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By Carlos A. Shotgun

MY TWO CENTS: I am not in the fuckin mood to write a live show, so recap it is.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Enough with this Americana bullshit” – Kurt Angle

From an unknown arena due to use the people who run the BOW are too lazy to make a schedule comes to you this edition of Monday Night Massacre, we cut to the parking lot area where Raven is seen entering the arena, when reporter Bob Levy tries to interview him he grabs the microphone and throws it against a near car’s windshield, I guess that’s coming out of his paycheck.

Descent w/Milton VS TRIPLE H w/Chyna: Milton and Chyna are on the outside as the match begins, both men exchange punches with Hunter gaining the advantage, running knee lift that sends Descent down, Descent makes his way up and counters a clothesline with a drop toe hold followed by a leg drop to the head, Descent picks Triple H, low blow by trips followed by a headlock, Descent fights out of the move and whips Hunter against the ropes, Descent runs after him, when Hunter bounces back he is clotheslined out of the ring by Descent, the ref starts a 10 count, Descent tries to go to the outside but the referee stops him, they get into an argument, meanwhile on the outside a man who is revealed to be Hacksaw walk from the crowd with a chair in hand, he nails Chyna down and hits a devastating hit to the head of Triple H that busts him wide open, Hacksaw throws Trips inside the ring where Descent nails the down and out for the pin (Pinfall 5:07 **). Chyna makes her way to the ring after recovering from the chair shot but Hacksaw is long gone and Descent walks away as the new Bloody champion, NOK suffers the first blow of the night.

Ary Moreno walks out to a nice pop from the crowd, he pretty much says that due to the sudden rise of BOW this Thursday in the battle royal it will not be 12 people, it will be two rings and the whole BOW roster will be in it. Lars Douglas makes his way out for the biggest heat of the night, he tells Ary that this is bullshit and to change it, Ary reminds Lars that he owns BOW and that the NOK will be in the same ring, the winner of each ring will face off at the PPV for the BOW heavyweight title, Lars is pissed as the segment ends.

Commercial break for Capitol Punishment.

OZZ McKean w/Tarantula VS Ultrawolf VS Felix Randall w/Bob Lombardi and Matt Morgan: Match starts off with Ozz and Wolf brawling in the ring, Randall clotheslines both men down, he bounces off the ropes and nails an elbow on Wolf, Ozz catches Randall from behind and nails a german suplex for a 2 count, Wolf hits a DDT on Randall, Ozz tries to attack Wolf but is met with a low blow and a chin buster, Randall applies the cross face chicken wing on Wolf, Wolf is about to give up when Ozz breaks it up with a kick to Randall’s face, Randall and Ozz exchange moves, Randall dominates Ozz which brings Tarantula into the ring, he chokeslams Randall down, Morgan nails Tarantula with a chair and leaves the ring out of harms away, he leaves the chair in the ring, both Ultrawolf and Randall get up, Ultrawolf goes for a super kick, Randall ducks down picking the chair along the way, when Wolf turns around he gets nailed by the chair, Randall makes the pin for the win. (Pinfall 6:45 ***) So what did we learn today kids? We the owners sometimes don’t DQ on purpose and sometimes we do, it’s the way this world turns.
Big Bossman complains to Lars that it should had been Bossman vs Ozz vs Wolfie because he would had dominated. Lars says he'll make Bossman and Ozz and Ultrawolf in the same ring for Thursday. Lars then whispers to Bossman to take out a "criminal". Bossman refuses, saying he's not a criminal. Lars offers Bossman to join NOK and a raise, Bossman agrees. Enforcer asks Lars if he's serious. Lars said he's using Bossman.

Commercial break.

RAVEN VS JUSTIN CREDIBLE: Both men are in the ring, the ref tries to take the cane away from Credible, he pushes him away and canes Raven down like a dog, the ref immediately DQ’s Credible (DQ 0:10 – dud) Credible keeps beating Raven until Raven manages to kick Credible back, as Credible charges back Raven nails a drop toe hold and grabs the cane, he snaps as he beats Justin over and over with the cane, Justin starts to bleed heavily, the ref tries to stop Raven but he gets caned too, Justin is down but he still keeps getting beat with the Cain, the NOK come out and charge to the ring but Raven escapes through the crowd.

NOK carries Credible to the back when suddenly they are met by Lars, he has a huge smile on his face, he explains that he wants to show everyone something, medics check on Credible as the all follow Lars, Lars goes to Ary’s office and knocks, he laughs and is surprised when Ary opens the door and says hi, behind him some security guards carry an unconscious Boss Man, NOK are puzzled as to what just happened, Lars starts mocking bossman saying he cant even handle a sorry security guard to get to Ary, the walk away, a camera inside Ary’s offices shows Ary and Recoil laughing, so it was Recoil who protected Ary, not a security guard (and you can thank your owner Ary Moreno for booking that, :P).

Commercial break.

When we come back Lars is talking to NOK, Lars says that Credible is already recovering and he didn’t suffer any damage other than a cut, Lars says it plain and simple, take out Raven and take out RVD and Corino tonight before they can fight back, York alongside RVD and Corino walk up, York tells Lars to get out of his building, the only people that can be in the building is Ex, Enforcer and Lars, Lars says they will not leave so York calls the Dudleys, they come out with chairs and they chase Shane Douglas and Triple H out of the building, meanwhile RVD and Corino start bawling with Enforcer and Ex, they keep brawling all the way down to the ring where the bell rings and the match officially begins.

RVD and CORINO w/Chris York VS Enforcer and EX w/Lars Douglas: RVD and Enf start it up, RVD with a kick to the midsection, he bounces off the ropes and hits a karate kick that sends Enforcer down, he bounces off the ropes, flips and nails a back splash on Enforcer, RVD stands up and points to himself while saying R…V…D. The fans eat it up, Enforcer tags in Ex, Corino tags himself in, Corino and Ex lock up, Corino gets the upper hand and suplexes Ex, Ex gets up and hits a DDT on Corino, Ex goes over the corner and takes off the protective turnbuckle, Ex tags in Enforcer, RVD enters the ring without a tag and hits a springboard drop kick on Enforcer, Enforcer goes down, Ex tackles down RVD and sends him out of the ring, Ex and RVD start brawling (RVD brawling? Only in BOW baby), meanwhile in the ring Corino attempts to finish of Enforcer with his finisher but Enforcer counters with a low blow, he whips Corino against the exposed turnbuckle, Corino hurts his back, Enforcer takes advantage and nails the New Breed for the pin and the win. (Pinfall 6:30) Meanwhile on the BOW-tron Camera shows the parking lot, where Cain, Hacksaw, Shane, HHH, Raven, and Credible are brawling. recoil soon joins in, and the bossman follows. enforcer and ex ran to the back. meanwhile the whole locker room starts brawling in the parking lot, a preview of Thursday. a limo pulled up. Lars and NOK  are in it. They yell for Shane, Credible and HHH to get in. After the 3 got in, the limo speeds away. Cain gets on his bike and chases after the limo, Hacksaw looks over his shoulder to see good friend Matt Morgan, Felix Randall, Descent and Bob looking at the limo go away, the last time Matt, Descent and Hack stood together was several months ago so its kinda special, :).

End Show.