, weighing in at 165 lbs, from Wilmington, Delaware, Christian York!

York steps into the cage. I would like to take this time to explain the rules of this match, you can only beat your opponent by pin or by escaping through the top of the cage. You can not escape through the door because it will be locked.

Anyway, Bloodline by Slayer plays, Shotgun and his beautiful valet/girlfriend make their way out. Shotgun and Sasha pose at the top of the ramp.

Nita: And his opponent, weighing in at 290 lbs, from Arecibo, Puerto Rico, accompanied by Sasha, Shotgun!

Shotgun gives Sasha a little kiss before he steps into the cage, the lock the door as referee Gaylord Focker signals for the bell. York and Shotgun lock up, Shotgun easily overpowers York sending him against the turnbuckle, Shotgun goes for an elbow on the corner, York moves out of the way and nails a drop kick that sends Shotgun against the ropes. York sets up Shotgun on the top turnbuckle and nails a beautiful hurricanerana (or however you spell it). Shotgun lays in the middle of the ring out for the moment, York climbs the ropes again and goes for the money shot, Shotgun manages to roll out and this causes York to crash against the mat. Shotgun slowly gets up, he picks up York and goes for the Bullet Bomb, but York keeps fighting, Shotgun frustrated hits a piledriver instead. York is out for the time being. Shotgun starts climbing the cage, York is starting to move, Shotgun is almost at the top when York is up, with his quickness he manages to climb the cage as well, Shotgun is about to escape the Cage when York grabs his foot. Shotgun tries to kick him but York keeps climbing, York manages to climb all the way up, now both men are on the top of the cage and this seriously looks dangerous, Shotgun slams York’s head against the security cable, York manages to hold on, York kicks Shotgun in the midsection, in what looks to be an insane move he goes for a power bomb from the top? Shotgun is way too heavy to lift, Shotgun low blows York, York holds his jewels when suddenly he is slammed against the cable, he drops all the way down to the ring, the fans stand up on their seats as it looks like Shotgun will steal this one. Suddenly in an instant second someone nails Shotgun from the top, a man dressed in black hooked from the ceiling, Shotgun drops hard against the mat, he doesn’t seem to be moving at all! The man in black stands on top of the cage staring down, York slowly makes his way on top of Shotgun, ref counts, 1,2,3! York has won it! The man descends all the way down to the ring, he stares at a lifeless Shotgun, he takes his hat off to reveal that it is Cain Hunt! The cage is lifted and Sasha makes her way to the ring to help her man up, Shotgun is starting to come back, so is York, Sasha gets Shotgun on his feet, he is amazed to see Cain Hunt in front on him, standing there, without no fear whatsoever, Cain Hunt stands there, almost daring Shotgun to take a shot, York makes his way to his feet as well, Shotgun sees himself outnumbered and him and Sasha quickly bail out. Back in Black plays as Cain and York stand in the middle of the ring staring at each other, Sasha and Shotgun make their way to the back as this brutal segment ends.

We go to a shot outside of the building, beautiful warm night down here in LA, and we would like to reminds you that Heineken and Benson & Hedges proudly bring to you Jaded, live this march the 18th only on PPV.

Meanwhile we go backstage where Rob is hanging out with Alex Hawk.

Rob: Alex, you were once one of the most promising stars in this sport ever, everyone loved you! What went wrong?

Alex: I will tell you what went wrong Rob, I held the Australian title forever, they renamed it to the IC title and I still kept it, I was unbeatable, and I was always considered a mid-carder, well no more, this time around is different, I will not earn my respect, I will beat it out of you. Tonight Alex Hawk becomes the new champion, and like it or not I will be in the main event!

Rob: Well ok… lets go over to Amber who is standing with Descent.

Amber: Thanks Rob, we are here with Descent, you heard what Hawk said, what do you think?

Descent: I think that kid needs a serious beating to set him straight, Hawk, the problems are not the fans, it’s the talent, and I have got lots of it, tonight I will meet you in the ring for the very first time and I will test you, and after I defeat you and be crowned new champion then ask me why you never got respect!

Amber: It is heating up, Hawk vs. Descent vs. Number 8 and the biggest prize in the industry is on the line, The BOW title.

Meanwhile we go backstage were Number 8 is checking up on Shotgun, this does not look good.

Number 8: That son of a bitch Cain will pay Carlos, I guarantee it. After I beat this punks I will go on and break Cain Hunt’s back by myself. Take care of him Sasha, I will be back after a while.

Shotgun: 8… remember, exploit their weakness…

8 smiles as he leaves the area.

Day of Contempt-Drain plays, Alex Hawk walks out the ramp and immediately notices some music instrument laying there in the ramp, he ignores them and keeps walking down the ramp as the fans boo the hell out of Alex.

Nita: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is a three way dance for the BOW title, coming out first from Salisbury, Australia, weighing in at 205 lbs… Alex Hawk!

Hawk steps into the ring and warms up, is this the night that Hawk finally wins the big one?

Day to Daze by NOFX plays, Descent walks out to a nice reaction from the crowd, he posses for the fans a bit before he walks down to the ring.

Nita: Making his way to the ring from Salisbury, Australia, weighing in at 225 lbs… Descent!

Descent steps into the ring, he is face to face with Alex Hawk, they look like they are about to get it on when suddenly the lights go out, the only lights are illuminating the top of the ramp, the members of Spineshank come out, the all pick up their instruments.

Singer: Ladies and gentlemen, we are spineshank and this is Synthetic!

Spineshank start playing as in the BOW-tron the 8 logo is shown, Number 8 walks out wearing his BOW belt walks out, 8 takes a moment to listen to his new theme which can be found in the BOW album, coming soon. 8 keeps walking down until he enters the ring, something wicked occurs as the three men in the ring start moshing with each other, going at it hard BOW styles, the fans explode as this match un-officially begins.

Finally Spineshank end their performance followed by Chief Luke signaling for the bell to ring, now it is serious as 8 quickly clotheslines Descent down, he is met with a bulldog from behind by Alex Hawk. 8 and Descent are up, Descent locks 8 in a full nelson, Hawk bounces off the ropes and nails a beautiful super kick that catches the champion right in the face. Descent and Alex lock up, Descent whips Hawk against the ropes, as he bounces off Hawk nails a cross body on Descent, only a 2 count, Hawk bounces off the ropes again this time he goes for a drop kick, Descent avoids it, he picks Hawk up and nails a swinging neck breaker. From behind the champion gets up and puts Descent in a sleeper, Descent tries to fight it but the pressure is too great, Descent goes down to one knee, Hawk picks up a chair on the outside, he swings directly at 8, 8 puts Descent in front off him making him catch the full blow, when Hawk tries to nail 8 again this time he is met with a drop kick that sends the chair to his face. 8 seems to be in control as he picks up Hawk and nails a shoulder breaker. In the corner of the ring Descent is on his feet, he takes this opportunity and puts 8 into a cross face chicken wing, he brings 8 all the way down to the mat, it is only a matter of time until he is forced to give up, but from the other corner Hawk is climbing the ropes, Descent sees him put it is too late as Hawk drops a 5 star frog splash onto both men, Hawk took part of the blow himself as well. All three men are battered and bruised but neither is out. 8 seems to be the worse of all. Hawk goes to the outside and grabs one chair and throws it in the ring, he grabs another one and enters the ring with it, he waits for either of both men to get up, both slowly use the ropes to climb up, Descent sees the chair and picks it up, he sees Hawk and both have the same idea, each of them stand in one corner of the ring, 8 gets up when he suddenly sees both men charging at him with chairs, he quickly ducks which causes Hawk and Descent to nail each other. 8 grabs the chairs and hits Hawk in the back, Hawk rolls out in pain outside of the ring. 8 picks Descent up, he tries to put on a fight but he is met with a DDT, 8 signals for the end. He picks up Descent and nails the Shoutdrive. Descent is out, he looks at the outside, Hawk ignores this and walks up the ramp as 8 pins Descent, 1,2,3! 8 is still the champion, 8 rolls to the outside and grabs his belt, Hawk runs into the ring and climbs the turnbuckle, he nails the Acid Drop on a knocked out Descent in the middle of the ring. He smiles as Days of Contempt play on the background. 8 walks up the ramp with belt in hand while Hawk stands over a downed Descent as the scene fades away.