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Are you Obsessed with BtVS??

Do you think that you're obsessed with the show? Well check the list below to see if you act in the ways described.

You know you're obsessed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer when:

- You unplug your phone during Buffy hour

- Your friends know all about the show even though they don't watch it

- You have at least one webpage about the show or about one of the cast members

- You make everyone call you Buffy or another character from the show

- You legally change your name to Buffy or another character from the show

- You insist on calling your librarian Giles

- You have every Buffy episode on tape

- You watch at least one Buffy episode every night

- You cancel any plans that interfere with Buffy hour

- You know more about every character in the show than you do about your friends

- You befriend a computer genius and insist on calling her Willow

- You only buy clothes that you've seen on the show

- You move to California and start searching for Sunnydale

- You start hanging out in the library hoping your librarian will tell you that you're the chosen one

- You burn down your school's gym and insist that it was filled with vampires

- When people in your city start going missing, you immediately think vampires

- You have stakes and crosses in your room and locker

- You always carry a stake with you, just incase

- You wear a claddagh ring and a silver cross necklace

- You stay up all night making a 'You know you're obsessed with BtVS' list