Who are Chipper's biggest influences?
When asked this question Chipper replied "I would have to say my father. He was always there when I was growing up and baseball wasn't forced upon me...He gave me the background to start my career."
Are there any players Chipper patterns his playing style after?
He patterned his switch hitting after Mickey Mantle as a child. As he grew up, he tried to play shortstop like Ozzie Smith, Cal Ripken, and Barry Larkin.
What postion would Chipper prefer to play?
Centerfield because it is a less pressure filled position than in the infield.
Who is the toughest pitcher Chipper ever faced?
Chipper reply was "Greg Maddux. I haven't faced him in game type situations, but I have faced him in batting practice and early on in spring training the pitchers throw to the hitters live on the field and I think in 15 minutes of batting practice that he's thrown to me I've gotten about three balls out of the cage."
Does Chipper want to change teams?
Chipper quote,"I'd love to play my entire career with the Braves."
Any questions about Chipper not on here that you would like an answer for? Just e-mail me and I will search for the answer if I don't know it.