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The scene opens up earlier today, Enforcer, Ex and Lars make their way into the arena, they are stopped by Ary and Recoil who are waiting for him, Enf and Ex get ready to fight but both Lars and Ary hold them back.

Lars: What is this about Ary?

Ary: Ex will defend his cruiserweight title tonight, wont he?

Lars: Yes he will, you got a problem with that?

Ary: Nope, no problem at all, but I did find something interesting, how much do you weight Ex?

Ex: A lean mean 230 pounds, why?

Ary: Well, it seems to me that the official rule for a cruiserweight is to weight 225 or less, and Ex is above that which means he should be stripped of the title right now.

Ex: WHAT?!?!?!?!

Lars: Wait, wait, wait, Ary, you very well know I can add a rule where the weight is brought up to 230, I am the CEO, I could do it.

Ary: Yes you could, but the board has to meet and approve it, and with president York out no board meeting can happen, so the rule can not be changed.

Enforcer: Hold it, hold it. I very well know that Recoil is above 225, he is 232!

Recoil: Ahem, was, I have been losing a little weight and boom, 225 baby, now give me my belt!

Lars: Wait, fuck, hold. Shit, Ary, let me speak with you in private, you three kids behave.

Lars and Ary walk away to where Enforcer, Ex and Recoil cant hear them, all three men manage to stay their cool and not go at it.

Lars: Ary, it seems a little screwy to me that you want to award Recoil the cruiserweight belt and give him a heavyweight shot at the PPV, where the hell are you getting at?
Ary: Lars, you very well know we were going to book Enforcer vs Lawless, he shot it down, Storm vs. Lawless, he shot him down, who the hell does he want then??

Lars: I will not let you strip Ex the belt.

Ary: I don’t have to, its about 1 pm in the afternoon, I figure maybe Ex can lose the weight before his match at around 9, so that’s the deal, or the belt is mine, got it Lars?

Lars: Fucker, I will get you.

Ary: I am the owner Lars, you cant touch me, bitch.

Lars gets pissed as he walks away while Lars does a wicked smile in his face, Recoil walks towards Ary as Lars picks up his troops.

Ex: And?

Lars: Puke your fuckin guts out, time to lose weight Ex, and fast.

Enf: What?!?!

Lars: And you are free tonight, so help him.

Ex and Enforcer start yelling at Lars while Recoil and Ary laugh.

Recoil: Everything going to plan?

Ary: Couldn’t be better.

The scene fades away.

The opening credits roll as this special edition of Wednesday Night Massacre kicks off, Long Way Down plays as X-pac and Lightning make their way down to the ring ready to face off against the Cold Hearted Crew, they step into the ring and warm up.

Dan Manic: Welcome everyone to this special edition of Massacre, the new degenerates are in the ring but perhaps the big story is this Ex/Recoil situation.

Chris Kerrang: It has screwjob written all over it, Ary knows that NOK is growing more powerful every day and he has to stop it.

Criminal by Eminem plays, The American Crippler and Ice Cold make their way down to the ring, the bell rings and Ice Cold and X-Pac kick it off, both men lock up, X-pac with a take down, Pac hits a stomp on Ice Cold, Cold gets up and charges towards X-Pac, Pac leap frogs over him, as Ice Cold bounces off the ropes Pac hits a wheel kick that sends Ice Cold down, Pac does the “Suck it” chop that drives this crowd wild, Ice Cold tags in Crippler.

DM: X-Pac impressive right off the bat, but can he keep it up?

CK: The Crippler is in the ring, and he is a wrestling machine!

Pac and Crippler square off, they exchange punches, Crippler whips Pac against the ropes, chops to the corner by Crippler that sends the fans go WOOOOOOOO, Crippler sets X-Pac up in the top rope, he goes for a super plex, X-pac holds on, Pac hits some body blows that send Crippler off, X-Pac gets up on the top ropes, Crippler gets up and he is the receiving end of a beautiful drop kick from the top, both men go down.

DM: This match is dead even Chris! Who will get the tag first?

CK: I don’t know, but this jacked up jackass X-Pac is out.

Both men crawl towards their corner, Crippler gets the tag first, he runs to stop X-Pac’s tag but its too late, Pac tags in Lightning, Lightning gets in the ring and nails a clothesline on Ice Cold, Crippler charges towards Lightning, he is met with a bodyslam by Lightning, from behind Ice Cold nails an inverted DDT, Cold pins but Lightning kicks out at 2, Ice Cold picks up Lightning by the hair, he goes for a kick to set up the Ice Cold Stunner, Lightning blocks it, he pushes Ice Cold against the ropes, as he bounces off he is nailed with the lightning strike! Ice Cold goes down out cold, Crippler goes to attack Lightning, Lightning whips him against the turnbuckles, X-Pac nails a super kick in the corner that sends Crippler down, X-Pac signals for the Bronco Buster and nails it while Lightning pins Ice Cold, 1,2,3! The New Degenerates win it!

DM: Nice win by this new team of Degenerates, but remember, this Sunday at Anarchy it will be the original degenerates squaring off, Lawless and Lightning vs. CHC vs. The Franchise Players!

CK: And it will be a hell of a match!

Clips are shown from earlier today, Ex is jogging around the parking lot while Enforcer times him, Ex asks Enforcer for Gatorade, Enforcer is about to give him to him but Lars sees it and runs down.

Lars: No! Not Gatorade! Here, a cup of water, and you will have to piss it off later, ok!?

Ex: Damn it Lars! I cant do this!

Lars picks up the cruiserweight belt that is in the floor.

Lars: You cant? Then I am going to take this belt to Ary right now and give it to him.

Ex: Ok, ok!

Lars: Keep running damn it!

Enforcer is clearly upset as Ex keeps running around the parking lot.

Meanwhile back in the arena Shotgun and Hacksaw alongside Seline and Rochelle walk into their locker room, behind them we see a shot of Cain Hunt who seems to be planning something, we will see what happens later tonight.

- commercial –

Some people are warm and cuddly, but not this guy, he is Ice Cold and one bad mutha, get your Ice Cold t-shirt right now, Ice Cold in the front, Jacked up Jackasses in the back, now you can be a jacked up jackass too, all you have to do is wear this shirt by sending 24.99 to the address on your screen.

- end commercial –

We open up again with clips of Ex earlier tonight, this time Ex is doing push ups, he is up to 200 when he collapses down, Enforcer gives him a sip of water, Lars is clearly concerned as it doesn’t look like he will make it, suddenly Lars comes up with an idea.

Lars: What about if we give him an enema?

Enforcer: What?! What for?

Lars: Shit weights damn, he must have like two pounds of shit in him, right?

Enforcer: You are not giving my little brother an enema Lars, think of something better.

Lars: More puking then, get to it, its 7 pm damn it.

Enforcer: Fuck it Lars, he is doing good, he is to about 300 pushups now, he will make it.

Lars: Suit yourself then.

Ex keeps doing pushups as the scene cuts to another shot in the building, Degenerate This by LTL plays as Lawless makes his way down to the ring.

DM: Weird stuff with Ex man.

CK: Yeah, but my money says he will make it.

DM: Here comes Lawless, up and coming superstar of the BOW.

CK: Yeah, but he has to face non other than Shane Douglas!

Perfect Strangers by Deep Purple plays, non other than the Franchise walks up with Francine in one of her sexy attires that the fans melt for, they walk down to the ramp ready to face Lawless.

DM: Its hard to bet against the Franchise, but Lawless has really gotten better.

CK: Forget Franchise, look at Francine, god, what I wouldn’t give to spend a night with her!

DM: Dream on, horn-boy.

The bell rings, both men go at it, Douglas with a poke to the eye followed by a blow to the midsection, he goes for a fisherman’s suplex, Lawless blocks it and nails a suplex himself, Douglas rolls to his feet, Lawless goes for a clothesline but Douglas nails him with a drop toe hold, Douglas grabs Lawless feet and goes for a submission maneuver but Lawless manages to give him a kick to the face, Lawless gets to his feet, both men nail each other with a clothesline that sends both down.

DM: Both men had the same idea Chris.

CK: Sure did, both men are down right now.

Ref Focker starts the 10 count, both men are to their knees at 5, they start exchanging punches on their knees, the fans cheer as both men go at it on their knees, Lawless hits a huge blow that sends Douglas to his back, Lawless manages to get to his feet, he drops an elbow on Douglas but he rolls out of the way just in time, Douglas gets up and whips Lawless against the turnbuckle, Douglas tries to set up Lawless in the top, Lawless counters with a blow to the midsection followed by a jumping tornado DDT, his finisher, Douglas is out!

DM: Out of nowhere Lawless just hit the Lawbreaker!

CK: Its over!

Lawless pins, 1,2… Francine jumps in the ring and nails Douglas to break the count, the ref pulls he back and warns her, down the ramp out comes running Carmen, manager of Lightning one half of the original degenerates, she jumps right in the ring and takes down Francine!

DM: I guess Carmen decided to help her friend Lawless Chris!

CK: It’s a… CATFIGHT!!

Both women roll around the ring slapping and hitting and stuff, Lawless picks up Douglas and goes for another DDT, this time however Douglas reverses it into a northern lights suplex, Francine manages to break away from Carmen, she runs to the outside and holds Lawless’s leg down as Douglas pins, 1,2,3! Carmen quickly tackles Francine down but its too late!

DM: Come on! Douglas stole it!

CK: I know! Its unfair! But I like it!

Carmen and Francine keep brawling as the referees come out to separate them, Douglas manages to escape with Francine before Lawless can get a hold of him, Perfect Strangers by Deep Purple plays as Douglas steals a win and walks to the back.

Credible is looking for Ex and Enforcer, he asks a member of the crew, they tell him that he is in the parking lot, he says thanks to the crew man, he smiles, Credible walks away, he then turns back and hits his head with his cane that sends him down, the crew guy is in obvious pain as Credible laughs.

Credible: You forgot to say your welcome, idiot.

Credible walks to the parking lot where Ex is now doing jumping jacks, its dark outside by now, Lars seems more confident as does Enforcer.

Lars: I am pretty sure he did it E.

Enforcer: Of course he did, NOK will stop at nothing.

Credible: What are you guys doing? I got a match with Shotgun in like two minutes, its no DQ, you guys are going to come down with me, right?

Lars: Well, the thing is, we have to make sure Ex loses his 5 pound, so we are kind of busy man.

Credible: What about Douglas?

Enforcer: I think he just had a match, he is getting ready to leave.

Credible: What? What about Shannon or Crystal?

Lars: I gave the ladies one night off to spend in the town shopping in the BOW account.

Credible: Shit, Shotgun has the WAI with him, and those fuckers play dirty.

Lars: Don’t worry Justin, I made some arrangements, you will do just fine, trust me.

Credible looks at Lars at disbelief, Credible walks away clearly upsets, Lawless keeps doing jumping jacks as the scene fades.

- commercial –

Are you wussies  ready for some Anarchy? We hope so, because this Sunday the 23rd it will be Anarchy in the BOW, live on PPV, order now!

- end commercial –

That’s incredible by In House Studios plays, Justin Credible with his trusty cane at hand walks down the ramp ready to face Shotgun in a no DQ, he steps into the ring and warms up.

DM: The youngster Credible will go against the veteran Shotgun, and that is no easy feat.

CK: Shotgun is old, fat and alcoholic, this will be a walk in the park for Credible, you will see Dan.

Shotgun and Rochelle are walking backstage towards the curtain, Shotgun tells Hacksaw to wait in their locker room, same for Seline, the production guy is about to play Symphony of Destruction, instead Rochelle hands him the Peal Jam CD Yield, the production plays Do The Evolution by Pearl Jam, the fans rise up as the BOW-tron shows the video of Do The Evolution (kick ass video), between the video the name Carlos/Shotgun flashes, Carlos Shotgun alongside Rochelle walks down the ramp to the biggest pop of the night, Shotgun smiles as he is ringside, he climbs the apron and steps inside, the fans still cheering start chants all around the building, the bell rings and the match get underway, Credible immediately goes for a cane shot, Shotgun counters with a big boot that sends Credible down, Shotgun grabs the cane and throws it to the outside to Rochelle, Credible gets up, he goes for a super kick, Shotgun quickly drops and sweeps Credible of his feet, Shotgun picks Credible up, low blow by Credible, Credible nails a chin buster, Shotgun goes down, Credible climbs the second rope and nails a leg drop, pin but a kick out at 2, Shotgun uses the ropes to get up, Credible runs towards Shotgun, Shotgun drops him over the top rope, Credible lands on his feet, he pulls Shotgun out by the feet, both men brawl in the outside but Credible gets the edge when he pokes Shotgun in the eye, he grabs the ring bell and swings towards Shotgun, Shotgun manages to duck it but Credible swings again and this time he isn’t so lucky, Shotgun lands on the announcers table, Credible climbs the apron and signals for a move, the fans stand up, Credible climbs to the third rope he jumps off with a drop kick that catches Shotgun and the table collapses, the fans go wild as “holy shit” start up all over the arena, even a few “ECW” chants as well, both men are clearly out.

DM: My god, they just took out our table!

CK: That was intense! Incredible! It was Justin Credible!

Rochelle checks on Shotgun, the ref holds her back asking her not to interfere, Credible is the first up, he looks under the ring and finds his trusty cane, he grabs it and proceeds to lay a beating on Shotgun, Shotgun is defenseless! Credible grabs Shotgun and rolls him into the ring, Shotgun tries to get up, but he only manages to get to his knees, Credible measures him and nails a cane shot to his head that breaks the cane and busts Shotgun right up, Shotgun falls back, Credible pins, 1,2… Shotgun manages to use his reach to grab the ropes, Credible gets a little frustrated, he picks Shotgun up, Shotgun lays against the ropes, Credible goes for the superkick, Shotgun grabs his leg and sweeps him off his feet, the fans get up as they see what will happen, Shotgun grabs the other leg and hooks up the sharp shooter, Credible has no where to go! Ref Chief Luke checks on Credible, you can see the pain in his eyes, he doesn’t tap, Shotgun pulls back even harder, the blood starts pouring down his face, he keeps pulling, Credible wont give, suddenly Cain Hunt runs down the ramp, he shoves Rochelle off and grabs the cane that Shotgun threw at her earlier, he gets into the ring, before Shotgun can react Cain nails him in the head again, this makes Shotgun collapse and gives Credible a much needed break, Cain starts beating on Shotgun, suddenly Hacksaw with a black chair runs down the ramp, Cain is distracted beating on Shotgun, Hacksaw hits Cain with the chair on the back, Cain doesn’t go down as he dares Hacksaw to hit him again, Hacksaw swings right towards Cain’s head to knock him out, from out of nowhere Credible hits a super kick on the chair that sends Hacksaw down, Credible kicks Hacksaw outside the ring, he doesn’t see it but Shotgun is already up, Credible sees him and grabs his cane, just about when he is about to hit him Shotgun kicks him in the mid-section followed by the bullet-bomb, Shotgun pins, 1,2,3. A bloody Carlos falls to his back out cold, Hacksaw and Rochelle help him up to his feet while some referees help the injured Cain, Do The Evolution plays in the background as Shotgun won the match but the NOK war is barely beginning.

We cut to the back where Ex is in the bathroom taking a piss, Enforcer and Lars on the outside seem pretty confident.

Lars: He did it, I am sure.

Enforcer: He will be weighted in the ring and you will see how all our troubles go away.

Ex comes out, he looks very pale and in no condition to wrestle.

Enforcer: Damn it Lars, he cant wrestle!

Lars: He will wrestle, it is so easy E, the bell rings, we jump in, beat Recoil shitless and your bro retains by DQ, easy!

Enforcer: In that case, lets go to the ring!

The scene cuts to a commercial.

- commercial –

Lars: Hey people, want to become a chick magnet like me and have sex every day? In that case then buy the Lars de Eu Cologne, you just put a little bit around your neck and see the women melt, I guarantee it, besides, would I try to cheat any of you?

Lars laughs sarcastically, as the camera zooms in into the cologne.

Lars de Eu Cologne, buy it now for only 40 bucks!

- end commercial –

As we come back Root by the Deftones plays, Owner Ary Moreno walks out to the ring to a nice big pop, he slides into the ring and grabs the microphone from ring announcer Nita Spankee.

DM: Wonder what Ary has to say.

CK: Who cares.

Ary: Ladies and gentlemen, since I know all of you want a nice clean match the in the following match if either Lars or Enforcer or any other NOK member interferes every belt will be stripped, including the cruiserweight and heavyweight title, got it Lars? So don’t fuckin dare to come out here! Now without further ado, Recoil!

Recoil comes out to a huge pop, he carries a scale to the ring and a microphone in his hands, he throws the scale in and slides into the ring.

Recoil: Now Ary, just to be fair I am going to weight myself.

Recoil steps on the scale, Ary checks and its an even 225, Nita checks it as well to be a witness, Recoil steps off.

Recoil: Now Ex, I am calling your ass out, bring your fat ass and your little belt out here so I can win it!

In the back Enforcer and Ex are arguing with Lars.

Lars: There is nothing I can do! We cant come out there E!

Enforcer: Damn it, go out there little brother and make me proud!

Ex: I will do it damn it, I am the damn best cruiserweight champion in BOW.

I Run This by LTL plays, Ex comes out looking very pale and very week, he has his belt around his waist, he slides into the ring and goes face to face with Recoil.

Recoil: Now hold up tiny, before I kick your ass you have to weight yourself first.

Ex takes his belt off and steps on the scale, the scale says he is 226, uh oh.

Recoil: Looks like you forfeit, give me my…

Ex: No wait!

Ex takes off his boots and his shirt, he steps on the scale again. Its goes an even 225.

Recoil: Well, what do you know, you don’t forfeit at all, oh well, here you go.

Recoil slams Ex’s head against the scale, Ex goes down, he grabs the scale and start beating on Ex over and over, Ex is defenseless, Ary quickly gets out of the ring, the ref is confused as what to do, Recoil keeps beating Ex with the scale, Ex is in no shape to fight, the ref waves the match off, no contest, Recoil doesn’t stop as he picks up Ex and nails the point blank on Ex, he grabs the scale and hits him again, Recoil grabs the microphone.

Recoil: I got a little secret for you, I didn’t want that shit belt to begin with, what your brother has is what I want, so when you get up tell your brother that, got it, bitch?

Recoil hits Ex again for good measure, My Wordz are Weapon by D-12 plays as Recoil leaves through the crowd, Lars and Enforcer charge to the ring to check on Ex as the scene fades!