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Welcome To Chaos and Bone's, The Best Of The Backstreet Boys Webpage

Click on the picture above to check out what our webpage contains.

If you have a webpage and would like us to visit it, please leave the address for it on our message board or our guestbook and we will be happy to visit it and leave our comments about your page!!

We would just like to welcome you to the Webpage containing the best of the boys! We will update you about Concerts, T.V apperances, new Cds, videos and songs. You can e-mail us with any questions or comments about our page or the boys that are known world wide! And remember our page will always be under constructionso make sure you come back and check out what we've updated.


Since we are both from Ontario we will be attending the BSB concert at the Molson Ampitheatre in Barrie on August 22. When we return we will give you full coverage. Unfortunitly we will not be at the concert at Darien Lake. If anyone is going to Darien Lake when BSB are preforming can you please e-mail us telling what happend so we can let other fans who missed these shows, what happend. Also, check out the offical BSB site to see when the boys are comming to a place near you!! Click here---->THE OFFICAL SITE


This spring Brian will be under going elective heart surgery. He will be taking a few weeks off to recover but he will be back to continue preforming on schedual not missing any concert or appearence dates. So don't worry, he will be back to his original self in no time. Brian we wish you luck and hope for a fast recovery. We'll miss you!!!!

Please sign our guestbook and tell us what you think of our page. We know there isn't much now but we will add more.

Also to all those Backstreet Boys lovers out there who have their own webpages and if you have any pictures you think we should use, e-mail us and tell us where to find them. Thanx 4 comming!!! Please come back soon!!!

You may have noticed we have added a message board to out page. If you know of any appearence dates or any other information you think other BSB fans should know about please write it on our message board so we all have a chance to see our boys.

On behalf of the Backstreet Boys and ourselves we would like to thank you for visiting our page and keeping the Backstreet Pride alive!!!!
