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Earlier today in the parking lot the challenger for the Bloody Title Felix Randall makes his way into the building accompanied by Bob and Matt, what will happen later tonight when Shotgun referees Descent vs. Randall for the bloody title?

Quentin vs. Alphonso – Sleeper match to start off the show, both men trade punches in the middle of the ring with Quentin getting the upper hand, Alphonso goes for a take down, Quentin counters with a knee to the face, Alphonso gets up, bounces off the ropes and nails a weak clothesline that sends Quentin down, Alphonso with repeated stomps to Quentin, Quentin trips Alphosno and gets up, low blow by Fonzie followed by a stiff right hand that sends Quentin down, Fonzie gets up and looks for the fans support, an RVD chant surfaces through the crowd, suddenly Quentin gets up and drives Fonzie down with a DDT, he pins Fonzie for the 1,2,3.

Winner: Quentin.

Meanwhile backstage Shotgun, York and Lars are having a Newport cigarette when Enforcer enters the picture, York and Lars don’t know how to react, Shotgun holds both back, throws away his ciggie and walks towards Enforcer. After the usual smack talk about how Shotgun couldn’t touch Enforcer right now, Shotgun counters that Enforcer will forever be known as his bitch, Enforcer gets pissed and threatens to beat Shotgun, Shotgun proceeds to take his jacket off and get it on, York quickly jumps in and holds Shotgun back while Lars does the same with Enforcer, Enforcer talks some trash as he leaves, Shotgun tells him to give a little message to his brother “tell your brother I wipe my ass with CECW, he has yet to prove to me that he can get the job done here in the BOW”. Enforcer turns around mad but by this time security is around and hold him back as the segment ends.

-Commercial Break-

Lance Storm vs. Kasper – Kasper opens up with right hands that send Storm back, Storm counters with an arm drag followed by a nice drop kick that sends Kasper against the ropes, Lance charges towards Kasper, Kasper throws him over the top rope. Kasper bounces off one rope and jumps over the top rope, Lance moves out of the way making it a sick looking bump, not to worry, due to the high contents of illegal drugs in his body he is able to slowly get up, Storm throws him inside the ring and proceeds to taunt him to get up, Kasper uses the ropes to slingshot himself to his feet but Lance is quick to nail him with a super kick. Kasper has had enough, he slides out of the ring and picks up a chair, he walks into the ring with it but the ref tries to take it away, Kasper punches the referee for good measure and grabs the chair, Lance goes for a drop kick to the chair but Kasper ducks, as Lance falls he gets nailed with a chair to the back over and over again, the referee slowly comes back and signals for the bell to ring.

Winner: Lance Storm via DQ

Kasper does a little signal as if he was smoking a joint and leaves the ring with a smile on his face.
Backstage in the staff office Lars and York are laying around doing nothing, there is a huge plate full of brownies, Lars offers York one but he replies by saying “this brownie thing is a little stale dude”, Lars agrees, Recoil barges in looking as psychotic as ever, he tells Lars and York that he has been robbed and that he wont leave until he gets his belt, York being the smart guy of the two goes over his desk and pulls out a toy heavy weight belt and hands it to Recoil, Recoil’s eyes light up as he grabs it and puts it around his shoulder, he runs out screaming “I am the champ” over and over again, Lars and York wonder if that’s how you get when you eat stale brownies.

-Commercial Break-

Its that time of the year again, Summer is almost over, so what is next for us? How about a little Warfare? How about we put up all our superstars and have them beat the living crap out of each other for only 29.95?

Order Warfare live on PPV, September 23, if you don’t watch this then you suck ass.


Bossman and Bull vs. The Dudleys – Bossman and Bubba start it off, Bubba whips Bossman against the ropes and hits the full nelson slam early in the match. His ass is hurting, Bubba puts a sleeper on Bossman, Bossman slowly gets to his feet and knocks Bubba down, as Bubba gets up he is met with a body slam, tag to Bull, Bull drop kicks Bubba down, Bubba tags in D’von. D’von and Bull brawl around the ring, D’Von gets the advantage as he knocks Bull down with a suplex, leg drop by D’von and a tag to Bubba, Bull gets up only to be brought back down with a body slam followed by the you guessed it, the whassup headbutt, the ref gives them a warning, Bubba and the ref start arguing, out of nowhere the Bossman steps in with his nightstick and nails D’von, Bubba points it out, Bull pins D’Von, Bubba tries to break the count but the 300 Bossman cuts him off as the 1,2,3 goes down.

Winners: Bossman and Bull

Bossman and Bubba brawl for a while until the ref gets some control, both teams leave.

Backstage we see RVD warming up, York walks by and gives him some words of encouragement, meanwhile in the NOK locker room Enforcer is talking some strategy with his brother, Shannon has a wicked smile on her face as she sits back and relaxes.

-Commercial Break-

RVD vs. Ex – Both men walk down alone, RVD turns his back towards Ex and does his pointing RVD thingie, Ex tackles him from behind and attempts a roll up, RVD holds on to the ropes, Ex charges back, RVD leap frogs over him, as Ex bounces back RVD nails him with a karate kick, he bounces off the ropes and nails a rolling senton splash. The RVD chants resume again as he posses but this time it costs him as Ex springboard to his feat and nails a clothesline, he puts RVD in a fujiriama arm bar, RVD manages to slip out, RVD whips Ex against the ropes, he goes for a shoulder block but Ex gets out of the way, RVD hits the turnbuckle, Ex climbs the second rope and nails a bulldog, he climbs the top and goes for top rope leg drop, RVD moves out of the way as Ex nails the mat hard, RVD with a standing moon sault on Ex for a two count. Ex slowly gets to his feet, RVD goes for a standing leg sweep, Ex jumps just in time, as RVD turns Ex hits a brain buster on RVD, Ex climbs the ropes and hits a big splash on RVD for a two count, Ex picks up RVD by the hair, out of nowhere RVD hits Rolling fireman’s carry to regain the advantage, he climbs the ropes and goes for the moon sault, Ex move out of the way, RVD lands on his feet, Ex with a super kick that sends him down, Ex lays over the ropes trying to catch a breather as the fans start to get pumped up.

RVD slowly gets up, Ex with a charging drop kick, RVD rolls out of the way and hits the dreaded split legged moonsault on Ex, Ex kicks out at 2.Both men get up, RVD with an arm drag, Ex gets up and nails RVD with a version of the rock bottom, Ex goes for a pump splash, RVD kips up as Ex gets to his feet and nails him down with a spin kick, RVD proceeds to climb the ropes, it is Frog Splash time, but by the time RVD is up Ex is already up so RVD hits a missile drop kick on Ex, RVD goes to the outside and grabs a chair, something is going on as the crowd starts to look around, never the less RVD gets up and waits for Ex to get up, in the corner of your screen you can see Enforcer with a chair and Shannon, down the ramp comes Fonzie, RVD spots him but ignores it, Shannon distracts the ref behind RVD’s back, RVD throws Ex the chair, Ex throws it right back, Fonzie comes down running and pulls Shannon down, Ex goes for a super kick to the chair but missed, as RVD turns around Enforcer nails RVD with the chair and the ref saw the whole thing, the ref rings the bell.

Winner: RVD by DQ.

All hell breaks lose as the alliance members run down the ramp, Enforcer and Ex alongside Shannon haul ass out of there, RVD smiles because he knows Ex couldn’t beat him, we cut to a commercial.

-Commercial Break-

Next we show a video package featuring Descent, Matt Morgan, Shotgun and Felix Randall, first we show the long legendary past of Shotgun and Morgan, Morgan and Descent were once AU Crew members and battled together against Shotgun, now days both Descent and Morgan are best friends with Shotgun, we show the day Shotgun and Morgan retired together, Shotgun came back only to be severely injured, a young man by the name of Randall debuts and reveals that his mentor is indeed Matt Morgan, Morgan starts making non wrestling appearances but the ring call his name, the fans call his name, HBK dedicates the title to Matt Morgan, meanwhile Descent and Randall grow hate between each other and it must be settled, the longest reigning champion goes against the student of an undefeated champion while the referee was awarded the lifetime bloody championship by commissioner Angry Joe, yet again Morgan was awarded the heavyweight title. Between all this men there is quite a past, first generation meets new generation as Randall faces off against one of the oldest and proudest members that the BOW ever had, Descent, cant Randall show he is as good or even better than Morgan? Can Descent prove he is really the greatest champion in BOW history? And what about the Shotgun factor, how will he handle this match? Is he even healthy enough to keep control? All this and more as the main event is up next.

Descent vs. Randall – Before the match starts Morgan makes his entrance followed by Shotgun, the audience explodes as this is the first time both men have been in the ring together in a long while, Morgan and Shotgun shake hands as Morgan joins the announcers table, up next is Felix Randall alongside Bob Lombardi, Randall gets in the ring and looks at Shotgun, Shotgun looks back with a smile on his face, you can see all the way from the announcers table that Morgan is flashing is classic grin, Descent is up next as he and Milton walk down, Descent wears the bloody belt proudly around his waist, the crowd is almost confused on who to cheer or who to boo, all this men are fan favorites.

The bell rings and the match gets underway. Randall and Descent start up with lefts and rights, neither man gain advantage, Randall whips Descent against the ropes, reversal, leap frog by Randall over Descent, Randall hits the chicken wing slam on Descent from behind, Descent rolls to his feet and goes for a frankensteiner which he nails, Randall gets up both men hit each other with a clothesline and roll to their feet and brush it off as the fans cheer. Neither man has the advantage, Shotgun takes a corner and sits on the top ropes and lets his boys wrestle, both men lock up, Descent with a headlock, Randall hits a backdrop on Descent, he drops a knee on Descent but Descent moves out of the way, Descent bounces off the ropes with a shoulder block that catches Randall off guard, knee to the midsection followed by a piledriver attempt, Randall counters with a sunset flip, Shotgun hits a 2 count before Descent kicks out. Both men pull back and look at each other, they have hit each other with everything and they are both still on their feet. Morgan climbs the apron and whispers something to Shotgun that makes him laugh, he said this is just like old times.

Randall and Descent attack each other head one, they trade chops in the middle of the ring, Descent nails a suplex on Randall followed by an elbow to the heart (no, not a peoples elbow). Descent picks up Randall only to be nailed with a chin buster by Randall, Randall bounces off the ropes and nails the senton splash on Descent, Randall tries to bounce off the ropes but Milton grabs his feet thus enabling Descent to hit a clothesline, the crowd starts to boo, Shotgun goes to the outside and gets on Milton’s face, Milton tries some smart talk but he is expelled, Bob starts to laugh at Milton, Shotgun expels him too, this doesn’t sit well with Morgan who gives him a piece of his mind, meanwhile in the ring Randall throws Descent to the outside and place him on the table, he climbs the third ropes and takes off with an elbow, both men are down and out, Shotgun rushes to the scene and checks on both men, so does Morgan, the fans start a holy shit chant as we show a replay of Randall taking off and landing hard on the table, about a minute passes until both men get up, Randall throws a punch to Descent put Descent counters with a suplex towards the Spanish announcers table, the table didn’t give, Descent climbs the security railing and drops a leg drop the breaks the table finally, both men are down again, at this point the crowd is going insane and is split down the middle, Descent and Randall chants overtake the arena, both men slowly get up, Descent whips Randall against the security rail, Randall stops just in time, he jumps up the rail and hits a moon sault that nails Descent, Shotgun advices both men to get into the ring, Randall throws Descent into the ring, Randall climbs the top rope and waits for Descent to get up, when he does Randall goes for a huracanrana, Descent catches him in midair and nails a sitdown powerbomb, the fans go wild as Randall kicks out at two.

Both men are exhausted, the energy is running while to the arena, both men get to their knees, the start hitting punches on each other but neither one is gives out, Descent springs to his feet and goes for a stiff kick, Randall catches his leg and sweeps him off his feet, he applies a figure four in the middle of the ring, Shotgun quickly checks on Descent who doesn’t give, he drags himself towards the ropes and grabs it, Shotgun makes Randall break the move.

Descent gets up and slingshots Randall against the ropes followed by a bulldog, Descent climbs the second rope but Randall is already up and nails a monkey flip on Descent. Randall once again applies a figure four on Descent but this time its Descent who counters by turning it around and standing up into an immediate sharp shooter, Shotgun cant help but laugh at the move he used for so long, god bless Bret Hart. Randall is in serious pain, he uses all his strength to get to the ropes, Descent lets go, Randall uses the ropes to get up and hit a cross body, Descent rolls it over for a two count, Randall gets up and goes for a boston crab, Descent uses his strength to push Randall against the ropes, as he bounces off Descent applies the anklelock, Randall rolls to his side and kicks Descent right in the face. Randall with a northern lights suplex on Descent but he cant get Descent up, Descent counters with a devastating DDT. Descent gets to his feet and signals for the end, the down and out, he picks Randall and goes for the move, Randall pushes him back and kicks him in the midsection followed by a devastating power bomb, Randall climbs the ropes, Morgan climbs to his feet as Randall takes off and hits the swanton splash on Descent, he pins as Shotgun counts, 1,2,3!

Winner and new bloody champion: Felix Randall

Morgan gets in the ring and celebrates, the time keeper hands Shotgun the belt, he hands it to Randall and raises his arm in victory, Bob comes down in tears as he tries to hug Randall, Randall pushes him off and acts as suave and as cool as he cant get, in all my years in efeding I haven’t seen a match quite like this, it was breathtaking, Shotgun helps Descent up who sees Randall with his belt, Descent nods towards Randall while Randall does the same, some referees come down and help Descent to the back who is exhausted, Randall is being helped up by Morgan as well, the credit hits and this edition of Monday Night Massacre ends.