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A Carter Life

Name: Nicolas Gene Carter

Nick names: Frack and Chaos

Birthday: January 28, 1980

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Birthplace: Jamestown New York

Distinctive Traits: Rainy days and bad weather make him sad.

Hobbies: Playing the drums, scuba diving, fishing, Basketball and playing Nintendo with Aaron ( little bro!) and Brian!

Fav foods: Pizza and Carrots

Beverages: Coca Cola, Sprite

Fav Actors: Sean Connery, Sigourney Weaver

Singers: Nirvana, Michael Jackson, Journey

Clothing:Fragerance: Gravity

Fav Movie: The Rock and Alien

Interesting Facts:Nick and Brian are always playing Mario Kart for Super Nintendo! Right now Nick holds the title! Nick has a little brother named Aaron who is 11 years old and a great singer! His CD is coming out soon!
