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The SmArK Massacre Rant
September 20, 2001

By Scott Keith
Bloody Online Wrestling

- I was gonna have the results up last night, but I fell asleep. Sorry about that.

- Live from Philadelphia, Pa.

- Your hosts are Manic and Chico.

- Show opens up with a graphic giving condolences to those affected by last week’s terrorism.

- Opening Match: Steve Corino vs Descent. Corino starts off with an armbar takedown into a headlock. Descent powers out of it and suplexes Corino. Descent off the ropes with a shoulderblock and a dropkick. Corino goes to the outside and stalls. Descent follows him out of the ring but Corino cuts him off as the two of them get back in the ring. Neckbreaker on Descent for a 2 count. Blind charge by Corino misses and Descent rolls Corino for a 2. Corino ducks a swing and hits a DDT. Corino goes to the top rope but gets a boot in the head as he was going down. Descent mounts a comeback with right hands and a back bodydrop. Descent covers for a 2. Corino ducks a swing and hits OLD SCHOOL MUSIC...for a 2 count. Corino superplexes Descent for a 2 count. Descent counters out of a bodyslam and locks a half crab on Corino. Corino counters out and applies one of his own, but Descent makes the ropes. Descent blocks a swing and german suplexes Corino. Descent goes for another german suplex but Corino counters out with a northern lights suplex...for a 2 count. Descent mounts a minor comeback but gets derailed by a lowblow from Corino. Corino hits Old School Expulsion, for a 2 count. Descent jumps over a blind charge from Corino in the corner. Corino counters a rollup from Descent. Foot on the ropes. 1, 2, 3. Corino wins. **

- Christian arrives at the arena with Lars Douglas. The two of them walk into their office as the camera cuts over to Bob Levy who is standing by with Law and Disorder. LAD talk smack about their matchup later tonight.

- Arn Anderson vs CW Anderson. Arn takes CW down to the mat and works on the arm. CW counters into an armbar of his own. CW picks up Arn and pounds away. Whip off the ropes is blocked by a clothesline from AA. Arn locks an armringer and works on it some more. CW rolls under and suplexes Arn for a 2 count. CW chops Arn into the corner and shoulderblocks the midsection. Arn pushes off the punches from CW and hits some chops of his own. CW pokes the eyes and hits a backbreaker for a 2 count. CW hits rolling side russian legsweeps and covers for a 2 count. CW hits a spinebuster out of nowhere, for a 2 count. CW hits another one...another 2 count. CW gets frustrated and starts jawing with the referee. Arn comes from behind with the tights and gets the three count. CW pops right back up and starts going midevil on Arn. CW runs Arn into the turnbuckle post and goes for a steel chair on the outside. CW goes to drill Arn with the chair when ENFORCER comes down to the ring. Enforcer swings away at CW, but CW tumbles to the outside and hightails out of there. Decent match but way too short. *3/4

- The Dudley Boyz are standing by with Breeanna as the two of them go over their stay in the BOW. They bring up their domination and the fact that they're 2 time BOW Tag Team Champions.

- Shawn Michaels arrives in the arena with the BOW World Heavyweight Title in hand.

- Kurt Angle vs Triple H. Triple H talks trash about how the suits in the BOW are screwing him over. Angle comes out and tells him that it makes no difference cause he’s still gonna get his ass kicked, whoo!!! Kurt dashes down to the ring and double leg takedowns Triple H inside the ring. Kurt swings away and finishes the flury with a back bodydrop. Triple H counters an irish whip and hits the flying knee to Angle's head. Triple H pounds on Angle's back and hits a neckbreaker. 2 count on Angle. Triple H with a suplex then follows up with a headlock. Angle gets to the ropes but Triple H tosses him out of the ring. Triple H charges Angle on the outside, but gets belly to bellied on the floor. Angle tosses Triple H back into the ring and gets a 2 count. Angle goes for a german suplex, but Triple H counters to a DDT for a 2 count. Triple H works on the leg then applies the figure four. Angle gets to the ropes, but Triple H pulls him to the center and locks it on again. Angle turns the figure four and Triple H breaks. Triple H chop blocks the knee and works on the leg some more. Triple H goes for another figure four, but Angle shoves him into the corner shoulder first. Angle rolls up Triple H for a 2 count. Triple H hits a clothesline and grabs a headlock. Angle suplexes out of it as the referee starts the 10 count. Triple H recovers first but Angle mounts a comeback. Angle ducks a swing and hits the rolling german suplex...Angle goes for a third, but Triple H elbows out. Angle turns Triple H around and hits a belly to belly suplex. Angle covers for a 2 count. Triple H counters the backdrop with a chestbuster. Triple H goes for the Pedigree but Angle slingshots him into the corner. Triple H slides out of an Angle Slam attempt and goes for another Pedigree. Angle counters the attempt into the Anklelock. Triple H gets to the ropes and Angle breaks. Angle goes for a german suplex but Triple H low blows him. Triple H rolls Angle for the 2 count. Triple H kicks Angle off the irish whip and hits the Pedigree, for a 2 count. Angle counters out of a suplex and hits the Angle Slam. 1, 2, 3. Angle wins. ***

- Scene cuts to the back where the Dynamic Four(Shotgun, Morgan, York, and Number 8) are talking to each other, basically breaking kayfabe and showing people that all they wanna do tonight is put on a kickass show.

- TLC Three Way for the BOW Tag Team Titles: The Dudley Boyz(c) vs Law and Disorder vs Kasper and Homicide. Dudley Boyz get beat down by the other two teams as the match begins. Dudleys get tossed out of the ring as LAD and Kasper and Homicide brawl in the ring. The Dudley Boyz come back in with a ladder and take out all four guys with it. LAD tumbles outside of the ring while Kasper and Homicide double dropkick the ladder into the Dudleyz. Kasper goes to the outside to grab a chair but gets the con-chair-to from LAD. Homicide hits a tope con hilo on top of LAD as all three crumble to the floor. Bubba sets the ladder up in the ring and goes for the belts as D-Von goes for some wood on the outside. Lawless runs into the ring and powerbombs Bubba off the ladder. Homicide runs into the ring next and shoves Lawless head first into the ladder. Lightning gets a forearm shot on Homicide before snap suplexing him on top of the ladder(owch). Bubba and D-Von clothesline LAD. Lightning kicks Bubba and goes for a piledriver, but Bubba counters and slingshots him over the top THROUGH a table!! D-Von counters an irish whip as the Dudleys give 3D to Kasper. Lawless grabs a chair and starts chairing everyone in the head before Homicide delivers him a wicked shot with a chair of his own. Homicide sets the ladder up and goes for the belts. Bubba climbs the opposite side. Bubba and Homicide fight at the top of the ladder. Bubba gains advantage and suplexes Homicide off the ladder. D-Von goes to the outside and grabs another ladder from under the ring. D-Von sets that one in the ring and starts to climb, but Kasper gets up and dropkicks the ladder from under him. Bubba brings two more tables inside as the ring is looking even more crowded now. Bubba chops at Homicide, but Homicide low blows him. Homicide goes to the outside and tosses the ringsteps into the ring. Lightning runs the opposite side and dropkicks one of the ringsteps into Homicide as he tried getting back into the ring. LAD set the stairs up and places an table on top of it…Then takes the second table and places it on top of THAT one. Lawless works over D-Von as Lawless goes to the outside and sets up a SUPER ladder on the floor. D-Von gets set up on the table as Lightning climbs the super ladder. Lightning is about to fly RIGHT before Homicide spears the ladder from underneath as Lightning crashes to the floor!! Holy shit!! Kasper tosses Lawless out of the ring and chairs D-Von in the head, knocking him out while he’s laying on the table setup. Kasper climbs the ladder, but Bubba meets him at the top. Kasper gains advantage, sunset flips from the top of the ladder, and POWERBOMBS Bubba onto D-Von!!! Crowd goes apeshit over that one. Dudleys are legally dead. Lawless sneaks back in and climbs up the ladder, but Homicide runs in and pushes the ladder from underneath. Lawless gets crotched on the ring ropes before getting tied up. Homicide takes the extra ladder, climbs it, and captures the BOW Tag Team Titles. Awesome spotfest. ****1/4

- Promotional video is played for Disturbed.

- Rob Van Dam vs Felix Randall. RVD poses for the crowd as Randall jumps him from behind. Randall works an armbar. RVD shoulderblocks Randall. RVD hits the opposite side and goes for a leapfrog, but Randall catches him in a dragon suplex for a 2 count. RVD catches a kick and hits a spinkick. Rolling senton splash connects for a 2 count on Randall. RVD goes for another spinkick, but Randall hits a dragonscrew into a half crab. RVD gets to the ropes, but Randall fires back with kicks to the back. RVD and Randall trade punches in the middle of the ring. Randall counters the bodyslam. Randall goes for a rollup, but breaks off as RVD hit the ropes. RVD flips out of a suplex and hits a kicking combination, flooring Randall to the mat. Somersault moonsault attempt by RVD hits the knees of Randall. Randall whips RVD to the corner. Blind charge misses as RVD rolls up Randall for the 2 count. RVD goes to the outside and grabs a chair, but Randall hits a plancha on top of him. Randall goes for a flip off the mat, but RVD catches him and sets him up on the barracade. Twisting legdrop connects on Randall. RVD rolls Randall into the ring and goes up top for the 5 Star Frog Splash. Randall moves and RVD misses. Randall covers for a 2 count. RVD recovers and whips Randall into the turnbuckle and floors him. Split Legged Moonsault attempt goes bad as Randall gets back up, catches him, and KILLS him with a sitdown piledriver. 1, 2, 3. Randall wins the match. **1/4

- Kasper and Homicide celebrate in the back with beer and brownies. Bob Levy congratulates the two of them for winning the titles. Kasper offers Bob a hit from a bong, and Bob shrugs it off. So Homicide kicks Bob out for not takin the good shit. Funny. Tommy Dreamer comes into the room and starts talking smack about how the win was a fluke. Dreamer challenges them to a tag title match with his partner Rhino at Warfare. Kasper and Homicide agree to it, then beat the crap out of Dreamer. Rhino runs into the room and GORES Kasper. Homicide and Rhino brawl as referees rush into the room to break things up.

- Christian York vs Number 8. Mat sequence starts off the match as York and 8 work the crowd. Another one ends with 8 rolling up York for a 2 count. Christian ducks a swing and chop blocks the knee of 8. York goes for another one as 8 gets up, but 8 grabs him and takes him down with a front headlock submission. York flips out and pins for the 2 count. 8 gets up first and starts pounding away at York. York ducks a clothesline from 8. 8 ducks a superkick from York and clotheslines him. 8 covers for a 2 count. 8 goes to work on the leg, kicking at the knee. York gets up and hits an enziguri on 8 which floored him. York jumps on the top rope, but 8 runs upto him and shoves him off. York crashes into the barracade as 8 goes to the outside and starts stomping a mudhole into him. York counters a whip as 8 crashes into the steel steps. Christian rolls back in the ring, runs the ropes, and hits a springboard shooting star press! Both guys are slow to get back up. York and 8 roll back into the ring and York covers 8 for the 2 count. York corners 8 and chops away. 8 has enough of it, shoves York into the corner, and hits some WICKED chops of his own. York goes for a headscissors off the ropes, but 8 counters into a sidewalk slam. 2 count on York. 8 hits the opposite side. York ducks a swing and double leg takedowns 8 into a Crab 2.0 attempt. 8 overpowers York and whips him into the turnbuckle. 8 covers for a 2 count. 8 suplexes York over and hits a legdrop off the ropes for another 2 count. York flips over a suplex and goes for the Pump Handle Driver. 8 slips over York’s shoulder and goes for a powerbomb. York counters the powerbomb attempt with a sunset flip pin attempt, but 8 grabs York by the throat and short powerbombs him for a 2 count. York goes for a huracanrana off of 8’s backdrop attempt, but 8 holds onto him. York slips off and goes for a falling reverse DDT. 8 counters with a go behind. 8 hits a reverse DDT into a dragon sleeper. York tries to fight out of it, but cannot, and taps out!! Number 8 wins the match. ***

- PPV commercial for BOW Warfare. Order it!! Even if there’s only been a few matches confirmed, whoo!!!

- Morgan talks about the history between him and Shotgun.

- Shawn Michaels vs. Enforcer. Enforcer and HBK talk smack to each other to start the match. Enforcer whips HBK against the ropes, but HBK slides under Enforcer’s legs and dropkicks him from behind. Enforcer hits the ropes, HBK attempts to throw him out of the ring with a clothesline but he is too big, Enforcer holds on and pokes HBK in the eyes, Enforcer with a big boot that sends HBK down. Enforcer bounces off the ropes and in a move that would make Hulk Hogan proud he drops a leg drop. Enforcer picks up HBK and goes for a DDT, HBK tries to counter with a northern lights suplex but Enforcer has the clear height advantage and blocks it and nails the DDT that plants HBK down, Enforcer pins for a 2 count. Enforcer picks HBK up and signals for a powerbomb, he picks HBK up but HBK hits various punches that make Enforcer drop him, HBK quickly kicks Enforcer’s leg sweeping him off his feet, HBK actually hooks Enforcer in a figure four. Enforcer powers out of it and reaches the ropes. Both men climbs to their feet, both men are tired as they exchange punches, Enforcer picks HBK up and throws him against the turnbuckle, he charges and runs towards HBK, HBK moves out of the way right at the last minute, Enforcer hits his head on the turnbuckle, as he turns around HBK hits him full blast with some Sweet Chin Music, he quickly pins Enforcer. Enforcer kicks out at 2!! HBK goes for another one, but hits the referee but accident. Enforcer hits the New Breed but the referee is out. CW Anderson runs down to the ring and chairs Enforcer in the back. HBK and Enforcer both stagger back up. HBK hits another Sweet Chin Music and covers as the referee crawls over. 1, 2, 3. HBK wins. **

- Video is played of the back history of Morgan and Shotgun. Some of this footage going back to when the BOW just opened up. Cameo appearances include Beckham, Mastermind, York back when he didn’t constantly job, and the king of all jobbers, CHRIS WILBERMAN(who ironically enough has a win over Y2K…god bless Beckham’s retarded booking skills)!!

- Main Event: Matt Morgan vs. Shotgun. If you don’t like whenever these two hook up in the ring, you’re not a wrestling fan. Huge ovation for both men as the match begins. Both men lock up. Shotgun whips Morgan, Morgan reverses, Shotgun goes for a wheel kick, Morgan jumps right over him, Morgan tries to stomp Shotgun, Shotgun rolls to the corner and uses the turnbuckle to get to his feet. Shotgun grabs him and throws him against the turnbuckle, after some hard chops Shotgun takes some speed and goes for a splash, Morgan out of instinct jumps to the second rope and counters with a sunset flip that gets a 2 count, both men get to their feet and receive a standing ovation from the fans. Morgan charges towards Shotgun, Shotgun with an arm drag followed by a ninja kick, Morgan catches his leg and sweeps him off his feet, he proceeds to hook Shotgun in a beautiful Texas cloverleaf, Shotgun quickly grabs the ropes, as Morgan releases Shotgun trips him and hooks him into an ankle lock, Morgan rolls to his side and kicks Shotgun in the face, Shotgun lets go, both men roll to different corners and get to their feet, Shotgun charges with a clothesline but Morgan counters with a crucifix pin that Shotgun barely kicks out of, Shotgun gets to his feet and sling shots Morgan into the corner, Morgan counters by jumping into the second rope and hitting a missile drop kick on Shotgun, Morgan climbs the top and goes for the 86 (swanton), Shotgun moves out of the way. Shotgun grabs Morgan’s leg and proceeds to hook him up in the sharpshooter, Morgan is in trouble, as Shotgun keeps it locked on in the middle of the ring. Morgan does the Steve Austin/ Bret Hart spot(pushing upwards) and makes Shotgun drop, while he is still on the move Morgan manages to slip out and grab the ropes for good measures. Shotgun in one knee looks at Morgan, Morgan who is sitting against the ropes looks at Shotgun, the end was so close yet so far. Morgan springs to his feet and surprises Shotgun with a kick to the face, Shotgun rolls to his side and jumps to his feet, he drops Morgan with a spear, however Morgan trips Shotgun into a half boston crab and holds him tight in the middle of the ring, as the tension builds up Shotgun struggles over and grabs the ropes. You know…They haven’t done anything overly spectacular, but the way it comes across is soo good that you can’t help but to enjoy it. Shotgun slowly gets to his feet, Morgan charges towards him, Shotgun hits a knee to the midsection followed by an implant DDT, both men are down and tired. The referee starts the 10 count, both men are up by 9, Morgan throws some weak punches that Shotgun easily avoids, he hooks him up and hits a belly to belly suplex followed by a pin, Shotgun gets a 2. Morgan slowly gets to his feet, he charges towards Shotgun, Shotgun leap frogs him, bad mistake as Morgan quickly hooks him up and hits his finisher, Drop the World (chickenwing slam). Morgan pins but Shotgun kicks at 2, the fans and Morgan have a collective heart attack. Morgan climbs the ropes and signals for the end, he goes for the 86 once again and yet again Shotgun moves out of the way, Shotgun gets up and picks up Morgan, knee to the midsection followed by the Bullet Bomb, Shotgun pins and Morgan kicks at 2, the fans start to buzz as both men are exhausted and out of ideas. Slowly but steady both men get to their feet, both men hit each other with chops, none gains the advantage until Shotgun knees Morgan in the midsection. Morgan counters the Bullet Bomb with a huracanrana. Morgan rushes to the top rope, connects on the 86, and covers Shotgun. 1, 2, 3. Morgan wins. ****1/2

- After the match is over Morgan collapses to his knees, Shotgun is out as well, the cheers overtake the arena as both men did their best as they came back from retirement and gave it their all, the scene slowly fades as we get a shot of both men down and out.

- End of Show

- Little notes about the show. Everyone with the exception of Enforcer was wearing a black armband as a dedication symbol towards the WTC / DC incident. Enforcer had an American Flag bandanna tied on his leg. After the show went off the air, Number 8 and Christian came down to the ring to congradulate Morgan and Shotgun. HBK, Bossman, and Buchanon came out. HBK started talking smack to all four guys. Christian invited them down to the ring, and they proceeded to brawl. Buchanon and Bossman were taken out quickly by stereo powerbombs from Number 8 and Shotgun. York locked HBK in the Crab 2.0, and Morgan went to the top and gave him the swanton bomb.

- Even more notes not having to do with the show. Once again I apologize for taking as long as I did. I wanted to post the show last night but I just fell asleep. PPV is still going on this Sunday so keep an eye out for the matches which should be posted online later tonight.