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The scene opens in Ary Moreno’s office, Ary is looking over some papers and from time to time looking at his monitor, Cain and Lauren enter his office, Ary gets up to meet Cain.

Ary: No Cain, I don’t want insurance, I can take care of my own.

Cain: Chill boss, I’m just here to talk, I’m a little bored, meet Lauren, hot girl isn’t she?

Ary: You should ask Lars that, he does he 5 ex-wives.

Lauren gets over the desk and sits there.

Ary: What is this about?

Cain: Nothing, cant she get comfortable? So tonight is a big night for Shotgun, isn’t it?

Ary: Yeah, tonight I bring the big gun out.

Cain stares a hole through Ary, Cain does a weird signal to Lauren.

Cain: Well, we must get going boss, later, come Lauren.

When Lauren gets off the desk she trips the monitor, it lands on the floor shattered into pieces.

Lauren: Oh, sorry!

Ary: Damn it, its ok, I’m too busy tonight to check the monitor anyway, just get out, I’m very busy.

Cain: Sure thing.

Cain and Lauren exit with a big smile on their faces, the credits roll as we kick off this edition of Monday Night Massacre.

Unskinny Bop plays, The Happy Go Luckies walk out with matching neon pink and green tights, they both hold a microphone in hand, they stop midway in the ramp and address the crowd.

Gary: Hi people!!!

Ace: How is everyone doin in this cute night???

The fans boo the hell out of the go luckies.

Gary: Tonight we found some big rough sweaty opponents Ace! You think you can handle them?

Ace: I can handle you tiger! Lets grab so butt! I mean kick some butt!

The Go Luckies get into the ring and wait for the Cold Hearted Crew to come out. Criminal by Eminem plays, The American Crippler and Ice Cold walk out, they run to the ring and quickly go for a spear, both Go Luckies meet them with a drop toe hold, the Crew get up and go for a clothesline, luckies duck and nails a rock bottom, the Crew go outside to think strategy as the Go Luckies slap hands in the ring.

Dan Manic: Whoa, the Crew got rocked right there, they didn’t expect The Go Luckies to actually wrestle!

Chris Kerrang: The Crew is re-thinking strategy.

Ice Cold slides into the ring, Ace meets him in the ring, both men exchange holds, Ace tries to grab Ice Cold’s package, Ice Cold punches him in the nose that sends Ace back, Ice Cold with a drop kick against the ropes, Ace tries to hit a clothesline, Hip toss by Ice Cold that sends Ace down. Ice tags in the crippler, crippler climbs the top rope and nails a diving headbutt, the fans go nuts, Ace is rocked! Ace rolls to his corner and tags in Gary, Gary and The Crippler go at it, Crippler nails a german suplex on Gary, Crippler puts an STF on Gary, Ace tries to interfere but Ice Cold comes running out and nails a stunner, Gary tries to reach the ropes, Crippler pulls him to the middle of the ring, Gary with no way to go taps.

Nita: The winner by submission The American Crippler and Ice Cold!

The Cold hearted Crew raise their hands in victory.

DM: Cold Hearted Crew dominated here tonight!

CK: Yeah, they made the Go Luckies tap out!!

DM: This certainly is a good way to get into the tag title race.

Meanwhile backstage Cain Hunt is walking around with a chair in hand, he slams it down and enters his own locker room.

Cain: Nothing better than the feeling of a job well done.

Lauren: You said it best.

Meanwhile in the ring Bittersweet symphony by The Verve plays, Josh Storm walks out to the boos of the crowd, he shines his bloody belt as tonight its up for grabs vs. The Hardcore title.
Degenerate this by LTL plays, Justin Lawless walks out wearing his hardcore belt accompanied by Crystal, Lawless seems to be ready for this match, he steps into the ring, the bell rings and both men quickly go at it.

DM: This started quick.

CK: This is title for title! A new champion will be crown tonight!

Lawless whips Storm into the corner, Lawless charges towards the corner but is met with a boot from storm, Storm climbs the second turnbuckle and nails a bulldog, Storm pins but gets a 2 count.

DM: The bloody champ with the slight advantage right now.

CK: Storm is my pick! That guy can wrestle anyone!

Storm picks up Lawless and puts him in a cross face chicken wing, Lawless quickly grabs the ropes, Storm lets go, Lawless nails a kick to the mid-section followed by a belly-to-belly suplex, Lawless bounces off the ropes and nails an elbow drop, Lawless goes for the pin, kickout by Storm. Lawless puts on a reverse chink lock on Storm.

DM: You were saying?

CK: I was saying that Lawless is my clear pick to walk out here tonight as a dual champion! That guy rules!!

Storm slowly gets up and nails some blows to the midsection, Lawless quickly hits a reverse suplex that rocks Storm. Lawless picks up Storm and goes for a suplex, Storm with a kick to the midsection and counters with a suplex himself, suddenly Crystal gets on the apron and distracts Storm, Storm sees Crystal and gets on her face, they both argue, suddenly Storm slaps Crystal’s ass! The fans go wild, Lawless sees this and I enraged, from behind nails a running drop kick! Storm is staggering around, Lawless finishes him off with The Lawbreaker! Lawless pins! 1,2,3!! Lawless is the new bloody champion!!

Nita: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner and new bloody champion… Justin Lawless!!!

Lawless grabs his belt and walks up the ramp with both his hardcore title and bloody title, Lawless is a dual champion!! Storm cant believe it, the fans go insane as we cut to a commercial.


BOW fans, are you ready for some Anarchy? We sure are, that is why this Sunday. June the 23rd there is Anarchy in the BOW!

Anarchy, call your cable provider now!


DM: Anarchy will certainly be a big show but the story right now is that Justin Lawless has become the new bloody champion!

CK: Incredible!

Root by the deftones hits, Ary Moreno walks out with an award in his hands, the fans start “Ary” Chants all over the building, Ary steps through the ropes, he sets the award down and grabs a microphone.

Ary: Ladies and gentlemen, it’s the time we have all been waiting for, tonight we will induct one of the greatest superstars ever in the BOW into the hall of fame, lets show a clip!

The clip is titled Cain Hunt kicks Shotgun’s ass! Ary is baffled, he doesn’t know what the hell this is, it shows clips of Cain Hunt pinning Shotgun over and over again, Cain Hunt stealing away Jenny, Cain Hunt hitting Shotgun with a chair against the wall that pretty much shatters his jaw, Cain Hunt piledriving Shotgun over and over. The clip ends. Ary tries to talk but his microphone is dead, suddenly Slydog walks out wearing a tux and a microphone in hand.

Slydog: Ladies and gentlemen, the true legend, the real legend, the BIG GUN, Cain Hunt!

You Could Be Mine plays, Cain Hunt walks out with Lauren, he slides into the ring and grabs the award and a microphone.

Cain: This is such an honor! WHOO! I am in the hall of fame! I am better than anyone else!! I am the big gun!! WOOOO!!!

Ary takes the microphone from Cain.

Ary: What the hell is this?!?! Where is Shotgun?!?!?!

Cain: Oh, who? Oh yeah, he like slipped in the shower or something.

The scene opens in Shotgun’s locker room with Shotgun badly beaten down, Cain laughs.

Cain: I guess you couldn’t see with that bad monitor and all! HAHA! WOO! This is the greatest night in my life!! Lets all join in the party!!

Confetti comes down from the ceiling and a celebration song plays all over the arena, that fans start throwing trash into the ring as the scene fades to a commercial.


BOW The music: Vol. 2, features music from DX, The Triple Threat, Shotgun, Recoil, CEO Ary among others, only 13.95 on your local CD store, buy it now!


DM: Welcome back fans, we just saw one of the sickest thing ever in BOW history.

CK: Yeah, Cain Hunt just turned the night that was supposed to be Shotgun’s greatest night and turned it into a nightmare.

DM: But the night is far from done we still have a title match to go.

My Wordz Are Weapon by D-12 plays, the number 1 contender Recoil walks down the ramp for a huge reaction from the crowd, Recoil slides into the ring and waits for Enforcer.

DM: Recoil is in top shape, perhaps Thursday was a fluke but tonight he will show he is better.

CK: Recoil is a mere cruiserweight, how does he expect to beat Enforcer?

DM: We will have to see.

My time is now by LTL plays, Enforcer alongside Shannon walks out, Shannon holds Enforcer’s belt for him, Enforcer helps Shannon up, Shannon hands the belt over to Chief Luke, from behind Recoil nails an elbow to the back of the head of Enforcer, Luke quickly rings the bell as this match gets underway. Enforcer hits the ropes, as he bounces off Recoil nails a clotheslines that sends Enforcer back, Recoil with a drop toe hold that send Enforcer down, Recoil stomps the champion, Enforcer rolls to the other corner of the ring, he gets up and meet Recoil with a devastating clothesline, Enforcer climbs the top turnbuckle, he seems to get ready for a clothesline, Recoil gets up, just as Enforcer jumps from the top Recoil moves, Enf lands on his feet, Recoil nails a Russian leg sweep on Enf, he climbs the ropes but Enforcer is up, Enforcer slams recoil from the top, Enforcer goes for a leg drop but Recoil moves out of the way, both men are down and tired.

DM: I will give Recoil all the credit in the world, he has wrestled Enforcer as good as anyone ever has, Enforcer has faced people like Cain Hunt, Brimstone, Shotgun, Number 8, but never have I seen someone like Recoil put up a fight like that.

CK: Enforcer is used to fighting guys who challenge him at his own game, Recoil is in another level, he is on a hit and run thing that is working very well.

DM: But how long can he keep this up? And Enforcer claimed that he had a surprise for Recoil? Will the higher one be revealed tonight?

CK: Too many questions to answer Dan.

Both Recoil and Enforcer get to their knees, they see each other and exchange blows from the floor, Enforcer gains the advantage nailing power punches on Recoil, Recoil backs away, Enforcer slowly gets up, Recoil uses the ropes to get up, suddenly Recoil gets a second wind and runs towards Enforcer, he goes for a frankensteiner but Enf catches him and nails a devastating powerbomb, he pins, Recoil kicks at 2, the fans come alive, they cant believe Recoil kicked at 2!

DM: My god! He kicked out of the powerbomb!

CK: That wasn’t his finisher powerbomb but still, its amazing!

Recoil is down, Enforcer on his feet looks at Shannon with a wicked smile, Shannon quickly jumps in the ring and distracts the referee, the ref argues with Shannon, from the crowd someone jumps inside the ring with a cane, its Justin Credible! Credible starts pounding on Recoil with his cane, Recoil is defenseless! Credible runs out through the crowd, Enforcer picks up Recoil and nails his finisher, The New Breed, he pins but Chief Luke wont count! He knows something happened! Enforcer gets on Luke’s face, Luke wont back down, suddenly Judith by A Perfect Circle plays, CEO Lars runs down the ramp, he jumps into the ring and backs Enforcer away, Enforcer backs down, suddenly Lars nails Luke and takes his shirt off, Lars puts on the referee shirt on, Enforcer pins Recoil, 1,2… kickout! Lars cant believe it!

DM: What the hell is going on here?!?!?!

CK: Lars and Enforcer?

Lars picks up a chair from the outside, he hands it to Enforcer, Enforcer starts hitting Recoil, he sets the chair up on the floor, Enforcer nails the New Breed on Recoil onto the chair, Enforcer pins, 1,2,3! Enforcer retains! Lars proudly raises Enforcer’s hand, the fans are stunned as the higher one is revealed, it was Lars! Lars hugs Shannon and Enforcer, they stand together in the middle of the ring as my time is now by LTL hits the speakers.

DM: Lars is the higher one! Lars has managed again to get himself a champion!

CK: Incredible! But what about D-X? Is this the end of the degenerates? Of is it the beginning?

We cut backstage where paramedics are trying to get into Shotgun’s locker room, the door is locked, they kick it open but no one is inside, where the hell is he?

The extremely bloody tour is heading your way, call ticket master to see when we are heading to your town, or go to and check our schedule, we are the big guns and the big guns are coming down to your town, get your tickets now.


DM: Well Chris, I don’t know what else we can see here tonight, Lawless became a dual champion when he defeated Josh Storm, Enforcer retained against Recoil but the big story is that he sold his soul and aligned himself with Lars, Cain Hunt ruined Shotgun’s ceremony and now help came towards Shotgun and he wasn’t there! Where is he?

CK: I have no clue…

Suddenly Symphony of Destruction plays by megadeth, the fans get on their feet as Shotgun battered and bruised walks down the ramp limping a bit, he slides into the ring and gets a microphone from Nita.

Shotgun: I’m not here to sugarcoat it, I stick to the facts not the bullshit, Cain, you little whore, come out here right now so I can break every bone in your body!

The fans get up and cheer at the challenge.

DM: Shotgun wants a match with Cain Hunt tonight? Is he even physically able to have a match?

CK: We still haven’t been able to talk to Shotgun but he looks in good condition, here we go Dan!

You Could Be Mine plays, Cain with Lauren and client Slydog walk out on top of the ramp.

Cain: Hey Carlos, how you doing buddy?

Carlos flips Cain off, Cain takes his sunglasses off and looks at Carlos.

Cain: Show a little respect grandpa, I’m a hall of famer!!

Carlos: Cain, I can understand if you are too much of a little bitch to face me right now, after all everyone here knows two things, first you suck, and second your little girl Lauren is a pathetic excuse to cover up the fact that you are an un-official member of the Go Luckies.

The fans laugh at Cain, Cain tries to talk but he is quickly cut off.

Carlos: I mean, surely you will know that when you were on the Beer Domain I knew, right? I mean I do own the place, well I got a nice piece of footage to show you, lets take a look.

Cain: What the hell is he talking about Lauren?

The clip opens with Cain passed out in his table after having to many drinks, Shotgun walks near him and signals for someone to come.

Carlos: Yo, Ace, Gary, I think Cain needs mouth to mouth respiration!

Ace: Oh damn Gary! He might die!

Gary: Yeah, lets wake this tiger up!

Just as Ace was near Cain’s lips the scene cut.

Carlos: So Fag-o, grow a pair and face me right now!

Cain Hunt wants to kill Shotgun, but he settles down.

Cain: I know you faked that video Shotgun, I’m sure of it, and you are in now way in condition to face me so instead you will fight someone just as good as me, Sly, go kick some ass!

Sly: Me?

Cain: Yeah Slydog, get busy!

Slydog runs down the ring, ref Gaylord Focker runs down and signals for the bell to ring, Slydog goes for a spear, Shotgun nails a kick on Slydog that sends him down, Shotgun picks Slydog up and nails a pumphandle slam, he signals for the end, he picks Sly up and nails the bullet bomb, Sly is out, but Shotgun isn’t done, he hooks Slydog up in a sharpshooter, Slydog is knocked out, Gaylord lifts Slydogs arm three times and it falls, he rings the bell.

Nita: The winner, Shotgun!

Shotgun lets go of Slydog and looks at Cain Hunt daring him to enter the ring, the scene slowly fades.