Welcome to Brolove's Crib. This site features a lot of personal things about me if u want to know them. It features a hip-hop/rap music page, poetry, chat, messageboard, Beautiful black women and men, Beauty of the week, games, visitors connection, links, and more to come. The page for the ladies features people like Tyson, Tupac, Usher, Ginuwine, Michael Jai White, DMX, Tyrese, Shemar Moore and more to come. The page for the men features Jet Beauties, Michelle Thomas, Mya and more. I created this site to expand on my WBS site. Peeps said my page was phat so i had to hit them with
some new flavor. I'm going to be updating this site frequently. If U want to see a new section added email me. Much props to the peeps who have showed me love. Thanks Everybody. Have a good time navigating thru my Crib..aight BE SURE TO SIGN THE GUESTBOOK AND TELL ME WHAT U THINK?
ICQ #: 18424861
R U ready- My new site - "NUBIANMINDZ.COM" - Our time to shine
C what I have added or updated to my website: Click What's New