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The show opens with a bang as Thursday Night Massacre is on the air! Fans are standing up cheering as the show kicks open with a shot of Rob waiting at the parking lot for Ary Moreno shown on the BOWtron.

Dan Manic: Welcome wrestling fans to another heart stopping action all the way slamfest as we are ready to kick start with another edition of Thursday Night Massacre!

Suddenly "Criminal" by Eminem starts playing and the one man known as Ice Cold walks down to the ring accompanied by the American Crippler. Ice Cold gets in the ring and starts warming up.

Chico Estavaquez: Whoa, ese... We have just started talkin when already a match is gonna start!

"Dragula" by Rob Zombie plays and Slydog comes running down and slides in the ring. Immediately, Ice Cold whips him to the corner.

DM: Interesting match here. Both rookies, and both uses a Stunner as a finisher!

CE: You got that right, compadre.... I hope Slydog breaks his own words and bring that sledgehammer in... Arriva!

Ice Cold runs towards Slydog. Slydog is ready for him and kicks him in the mid section. SLYDOG STUNNER! Ice Cold drops to the ground. Slydog climbs the turnbuckle and raise his hand, followed by boos. The American Crippler got in and ready to hit Slydog. But then Ice Cold stopped The American Crippler. They talked and Crippler left the ring. Slydog make a hand gesture and Ice Cold runs towards him. Slydog jumps off the top rope and hits a dropkick right on the face!

CE: Ohhh that is one nasty mamajamma, eh ese?

Ice Cold got up and rolled Slydog from under. 1.....2.... Kickout! Slydog is pissed. He slides out of the ring and grabbed his sledgehammer. The American Crippler ran after him but is met with a sledgehammer. Slydog is in the ring. Ice Cold backs off.... Slydog lifts the hammer...... and Ice Cold hits a Lou Thesz Press! Ice Cold is firing fists at Slydog.

At this point The American Crippler went in but the referee stopped him. As the referee and Crippler argued, Ice Cold is stomping a mudhole on Slydog. Crippler keeps distracting the referee as Ice Cold beats Slydog with his own sledgehammer.

DM: Just what the hell is this? Ref, are you goddamn blind?

CE: Ey Senor Manic! It's Cain Hunt!!!

Cain Hunt runs in and picks up Ice Cold. Hunt sets Ice Cold for a piledriver, and hits his new finisher Rifle! The Crippler frantically yell for the referee to turn around, but too late. Cain Hunt knocks the Crippler off the apron. The referee sees Slydog covering Ice Cold, and counts 1........2......3! Slydog wins!

DM: What the hell? What a lousy way to start the night. Just listen to the boos.

CE: I agree, they should let Shannon come out first.

The BOWtron shows a shot of the parking lot, where Rob is still waiting for Mr. Moreno to arrive.

The scene cuts to a shot backstage where Amber is trying to interview Recoil.

Amber: Recoil, you are a rookie to the BOW, and have only competed in two matches. How do you feel earning a match with the BOW champion so quickly?

Recoil: Aw shit, G. Of course I'm flattered. But all and all, Imma ain't gonna let my guards down. Imma put all my efforts in this shiznit. Recoil style! Suck it baby hahhahahaha.....

Amber: Do you think Enforcer will be very mad at you for making fun of DX?

Recoil: Ey I'm jes havin sum fun 'ere aight? If he can't take my jokes lightly then what the hell. I'll bash him so bad that my jokes is the least of his problems. Oh look it's Ace and Gary..... Hey assholes, wat you been up to, fags?

Ace: We are not fags!

Gary: Yes, we are big and muscular men who wrestles!

Ace: And we never want to talk to you... you..... you.....gross you.

Gary: Yeah, even though your thing looks so big...

Ace: And juicy....

Gary: And hard.....

Ace: And uhhh....

All four of them stood silent for half a minute.

Ace: Say, Recoil.... wanna have a tea party?

Gary: You can't come, Amber!

Recoil: Fuck you, freaks!

Recoil left the interview area. Ace and Gary looked at each other and shrugged. They walked away giggling.

Amber: Ummmm, back to you, uh, Dan..... Oh God.....

 The scene changes to a shot of Chico and Dan at the announcer table.

DM: What the fuck was that???

CE: I don't know. I guess the conclusion is, Recoil is not gay.

DM: Whatever. The next match is about to begin.

"Degenerate This" by Less Than Likely plays as Justin Lawless and Lightning walks down the aisle to huge cheers by the fans in attendance. The do their usual crotch chops and went in the ring. Suddenly Dirtbag Dogg went through the crowd with a kendo stick! He climbs over the safety railings and jump on the apron. Dirtbag Dogg swings his kendo stick.


Justin Lawless hits him with a superkick. Dirtbag Dogg falls off the apron and landed on the announcer table. Lawless slides out of the ring smiling and hits Dogg with his KFC belt. Dogg is bleeding now. Lawless threw him in the ring and grabbed a chair. In the ring, Lightning picks Dogg up and sets him up for the chairshot. Justin Lawless swings the chair.... Dirtbag Dogg ducks! Lawless hit Lightning on the head by accident! Then suddenly the Vault run in and jumps on Lawless! Vault and Dogg gave Lawless a beating of a life time. Lightning is still down from the chairshot. Dogg covers Lawless... 1.....2......Kickout! Dogg is pissed. He covers again......1.....2.....Kickout!

CE: Hee hee that Lawless is one tough hombre.

At this point The Vault is annoyed and shrugged Dirtbag Dogg aside. He gives Lawless a couple of chairshots and pinned.....1.....2......3! The Vault is the new Hardcore Champion!

DM: What the hell? This isn't supposed to happen?!

Justin Lawless got up and realized what happened. The Vault quickly ran away, but Lightning tripped him! The Vault looked up at Lawless who is holding his Hardcore belt. Lawless shoves the belt in the Vault's face, then he jumps on the second rope, and springs himself up in the air..... and lands right on the belt, on Vault's face! Lawless pins the Vault 1....2......3! Lawless remains the Hardcore champ!

DM: Holy shit, check out that last move there.

A replay of Lawless landing on Vault's face is shown from different angles.

CE: That is one cool maneuver, ese.

DM: Wait a minute, what's this?

A shot is shown backstage where a limo arrives. BOW owner Ary Moreno walks out!

Rob: Mr. Moreno, sir.... Are you going to reveal the man who is going to join BOW tonight?

Ary Moreno: Yes, indeed, Rob. In fact, there he is inside the limo. Take a peek.

Rob lowers his body and look inside the limo.

Rob: You? No Kidding???

The scene suddenly cuts back to Dan and Chico.

DM: Who the hell is that?

CE: Beats me. Rob seems to know 'im.

DM: Anyways we are ready for our third match for the night. And it's Christopher Daniels versus Jon Storm! Both are newbies in BOW, but I bet they will put up a great show!

"Head Like Hole" by Nine Inch Nails plays and Christopher Daniels walks out. He stops at top to gaze at the fans, when Jon Storm sneaks up from behind and hits Daniels on the head!

CE: I call that a cheat!

DM: Well I call it genius! Ha!

CE: Whatever. We're ready for the final match, eh?

DM: Yeah, and Enforcer--- WHOAAAAA hold on.... It's Ary!

"Root" by Deftones plays all over the arena as BOW owner Ary Moreno stepped out to a huge cheer and "BOW" chants. Ary stepped into the ring and smiled.

Ary Moreno: People..... ARE YOU READY?

The crowd cheers.

Ary Moreno: This man....left me a note.... saying how badly he wants to be back in the BOW. He missed all the fun. And he-- Ahhh fuck it. Better off having the explanation from the man himself, eh?

The crowd roared a "Yeah!"

Ary Moreno: Ladies and Gentlemen...... give a round sound of applause for my guest, and the comeback BOW superstar...... the legendary.......

"Symphony Of Destruction" by Megadeth plays.... the fans cheer their ass off as they saw the man.... and that man is obviously.....

Ary Moreno: Shotgun!!!

Shotgun makes his way down as the fans cannot contain themselves. He gets inside the ring and shakes Ary's hands. Shotgun grabbed the mike and raised the metal sign to the fans. Thousands responded back.

Shotgun: Its been too long since I have been received and ovation like this, way too long for my taste. Anyway, yes I am back and ready to kick ass. I have been going through a lot lately, my recent breakup with Sasha which led to the abortion of our child, but that is the past, in this is the present, Shotgun is back and ready for some god damn action!

Ary Moreno: Shotgun, you wanted me to keep your comeback a secret, but I'm sorry..... I have told someone about it, and I think he deserved to know.... but he said that he can't make it tonight to congrats you. So I had him taped to show you, and all the fans watching. Here he is......

The BOWtron suddenly shows an empty room, and the song "What A Day" by Nonpoint is playing in the background. The camera moves to a person headbanging and that person is..... Number 8!!!

DM: Holy Shit!

CE: Ha haaaaaaa!!!! Yee ha!

Shotgun chuckles and shook his head. Number 8 in the BOWtron smiled and cracks open a beer.

Number 8: Wassup Carlos? Heard you're back in the biz, even earned yourself a Hall of Fame statue or something. Congrats man.

Number 8 raised his beer and drink it.

Number 8: Before you go asking shits, this is a pre-recorded tape, so yeah, I can't answer any questions you're probably asking right now. But seeing that I know you too well, I can guess what you're gonna ask... Am I gonna come back, now that you're back? Am I going to align myself with you again, or am I going to make another legendary feud? Well, Shottie....

Number 8 paused and cupped his hand over his ears, making a funny expression as if he wants to hear the crowd chant. And the crowd just did that. Shotgun and Ary laughed in the ring. Number 8 grinned.

Number 8: The answer is no.

The crowd let out a long "Ahhhh" and some booed. Shotgun raised his eyebrow at 8, as if saying "what?".

Number 8: Obviously you can't hold yourself back. You have wrestling in your blood. You can't stand to watch these kids steal the show. Well, I can. I respect these new stars, and it's their time, man. I'm too tired of this wrestling shit. It's time to be a rock star!!!! Same mike handling, same hardcore crowd, same adrenaline rush, but at least I won't bleed every fuckin week.

The crowd boos and starts chanting "Pussy".

Number 8: There are probably people chanting pussy right now.... Oh well.....

Shotgun along with the crowd laughed at that statement. Number 8 bowed his head down, then lift it up and look straight at the camera. He forced a weak smile.

Number 8: I had a great time. I really did. Thank you so much.

With that, the video ends and thousands of fans stand up to do a standing ovation. Huge pops is in the arena tonight, and Shotgun leans on the ropes with a smile on his face. The scene cuts to a commercial.

- commercial -

Are you ready for some Anarchy? Well you better be because this Sunday, June the 23rd there is going to be some, Anarchy in the BOW! Call your cable operator now!

- end -

We go backstage with Shotgun and Ary getting in the limo and leaving, a reminder that Shotgun will be inducted into the Hall of Fame this Monday Night, a must see.

Meanwhile in the ring My Wordz are Weapon by D-12 plays over the arena, newcomer Recoil steps out from behind the curtain, the fans meet him with a nice applause as he walks into the ring, he is set to face Enforcer in a non title match.

DM: Remember, if Recoil pulls the upset here and beats Enforcer he will get a re-match for the BOW title this Monday!

CE: Yeah, but remember, Recoil is still young and naive, Enforcer has a clear advantage on Recoil.

My time is now by LTL plays, the BOW heavyweight champion Enforcer accompanied by Shannon walks down the ramp, Recoil warms up in the ring, Enforcer looks at Recoil, he stops into the ring and geats ready for the match, Chief Luke signals for the bell to ring. Recoil and Enforcer lock up, Enforcer clearly overpowers Recoil into the corner, Enforcer charges towards the corner, Recoil moves out of the way just in time, Enforcer is met with a blow of the turnbuckle, Recoil with a rollup, 1,2.. kickout.

DM: Recoil almost pulled an upset right there!

CE: I dont think Enforcer is taking Recoil seriously Dan, he is toying with him.

Both men get to their feet, Enforcer goes for another lock up, Recoil suprises him with a kick to the midsection followed by a DDT, Recoil pins again, he gets a 2 count, angry stomps by Recoil on Enforcer, Enforcer trips Recoil, Enforcer goes for a submission hold, Recoil quickly grabs the ropes as the fans show their approval.

DM: This match seems dead even to me.

CE: Recoil is really holding his ground, but what will he do when Enforcer shows his true strength?

Both men get up, Enforcer quickly clotheslines him down, Recoil takes quite a blow, Enforcer picks him up and nails a belly-to-belly suplex, Enforcer pins, Recoil kicks out at a 1 count!

DM: Wow! Recoil has been training.

CE: I told you! Enforcer didnt prepare enough for Recoil and its showing!

Enforcer puts a sleeper hold on Recoil, Recoil quickly counters with a poke to the eyes, Recoil with various blows to the midsection that send Enforcer back, Recoil fired back with a spear take down, Recoil climbs the second rope and nails a leg drop on Enforcer, just when Recoil is going to pin Enforcer grabs him by the throat, Enforcer gets to his feet and delivers a devastating chokeslam.

DM: Its over, Recoil wont get up from that one!

CE: Recoil is in trouble!

Enforcer picks Recoil up and signals for the powerbomb, Recoil uses all his strenght to push Enforcer against the turnbuckle, Enforcer with various blows weakens Recoil, he tries to pick Recoil up, Recoil with a first right in Enforcer's nose, Enforcer drops him, Recoils nails a blatant low blow, Luke lets it go, Recoil quickly performs his finisher, the Point Blank! The fans get on their feet as Recoil pins, 1,2,3... kickout! Its too late! Recoil has won it!

DM: Oh my god! He won!

CE: Incredible!

DM: This means titleshot this Monday!

CE: That win right there helped Recoil be elevated to main event status! He won!

Enforcer gets up with a look of disbelief, Nita anounces Recoil as the winner, Enforcer gets pissed and kicks Recoil and nails the powerbomb! Recoil is down and out but he is still the winner, Enforcer grabs his belt and leaves with Shannon!

DM: Recoil doesnt look like a winner right now!

CE: Doesnt matter, he will get his revenge this Monday! And we are out of time!

DM: Tune in Monday! Recoil vs. Enforcer for the title! WHOO HOO!

- End