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The show explodes with a bang as Monday Night Rampage is on, live from Madison Square Garden! Dan Manic and Chris Kerrang is ready at ringside for commentary. The show starts with a highlight of Anarchy, with Antisocial by Anthrax playing in the background. The clip shows various incidents that happened at the show. At the end, it shows Recoil standing over a bloody Enforcer, which no doubt has make this feud into a more personal level.. with a closing quote....

Recoil : Enforcer, you made this personal, now live with the fact that you may be the champ but you and your wife, both of you are my bitch!

The crowd cheers as the clip ends. Pyros are off and the crowd is fast and furious (Cool movie by the way).

DM : Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to another exciting edition of Thursday Night Massacre!

CK : Holy shit, Dan. I can't wait to see what Enforcer is gonna do after Recoil cracks Shannon with a chair, AGAIN, at Anarchy.

DM : Yeah, I'm curious myself too. My guess is they're gonna go after Nita again.

CK : Well we have her right beside us.

Nita sits at the announcer table and puts on a headset.

Nita : Hey what's up, boys?

DM : Nita, what do you think Enforcer is going to do with you after your boyfriend chaired his wife?

Nita : Some really bad things, I suppose. But I'm not worried. I'm living together with Recoil now, and we came to shows together. So he's already backstage and is ready to protect me anytime!

CK : Well, if I were you I wouldn't be too sure...

At that point, "The Zoo" plays and Enforcer came out. The crowd starts chanting "N-O-GAY" and boos. God, they hate this guy. Enforcer stops at the top of the ramp and looks straight at the announcer table. Enforcer lifts his personal microphone and smiles at the three individuals sitting at the announcer table. His head is bandaged and his left leg seems to be limp.

CK : What the hell is he lookin at?

DM : Shhh.... He's talking.

Enforcer : Nita! How are you doing? Still a little sore I presume? Heh heh...

Nita : Just what the hell does he want?

Enforcer : You think you're safe do you? Sitting beside those two men.... while your boyfriend is at the back, now probably running to get her in time before I lay my hands on you. Do you feel secure, Nita?

DM : This dude is sick....

Enforcer : Well I hope he gets here fast, cause I can't wait to get my hands on his little ghetto ass and knock his ass cold to settle some scores!

Enforcer drops his mike and starts walking slowly down the ramp. But then, "My Words Are Weapon" plays and Recoil showed up. The crowd explodes into frenzy. Enforcer turned around and trash talks Recoil.

CK : Seems like we have a staredown here.

Nita : Recoil will kick Enforcer's ass. I guarantee it!

Recoil looked sharply at Enforcer. Enforcer doesn't move. The crowd tries to heat things up by chanting Recoil's name. Recoil smiled and slowly squats to pick up Enforcer's mike.

Recoil : Hey Kev, how's Shannon?

The crowd explodes into cheers and starts chanting "All Chair The Queen".

Enforcer had enough and went after Recoil. Recoil drops his mike and caught Enforcer with his right arm. Recoil went for a DDT, but Enforcer did a quick turn and end up behind Recoil. Enforcer hits a German Suplex. Recoil went down on the steel ramp. Enforcer dives to an elbow drop, but Recoil rolled out of the way. Enforcer's elbow hits the ramp. Enforcer is holding his elbow in pain. Recoil kicked him in the jaw. Enforcer went down as Recoil jumped on him and starts punching like hell.

Unaware of Recoil and most of the crowd, EX sneaks up from the crowd to behind the announcer's table. EX nails Nita suddenly with a left hand.

DM : Holy Shit!!!

CK : Oh come on! Leave her alone!

EX stands on the table and picks up Nita. EX is about to nail her with a powerbomb, but then Lars came out.

Lars : EX, stop it! What the hell are you doing? Are you ready to be suspended?

Recoil stood up when he saw Lars. He turned around and saw EX holding Nita in a powerbomb position. Recoil leaves Enforcer and ran towards EX. EX lets go of Nita and fled through the crowd. Recoil gave no chase. He kissed Nita before moving his way back to Enforcer. He grabbed a TV monitor from the announcer table on the way. Enforcer is arguing with Lars. Recoil smashed the TV monitor on Enforcer's head from behind. Enforcer goes down bleeding. Recoil looked at Lars and gave chase. Lars ran up the ramp, where he is met by the other NOK members. The whole NOK starts beating on Recoil, who is defenseless against that many attack. Justin Credible finishes it all off with a huge cane shot to Recoil's head. Recoil is knocked cold.

Suddenly, EX ran back from the crowd and grabbed Nita. He dragged Nita to his buddies. Shannon grabbed Nita and help EX drag her up the ramp.

Lars : Wait! What the hell are you doing? Do you want me to suspend you?

Shannon : Oh come on Lars, we're not hurting her. We're just taking her with us.... for you....

Shannon gave a smile when Lars is stunned. Then slowly Lars smiles wickedly. Justin Credible and Shane Douglas picks up an unconscious Enforcer and make their way up the ramp as "The Zoo" plays. Lars gave Recoil one last kick before running back up.

--------------------- Commercial Break ---------------------

Shannon home video "All Hail The Queen"
Includes never before seen footage and training session!

Purchase at BOW online store for $14.95

--------------------- Commercial Break ---------------------

DM : Ladies and Gentlemen, Recoil is being treated with care as we speak.

Scene shows Recoil at the back, being bandaged on the head by EMTs.

DM : During the break, Commissioner Lars Douglas has kidnapped Nita Spankee, and fled from the arena with his limo.

Scene shows NOK running through backstage and into the parking lot. EX and Shannon pushes Nita into the limo.

Lars : You guys stay here and watch Recoil. When Enforcer wakes up, tell him that he just got a handicap match with EX against Recoil. No DQs.

After that, Lars went inside the limo and it drove away out of the parking lot. EX got a huge smile on his face and high fives Shannon.

CK : I swear, this whole company is going to hell.

DM : Reelly? I thought it was bankruptcy.

CK : That too. Anyway, looks like I'll have to announce the next match.

Chris Kerrang gets up from his chair and climbs into the ring. Suddenly "That's Incredible" plays over the speakers as Justin Credible showed up. The crowd boos the hell out of him.

CK : Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is for the KFC Hardcore championship. The challenger, weighting in at 225 pounds, being accompanied by Shane Douglas.... Justin Credible!

Justin gets into the ring and swings his cane around, waiting for his opponent. Suddenly girly screams can be heard as Felix Randall makes his way in from the crowd, constantly stopping to let girls rub his bare chest. Justin got mad and went after Randall. Securities tried hard to hold the audience back. Felix Randall hits Justin Credible with his belt. Credible got up and jumped over the railings. Randall climbed the railing and hits a drop kick right on Justin's face. Randall grabs Credible's head and rammed it to the steel steps. Credible picked up the steps and threw it at Randall. Felix Randall caught steps and hit Credible's knee with it. Credible went down with a scream. Randall quickly grabs Credible's cane and starts hitting him with it.

At this point Shane Douglas ran out to help Justin Credible. Felix Randall took a swing at him, but missed. Shane hits the Franchiser on Randall. Then he grabs the cane and hits Randall repeatedly. Suddenly, Randall's manager, Bob Lombardi, came out to help Randall. But then he saw referee Purple Hornet. The two embraced and got into some deep conversations. Justin Credible went for the cover, but Purple Hornet didn't see him. Shan Douglas got irate and pushed Bob Lombardi. This upsets Hornet, and he punches Shane right between the eyes! The crowd went crazy! Purple Hornet saw Justin covering Randall, so he counts the 1 2 3. Justin Credible is the new BOW KFC Hardcore champion!

Justin Credible got up and raises his cane, but then he saw Shane on the floor. Credible trash talks Hornet and pushed him. Credible was about to cane referee Purple Hornet, when he remembers the punishment of hitting a staff member. As Justin Credible lowers his cane, Bob Lombardi hits Credible with a wet newspaper! Credible goes down, and Hornet stomps the hell out of him! (Note: Purple Hornet is formerly a wrestler you know) Bob Lombardi went for a big splash, and then covers Credible. Hornet counts a fast 3, so Credible's kick out is not counted. Purple Hornet lifts Felix Randall on his shoulders and ran away with Bob Lombardi as Franchise Players slowly gets up and is irate on the loss.

DM : Oh My god! Bob Lombardi is our Hardcore champion.... again?

CE : Well, Justin Credible may call himself the Hardcore Icon, but he will never beat Bob Lombardi, BOW's first and longest reigning KFC Hardcore champion, who has a winning streak of 100-0!

DM : And now he is united with his "buddy" Purple Hornet again, we may see another long title reign!

CK : Speaking of uniting, we recently saw Cain Hunt united with his old pal Chris Powa.

DM : True. I wonder where does this leaves Slydog.

"Do The Evolution" by Pearl Jam plays as Shotgun walks out to a shower of cheers.

DM : And now we have the opposite man.

Shotgun : Cain, I don't know what the hell do you want by bringing that bitch of yours Powa back in the business, but my guess is that you're trying to even the score, although the number is evenly scored. You had Slydog to back you up, I have Hacksaw. I owned your ass. Now you have Powa to back you up as well, well it's a 2 on 3, but I still own your ass!

The crowd cheers loudly at Shotgun's remark.

Shotgun : You want him to help you out in matches, go ahead. You want him to do an abortion, go ahead. As much as I want you to get the fuck out of my life, I'll be waiting for you anytime. Bitch!

Shotgun raised the metal sign to the crowd and leaves as the crowd just wont die down.

At the back, returning superstar Chris Powa attacks Shotgun with a briefcase! Powa keeps on hitting Shotgun with the briefcase, even when officials rushed in to separate the two. When they are finally apart from each other, Cain Hunt jumped in and nails Shotgun with his finisher Rifle, right on the floor! Officials got them apart and taken away.

CK : Cain Hunt, making a sneak attack on Shotgun by using his buddy Powa as a decoy!

DM : He is one crazy bastard....

CK : Now ladies and gentlemen, as you see, Shane Douglas and Justin Credible never left ringside, and look at Shane climbing the ring, getting ready for his match.

DM : And you better get ready to announce.

CK : Right.

"Long Way Down" plays and out comes the LAD! The crowd cheered at the three wrestling vandals, making their way down the ramp.

*Note from Lars: Ary got a bit confused and said Intercontinental instead of Bloody, just plain put Bloody over IC, ok?

DM : The following contest is for the BOW Intercontinental Championship. Making his way into the ring, weighting in at 236 pounds, being accompanied by X-Pac and Lightning, the Bloody Online Wrestling Intercontinental Champion, Justin Lawless!

Suddenly Justin Credible nails Lightning with a cane! X-Pac kicks Credible, and the two battle it out up the ramp, and exits the curtain to the backstage area. When Lightning got up, he is irate and chased the two to the back. Lawless slides into the ring as the bell rings. Chris Kerrang makes haste out of the ring. Shane Douglas took advantage and stomps Lawless. Justin Lawless took down Shane with a Russian leg sweep. Lawless jumped up and bounces off the rope, followed by a Guillotine leg drop. Without taking a breather, he climbs the turnbuckle and did a moonsault, landing right on top of Shane Douglas!

DM : Hey, Welcome back.

CK : Thanks.

DM : Looks like Justin lawless has the upper hand here.

Lawless went for another moonsault, but Shane Douglas drop kicked him right on the face, in mid-air! Lawless rotates in mid air and fell down head first. The crowd goes OOOHH.

DM : Amazing!

CE : Shane Douglas drop kicked Lawless, making him spin 270 degrees in mid air!

Shane Douglas picked up Lawless. He went for the Franchiser, but Justin reversed it into a headscissors take down, followed by a surfboard submission. Shane tried with all his strength to break free. Finally Lawless let go of the hold, but applies a baseball slide right onto Shane's face!

DM : A fitting revenge!

Lawless went for a lionsault, but Shane caught him into a fireman's carry position and slams him down hard. Shane picked up Justin, and a quick kick to the leg! Then another kick to the side, and finished by a hurricanranna! But Lawless managed to get up quickly, only to be hit by a manhattan drop. Justin Lawless is in pain! Shane gave him a Fame-asser for the finish. Shane covers.....1....2.... Kickout!

In an amazing move, Justin Lawless hops and grabs Shane's head, while his feet is on Shane's chest. Lawless used Shane's chest to thrust back, and kicks Shane's lower section. Shane's legs was thrown back, but his head is still held by Justin lawless. This move set it up for an X-Factor! The crowd is going nuts on this move!

Shane Douglas got up and tried to avoid short distance contact. He ran to a corner and jumped, kicking the top rope and bounces back into Lawless with an elbow. Lawless went down hard, and Shane fell on top of him. Shane went for an atomic headbutt. Lawless withered in pain. When he got up, Shane is waiting for him with a head takedown rollup. The referee counts...1....2......3! Shane Douglas is the winner!

CK : We have a new Intercontinental champion!

Suddenly "The Zoo" plays, and out comes NOK! Enforcer, EX, Shannon, Crystal and Justin Credible showed up. X-Pac and Lightning is in their hands. Shane Douglas walks up tot hem and raises his belt tot he crowd. The crowd boos the entire team. Justin Lawless saw his friends in trouble. He slowly got up and ran towards NOK. Shane Douglas nails him with the belt. Shane Douglas hits Lawless repeatedly with the belt. As a finish, EX and Credible threw X-Pac and Lightning from the stage to the concrete floor below.

CK : Oh My God!

DM : Concrete! That's a fuckin concrete floor!

CK : These guys are sick! Goddamn right sick!

DM : I love it!

Shannon hands Enforcer a mike.

Enforcer : Recoil, you got the nerves to attack me like that? You know you're in trouble, boy... You know, I'd love to face you off in the ring tonight. Hell, I'll put my title on the line. But then again, I have this injury on my head, and you are certainly not a person who respects gold! You had the chance to lose in dignity at Anarchy. You can face me fair and square so I can beat you fair and square. But.... Like usual you ignorance prevails. You chose to lose by disqualification, just so you can hurt me like that. You didn't even try to win my gold? You have such no respect for Enforcer's title!

The crowd boos at Enforcer's comment. No, actually, they boo at Enforcer alone.

Enforcer : So tonight, Lars made a match pitting you and my brother EX, against you in a handicap match. All you people will see the consequences when you dare to challenge the New Order Klik!

Suddenly "Root" by Deftones plays and out comes BOW owner Ary Moreno! The crowd went into a cheering frenzy as Ary raise his hand to the crowd. Enforcer looks at Ary with disgust. Ary slowly lowers his hand and stares at the NOK.

Ary : You people have caused too many problems, do you know that?

Enforcer : Oh you're damn right we do.

Ary : Shut the fuck up when your boss is talking.

The crowd cheered again at Ary's daring comment. Justin Credible steps up ready to cane Ary, but Enforcer stopped him.

Ary : Now listen up, I can't change the match, but I sure as hell can add some rules. And I want this to be a sanctioned match, with all the rules applied. And I am banning everyone from ringside. Including you, Shannon.

Shannon : But I'm Enforcer's manager!


Shannon got a startled but mad expression on her face.

Ary : Now everyone except Enforcer and EX, get out of here!

Enforcer whispers to the others. Slowly, Shannon, Crystal, Shane, and Justin walks towards the curtain. Shannon is in front, and just before she exits through the curtains, Recoil appeared suddenly through the curtains and smacked Shannon with a chair! Enforcer is purely shocked by this.

DM : Again???

CK : My God, when will the Shannon chair hitting game end?

Justin Credible and Shane Douglas immediately jumped on Recoil, but he sidestepped swiftly and moved out of the way. Justin and Shane fell down the stairs to the backstage area. Shannon is still standing up, so Recoil smacked her again over the head, TWICE. Shannon fell down and is knocked cold.

Enforcer and EX quickly went for Recoil, but Recoil threw the chair at EX's face, and before the chair fell down, he drop kicks it right on EX's face. EX stumbles backwards. Enforcer gave a huge right hand on Recoil. Recoil fell down, and kicks Enforcer on the stomach with both feet. Enforcer stumbles backwards also. Then in an unexpected turn of event, Recoil speared EX, off the stage, and both of them fell on the concrete floor! EX hold his arm in pain, but Recoil used EX as a cushion, and got up slowly. Shane Douglas and Justin Credible returned, but Ary Moreno told officials to get them out. EMTs rushed out to take care of Shannon, X-Pac, EX, Justin Lawless, and Lightning. Enforcer and Recoil both gets in the ring. Ary yelled for the bell.

CK : And the match is underway!

Recoil whipped Enforcer to a corner. He went for a roundhouse kick, but Enforcer caught his leg and threw him out of the ring. Recoil grabbed Enforcer's feet and pulled, making Enforcer drops forward. Recoil pulled the legs again, and knocking Enforcer's groin at the ring post. Without haste, Recoil jumped to the apron and springs himself into the ring, and Enforcer caught his throat in midair, and delivers a devastating chokeslam! Recoil quickly recovers and kicked Enforcer's chest repeatedly in what looks like a bicycle kick, but with his hands on the mat to support his body. Enforcer is backed into a corner. Recoil gave machine gun punches to Enforcer's jaw, but Enforcer nails a boot to face. Recoil holds his face in pain, and Enforcer lifts him up for a vertical suplex. Enforcer didn't let go, and picked Recoil up again for a fisherman suplex, followed by a sleeper hold. The referee lifts Recoil's arm..... once.... and Recoil lifts his arm up! But Enforcer kept the hold, and suplexed Recoil to the back. Recoil landed on his feet, and reversed the move into a neckbreaker. The two went to different corners to take a breather. The crowd cheered and clapped their hands.

DM : That was amazing!

CK : Really fast paced action there. The two didn't even stop for a while. And now, they are ready for more.

Recoil dives at Enforcer. Enforcer side stepped. Recoil hits the turnbuckle face first. Enforcer whips Recoil to a corner. Hard. Recoil fell down screaming in pain. Enforcer picked him up and whips him again to the opposite corner. Recoil fell down again. Enforcer picked him up again for another whip, but Recoil jumped and stood on top of the turnbuckle. He turned around and jumped, giving a knee to face to Enforcer! Enforcer nails a low blow, and followed by a shoulder breaker. Recoil holds his shoulder in pain. Enforcer took advantage and nails a DDT. Recoil buried his face on the mat. Enforcer gave no mercy and began stomping like hell. He finally sets Recoil up for the E-Ternal Driver, and nails it. Recoil is down! Enforcer covers.....1......2.....

DM : This could be over.

And Recoil kicked out! Enforcer could not believe his eyes! And suddenly EX came back into the ring! Recoil is surprised by EX's attacks. EX nailed a bulldog, and then he and Enforcer began stomping at Recoil. The referee let this go since EX is officially in the match. Recoil rolled out of the ring and grabbed a chair. When he slide in, the referee tried to stop him, but Recoil pushed the referee away. Recoil nailed both EX and Enforcer with the chair. Recoil picked EX up and nails Point Blank. EX is out cold. Recoil grabbed the chair again and hits Enforcer in the head repeatedly with the chair. Over and over again.

CK : Oh My God.....

The referee tried to stop him, but Recoil keeps hitting Enforcer and talking trash, even though it is obvious that Enforcer is unconscious.

Recoil : Where's Nita? Where the fuck is she?!!!

CK : Dear God, Recoil stop!!!!

DM : Enforcer can get killed!

Several referees and wrestlers tried to stop Recoil, but Recoil just wont stop hitting him. He keeps hitting him on the head, even though it's already bleeding a huge amount of blood. Finally, the wrestlers grabbed Recoil and pulled him out of the ring. EMTs rushed in to help Enforcer, and the whole NOK came out. Shannon, with a bandaged forehead, ran down and hugged his unconscious husband, crying her eyeballs out.

The EMTs carries Enforcer with a stretcher. Recoil broke free of his hold and kicked the stretcher. Enforcer fell off and Recoil stomps him down. NOK rushed and tehya ll beats Recoil up. The wrestlers and referees all tried to break them apart, and EMTs rushed Enforcer to the back as the show came to an end.