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Chilla & Co'!

Uh...I guess this is the bit where I have to say a load of stuff....all about me!(oh joy you cry!)Well my names Chilla (Sally Cox) and I'm 18 years old.This is my first attempt at a page so PURLZE don't roll round in fits of laughter on looking round it!Anyways the nickname Chilla comes from Chinchilla...cute furry ickle things that I happen to have 15 of at the moment.Yup,the name is kinda sad.Ah well! Anyways...I lurve animals and am on an animal care course at Bishop Burton...which is,I other intrests are music,TV,being imature/strange,partying.Erm,oh don’t you just HATE these things...I don’t know what to put!Like anyones reading this anyway....I could say “hey,I’m the Queens personal toenail cleaner” and no-one would ever know!Nubbintastic!
Erm,I’ll go now.Yes...that might be a good idea.
Oh yeah...I also go by the name of Sally Wally Woo...but don’t hold that against me! Do you really want to see a piccy of me? Well..... here it is! Want to see cool recent pics of me and my friends? New Pics Want to see old pics of me and my friends? More pics

Bysie bye people....oh,and please sign my guestbook to tell me how werid I am!
