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We open up with Lars and York talking to each other.

Lars: Enforcer isn’t dropping the title tonight York, I will not allow it.

York: It is not your place to decide who wins, the better man will win.

Lars: NOK will not allow Enforcer to lose either, and we will be at ringside and you can not ban us, I signed it that way.

York: I will not ban you, but the WAI and Recoil will be outside, it will be even, the smartest will come out on top, this is possibly the biggest match in a while and I will see to that.

Lars and York keep arguing as we cut to another shot to a different area in the arena. Chief Luke is standing next to Ary.

Ary: Luke, you will be assigned the main event as always, and I know how you respect the rules but tonight you will not DQ anyone, you will not throw the match out, it will have a winner.

Luke: But what if everyone charges in the ring and I lose control?

Ary: Let them, let them kill each other if they have to, but there will be a pin in the ring, ok?

Luke: As you say boss, by the way, I heard a rumor that Nita is here and she is being held by NOK, just thought you wanted to know.

Ary: Always appreciated.

Meanwhile the fireworks go off as we kick out this brand new edition of Monday Night Massacre, the fans are pumped up as tonight we have a huge main event, but first.

Dragula by Rob Zombie hits, Slydog makes his way down to the ring, he stretches getting ready for his match.

Chris Kerran: In the ring Slydog!

Come out and play by the Offspring hits, debuting superstar Raven comes up to the crowd’s approval.

Chris Kerrang: And walking down the ramp his opponent, Raven!

The bell rings and Raven quickly hits a clothesline on Slydog, Slydog gets right back up, he charges towards Raven but is met with a drop toe hold that sends him face first against the ropes, Raven does his open arm pose and the fans cant believe it, as Slydog turns around he hits the evenflow DDT on Sly and its over, Raven pins for the easy 1,2,3.

Come out and plays as the fans show their approval, Raven walks up the ramp with an impressive victory over Slydog.

Backstage Rob knocks on the NOK’s locker room, Shannon opens up.

Rob: Franchise Players, interview time.

Shannon: That’s weird, I didn’t know they were cutting a promo.

Rob: Well they are.

Douglas and Credible pick up their tag team belts and follows Rob, he leads them to their room, as they step in Rob closes the door, grunts and screams are heard inside, meanwhile the WAI and Recoil walk right by Rob, Rob follows them and knocks on the NOK locker again, as Shannon opens again Shotgun quickly whips her out, Seline and Rochelle double team on them, before Enforcer or Ex can react Shotgun knocks Enf down and Hacksaw takes care of Ex, Recoil quickly opens a door and finds Nita inside, he grabs her and runs away with them, with Nita safe all of the WAI backtrack the hell out of there, Enforcer grabs a chair and throws it trying to hit Shotgun but he is already out, the girls follow Shotgun and Hacksaw as Shannon lays down a little beaten but still all right, you can see the intensity on Enforcer’s face as he swears for revenge.

Meanwhile in the ring Hash Pipe by Weezer plays, RVD alongside Bill Alphonso better known as Fonzie walk out, Fonzie blowing his whistle much to the fans dislike, Rvd gets in the ring and jumps up and down warming up. Get your groove on by Limp Bizkit plays, American Crippler walks out and steps into the ring, the bell rings and the match is underway.

(note from Lars: I don’t really know much about RVD, and I think both the kick to the head with a chair is called the Van Terminator and also the kick from post to post, I will call it this way until I figure out the real name, I’m on a hurry so please, bear with me.)

American Crippler charges towards RVD, RVD meets him with  a drop kick that sends him against the ropes, Crippler charges again, RVD leap frogs him and nails a kick to the head that sends American Crippler down, Fonzie gives RVD a chair, as Crippler gets up RVD throws him the chair, Crippler catches it and is immediately hit with a Van terminator, the fans go wild as RVD poses in the middle of the ring, RVD climbs the ropes and goes for the five star frog splash, Crippler moves out of the way just in time, RVD hits the mat hard, Crippler gets up and hits RVD with a couple of kicks, Fonzie gets in the ring and entertains Crippler, Crippler is about to nail him but RVD pulls a small package out of nowhere, he gets a two count, as Crippler gets up Fonzie again throws the chair, RVD nails another Van Terminator and sets him in the corner, Fonzie holds the chair to Crippler’s face, RVD takes off from the top turnbuckle of the other side to the ring and nails Crippler with the Van Terminator, he pins for the easy 1,2,3.

Meanwhile backstage we get a shot of the whole NOK group talking strategy.

Enforcer: Franchise Players, who was it that attacked you?

Douglas: We couldn’t see, as soon as we stepped in they cut the lights.

Credible: Fuckin pussies, they will get theirs.

Enforcer: Those WAI bitches will get theirs for messing with Shannon.

Shannon: I am all right Enforcer, that Rochelle chick cant even fight, Seline is tough but nowhere near my league.

Enforcer: Lets get ready for war!

Meanwhile in the ring the fans are going wild in anticipation for the main event, suddenly Whatever by Godsmack plays, the WAI symbol is shown in the big screen as Hacksaw comes out alone, the fans cheer as Hacksaw walks down the ramp ready to meet Triple H.

My Time plays, Triple H walks out to major heat, he walks into the ring as the bell rings, both men lock up, Hacksaw gains the advantage pulling Triple H back, HHH breaks the lock and pokes Hacksaw in the eye followed by a kick to the midsection, Triple H nails a running knee lift that send Hacksaw down, Hacksaw tries to get up but gets an elbow to the back of the head, HHH brings Hacksaw to his feet he nails a bell to back suplex that rocks Hacksaw, Hacksaw rolls to his side and uses the ropes to get up, HHH charges towards him but is met with a big boot from Hacksaw, Hacksaw climbs the second rope and nails a sphere from there, he grabs Triple H by the hair and hits a quick suplex, Triple H gets up and exchanges punches with Hacksaw, neither man gains advantage, Hacksaw with a drop toe hold followed by an STF in the middle of the ring, Hunter has nowhere to go, HHH is in serious pain but will not tap, Hacksaw suddenly spots Shannon on top of the ramp alongside Crystal and Francine, he quickly releases the ropes, from behind the whole NOK crew run to the ring, Hacksaw slides under the ropes and escapes through the crowd, the ref starts the 10 count but Hacksaw isn’t coming back, NOK follow him but he is able to get away, the ref hits 10 and awards the match to Triple H, My time hits again as Triple H walks out with a victory.

Meanwhile backstage NOK are running trying to catch Hacksaw when they encounter Lars and York.

Enforcer: Where the fuck is he?

York: WAI are hiding somewhere, not for long as Shotgun is up next against you Enforcer.

Ex: He wont get to the ring, we will cripple him before he walks out.

Enforcer: They took Nita Lars!

Lars: Good, it wasn’t our business to have her in the first place Enforcer.

Enforcer: What? Are you suddenly turning on us?

Lars: Good god no, I will be with you at ringside in the main event which is up next and we will take care of Shotgun and WAI but let the Nita thing be put to rest.

Enforcer: Ok then, stop the yapping and come with me, my match is next.

Lars: York, I guess I will see you in the ring?

York: No way, nothing to do with WAI Lars, I will watch alongside Ary from his office’s monitor, neither of us will interfere.

Lars: Too bad, say goodbye to WAI York and wish them good luck.

York: I will.

Lars and the NOK crew walk towards the curtain they are up next!

- commercial break –

My Time is now by LTL plays, Enforcer leads the way as Lars, Shannon, Douglas, Credible, Ex, Francine and Crystal follow, Enforcer holds his heavyweight up high as the fans boo them as loudly as possible, Enforcer takes his belt off, the NOK take one side of the ring and wait for the WAI to make an appereance.

The WAI is shown entering the building as apparently they were outside, Recoil is with them, they all walk behind the curtain, Voices by Disturbed plays as the WAI logo is shown, the WAI (Shotgun, Rochelle, Hacksaw and Seline) alongside Recoil walk down the ramp as the cheers equal the boos that Enforcer got earlier, they take the other side of the ring, Shotgun stares at Enforcer, this is it, the time of truth, Shotgun steps into the ring, both men stand tall looking at each other, Enforcer 7’2 while Shotgun is 6’7.

Chief Luke signals for the bell to ring, Enforcer is met with a punch to the face by Shotgun, Enforcer rocks back a bit but fires back with a clothesline on Shotgun. Enforcer picks Shotgun up by the hair and nails a suplex, Shotgun rolls in the ring holding his back, Enforcer looks at him with a wicked smile, he drops an elbow to the back of Shotgun, the scream can be heard around the arena, the you can see how the WAI is concerned, Enforcer picks Shotgun up and in a move that Number 8 used to pretty much finish up Shotgun nails a devastating back breaker, he leaves Shotgun on his knee and applies pressure, the ref checks on Shotgun, Shotgun is clearly hurting but does not give up, he manages to roll out of the move holding his back, he grabs Shotgun’s leg and puts him in his own move, the sharpshooter, the pressure in Shotgun’s back is tremendous, Seline tries to step into the ring but Hacksaw holds her back, he smiles as Seline wonders. Shotgun, Shotgun drags himself and grabs the ropes, as Enforcer lets go Shotgun sweeps him off his feet, Shotgun uses the ropes to slingshot himself to his feet, he kicks Enforcer in the mid section and applies the sharpshooter in the middle of the ring, Enforcer tries to grab the ropes but shotgun uses all his strength to pull him back, Enforcer has nowhere to go, Ex gets into the ring and clotheslines Shotgun, Hacksaw jumps in and tackles Ex, all hell breaks lose as the Franchise Players run in and double team Hacksaw, Recoil with a chair nails both men, Shotgun nails an inverted DDT on Ex and rolls him out of the ring, Recoil and Hacksaw take care of the Franchise Players on the outside, meanwhile in the ring Enforcer is up and he blindsides Shotgun and nails a knee to the back of Shotgun, Shotgun goes down to his knees, Enforcer nails a kick to Shotgun’s face laying him out cold.

Meanwhile on the outside Ex grabs a chair and nails Hacksaw and Recoil, Franchise Players enter the ring while Ex makes sure both guys stay down, Franchise Players surrounds Shotgun who is down, Shotgun outnumbered doesn’t know what to do, from behind the commentators desk (you might have noticed no commentary tonight due to time reasons) Cain and Chris Powa jump in ringside, the fans are confused as what to think, Cain and Powa jump right in the ring and take out the Franchise Players, Enforcer tries to help but Cain elbows him, Ex gets in and tries to help the Franchise Players, a big brawl happens as all men go to the outside, Hacksaw crawls into the ring slowly, Enforcer now somewhat dizzy from that big elbow of Cain walks right towards Shotgun who is waiting for him, Shotgun with a huge kick to the midsection, he sets him up for the bullet bomb but realizing he is too big he doesn’t even bother to lift him, Hacksaw gets to his feet and helps Shotgun, together they bring Enforcer up and Shotgun slams him down with a bridge for the pin, 1,2… Lars tries to break the count but is grabbed by Recoil, 3! The bell rings as Enforcer is out cold, the WAI regroup in the ring as NOK is fighting Hunting Powa on the outside, Shotgun is handled his belt, NOK turns around and see Shotgun with the belt, they rush to the ring but just as quickly WAI runs away, they escape through the crowd while Hunting Powa exit up the ramp, NOK is shown checking up on Enforcer, even with the strength in numbers WAI managed to pull a fast one and beat NOK, NOK has suffered one of the biggest blow, Enforcer is no longer champion, Do The Evolution plays over the arena as Shotgun is long gone and the NOK is obviously furious, the scene slowly fades away with the fans going wild.