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Name: Marc Blucas
Birthdate: January 11th, 1972
Birthplace: Girard, Pennsylvania
Star Sign: Capricorn
Height: 6'3"
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Eyes: Hazel
Favourite Color: Blue
Favourite Sport: Basketball
Favourite Team: San Antonio Spurs
Hobbies: Basketball


Marc Blucas is probably better known for his excellent talent for Basketball than his acting. The former Wake Forest basketball star, has a short list of credits include guest spots on the TV series, Clueless in episode "Popularity" and small parts in the movies Pleasantville and Eddie. He also had a very small role in the TV movie, The 60's. In all of these things, he played a role related in some way to basketball. He was the basketball hero in Pleasantville, a benched Knicks player in Eddie and the school basketball star in his episode of Clueless. Buffy is his first role on record where he's not a player on a Basketball team.

Some die-hard Buffy/Angel fans are reluctant to accept the character, but many fans are giving him a chance and seeing that he really not all that bad. Recently, the character was given more screen time as Marc Blucas was added to the opening credits. He should remain around for the rest of the season, but whether or not he'll survive the finale or continue his role in the 5th season is unknown.

Marc Blucas bio from The Buffy Cross & Stake