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The scene opens up with clips of the little incident where Recoil “lost” his belt only to find out that president York took it so he could get the staff to shine it, then we show clips of how suddenly HBK for no good reason or logic what so ever has the heavyweight belt, he flushes it in the bathroom and buts it in an oven or something, the belt is ruined, this sets up HBK vs. Recoil for tonight.

We go live backstage where Recoil has an unusual big smile on his face but he doesn’t have his belt, reporter Bob Levy walks up to him trying to get some answers.

Bob: Recoil, HBK somehow got your belt and totally trashed it, why are you so happy?

Recoil: Well, BOW has always used some logic in its angles but since HBK pulled a wrestlecrap on us then surely somehow this will get cleared… there his is.

Ary enters the building with a shiny new heavyweight belt, he sees Recoil and hands it to him.

Ary: Here you go, BOW can not have a champion without a belt, can we?

Recoil: We sure cant, catch you later boss.

Recoil enters his locker room with his brand new belt, Ary keeps walking towards his office but in the way he finds Lars getting his shoes shined by a crew member while other crew members hold his coffee and kiss his ass.

Ary: What the hell is going on here?

Lars: Oh nothing, just abusing my power.

Ary: This has gone long enough, Lars, you are fired!

Lars: What?

Ary: I will do the paper work and by tomorrow you will be officially gone, so enjoy this night because it is your last!

Lars struggles to find words but he cant find them, Ary is owner, he is CEO, he cant counter it, suddenly a smile pops in his face.

Lars: Sure boss, I’ll pack my shit up.

Lars gets up and leaves the scene as the credit roll and this edition of Monday Night Massacre begins!

A snake wrapped around a bong is shown in the BOW-tron which means that Jake The Snake and his crew are coming out! Jake The Snake, David Flair, Ric Flair and Eirc Bischoff walk out, all of them for some reason hold their hands and dance around like those sluts in Las Vegas, after the fans nearly puke their guts out the finally make it to the ring and make out, the scene quickly cuts to a shot of the crowd.

A figure of an angel with Hogan’s face in it shows in the BOW-tron followed by a bunch of clips of Hogan pinning everyone, pin after pin after pin, Hulk Hogan, Vince Russo, Bastion Booger and Lars Ulrich walk down the ramp, Lars wears a pink skirt with the words Napster sucked me around it, imagine the rest of the outfits, they surround the ring, in the middle of the ring Jake is taking a couple of hits from his bong to get ready, Lars (Ulrich) grabs Hogan’s dick to get him ready, The Purple Hornet is the unlucky referee assigned for this fag-fest, Booger and David Flair start it off, David tries to do a bunch of flashy moves but he falls on his ass and nearly breaks his neck, Booger grabs his foot and tries to eat it, Dave runs away but Booger manages to eat the shoe. David tags in Ric Flair.

Ric enters but trips over his saggy bobs, Booger goes for an ass splash but Ric moves out of the way, Booger goes over his corner hurting, he tags in Hogan for a huge pop! Actually, no one gives a fuck, meanwhile Lars seems to be literally kissing Booger’s asshole to make it feel better, Ric hits some punches on Hogan but he no sells them, he is hulking up, Ric realizes that Hogan is being a dick and kicks him in the balls, Hogan really is hurting, he goes over his corner, Russo cups his balls to make them feel better, he enters the ring, so does Eric Bischoff, in a moved used by Earl Hebner against Nick Patrick Vince spears Eric, they start to cat fight around the ring, by this time you can see the crowd leaving for a piss break except for some weird dude who’s wearing a bra over his Pastamania t-shirt. After a while of this crap Jake releases Damian, Damian runs into the crowd and tries to kill everyone, Jake runs after it, Hornet tired of this crap throws the match away.

Winner: No Contest.

Backstage York is looking at the monitor in disgust, he officially signs Hogan vs. Jake Roberts at the next PPV later this month.

Meanwhile in the parking lot Lars is talking to some guy in the van, he hands him a couple of hundred dollar bills and walks away with a package, wonder what that is all about.

-Commercial break-

Tank’s music hits as he makes his way out to the ring, we show clips of the incident where Bossman and Bull arrested his so called brother Sank and where met a girl and danced with her and stuff, Bossman’s theme hits, he walks out alongside Bull Buchanan, the bell rings and the match gets underway.

Bossman clotheslines Tank down, he punches Tank in the face repeatedly, Tank pushes him off him, Tank goes for a clothesline but he walks right into the Bossman slam, Bossman pins for the easy 1,2,3.

Winner: Big Boss Man.

Meanwhile backstage Lars is leaving Ary’s office but Ary isn’t in it, Lars keeps walking when he bumps into the Bossman who is celebrating after his win, Lars talks to him.

Lars: Great job Bossman!

Bossman: Yeah, I showed that punk what hard time is all about!

Lars: Yeah, listen, I got a job for you, I heard Ary is hiding something in his office, why don’t you go and check it.

Bossman: What’s in it for me?

Lars: A guaranteed shot at Recoil for the belt in the future, whether HBK wins tonight or not.

Bossman: But you were fired tonight, how will you do that?

Lars: I got my ways, trust me.

Bossman and Lars shake hands, Bull and Bossman walk away while Lars chuckles to himself.

-Commercial Break-

The Memory Remains by Metallica hits, Cain Hunt the man who failed to beat Recoil for the title but gave him a hell of a fight walks out, the fans meet him with a warm reception, Cain stretches in the ring as he attempts to become a grand slam champion, something that no one else has achieved.

Descent’s theme hits (I’m in a hurry so I cant look up every theme, sorry) the Bloody champion Descent walks to the ring alongside his manager Milton, before the bell rings both men start it off with lefts and rights.

The match officially begins, Hunt with a take down on Descent, Descent rolls to his feet and nails a drop kick on Cain. Cain staggers backwards, Descent nails a suplex on Cain for a 2 count, Cain gets up, both men exchange submission holds with neither man really gaining advantage over another, both men lock up in the middle of the ring, irish whip by Cain, as Descent bounces back he hits descent on the mid section and goes for his finisher, the rifle, Descent nails a backdrop followed by a leg drop, Descent with an arm bar, Cain grabs the ropes, Descent breaks it up.

Useless fact for this match, both men use the same finisher but with different names.

Anyway both men get up, both are tired and weak, Cain hits a charging clothesline that sends both men out, they start brawling ring side, Cain hits a huge chokeslam on the announcer’s table, both men take a short break. Cain picks up Descent and throws him over the Spanish announcer’s table, he goes for the rifle right there but Descent hits a back drop that sends Cain on concrete, from out of nowhere Felix Randall runs down with a chair, he hits Descent in the head a couple of times and lays him over the table, he climbs the turnbuckles and does a devastating drop from the top rope to the table that takes out Descent permanently, Cain is out and Randall is out from the blow, the referee throws the match out.

Winner: No Contest

Referees run down and help all three men, the fans while disappointed are impressed by Randall’s bump.

Meanwhile backstage Bossman is heading over Ary’s office, what will happen?

-Commercial break-

As we come back Ary is being arrested by Bull Buchanan, Bossman in his hands holds a bag of Cocaine that was stashed in his desk.

Bossman: You will be out for a few years Ary, say goodbye.

Ary: That isn’t mine damn it!

Lars just happens to walk by with a smile in his face.

Lars: My god! What happened?

Ary: You did this! YOU WILL PAY LARS!!

Lars: Yeah, yeah, take him away.

York rushes to the scene only to see Ary being put in the police car and taken away.

York: What the hell?

Lars: That is really a pity.

York: Now I have to run the company by myself.

Lars: I haven’t been officially fired President York, and I have a stipulation signed by Beckham and Da KiD, when Ary bought this company it clearly says if he ever is unable to perform his duty the CEO would become the new owner and will have complete power, this was done due to Beckham’s close relationship with Shotgun and Shotgun was supposed to be CEO, so York, now I am officially Owner/CEO Lars your boss!

York looks puzzled as Lars has managed to put Ary away for a long, long time, Lars is the new owner? What will this mean in the future?

-Commercial break-

We come back with clips of what just happened, we have a new owner of BOW and his name is Lars Douglas.

Recoil’s new them that is performed by steak knife or something plays, Recoil walks down with his brand new belt handed to him earlier tonight by Ary, Recoils steps into the ring and warms up with the crowd backing him up.

HBK’s theme (pick one) hits, he makes his way out followed by Quentin, HBK steps into the ring and goes head to head with Recoil.

The bell rings and the match gets underway, HBK and Recoil exchange moves on each other with no real purpose, drop kick her, flip there, leg lock, head lock, escape, you know the drill. Both men stand up and look at each other, HBK bounces off the ropes and nails a crossbody on Recoil, Recoil breaks the pin, he grabs HBK’s leg and applies a figure four, in cold cruel irony HBK turns the move around and applies a you guessed it, sharp shooter, Recoil manages to grab the ropes, move is broken, HBK whips Recoil against the ropes, he ducks down for a leap frog, Recoil manages to stop in time and hit a devastating kick sending HBK back, HBK tries to come back but Recoil nails his finisher, the point blank? I don’t remember, who cares, the stunner off the turnbuckle, before Quentin can break the count the referee pins, 1,2,3.

Winner: Recoil.

Recoil grabs his belt and walks away the winner of this non title match, but what does this mean for the 4 way scheduled in the future?

Backstage Lars is in Ary’s old office, he has his feet on the desk and champagne is going wild, a bunch of strippers enter the office and dance around, big party for the new owner of BOW, meanwhile we get a shot of the Alliance, RVD and Corino walking towards the curtain, on another side Tajiri and Regal are doing the same, RVD/Corino vs. Tajiri and Regal next!

-Commercial break-

Walk by Pantera plays, RVD and Corino walk down the ramp, a bunch of kids in the front row wear burger king crowns in honor of the king of old school Steve Corino, Corino gets in the ring while RVD shakes hands with some fans.

Tajiri’s theme hits, Regal and Tajiri walk down the ramp to massive heat, they shake it off and keep walking down.

The bell rings and the match gets underway, Corino and Regal start thing off, Regal applies some submission holds that put the crowd asleep for a while until Corino explodes with a kick to the face of Regal that bring the fans alive, Corino hits a double underhook suplex followed by a pin and a kick, Corino brings Regal to his feet and hits a DDT, he tags in RVD, RVD picks up Regal and sweeps him off his feet followed by a rolling back splash on Regal, Regal runs to his corner and tags in Tajiri, Tajiri enters to be met by a karate kick by RVD, Tajiri goes down, RVD points to himself as the fans go R V D.

Tajiri slowly get up, RVD bounces off the ropes and goes for a drop kick to the face, Tajiri lays in the mat just missing the move, Tajiri gets up, so does RVD, RVD does his pose but is met with a real stiff kick to the face that sends him down, Tajiri whips RVD against his own corner, Regal nails a few punches followed by the tarantula! Corino enters the ring trying to break the hold but Regal clotheslines him down, Regal and Corino brawl around in the ring, the ref forces Tajiri to break the hold, RVD falls to the mat, meanwhile in the ring Corino is dominating Regal, Regal sweeps him off his feet, Corino lands in one knee when suddenly he is hit with a stiff kick to the face by Tajiri, he pins for the 1,2,3.

Winner: Regal and Tajiri

Tajiri and Regal and believe it that they won a match, they celebrate while RVD and Corino argue in the ring as this edition of Massacre ends.