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By Keith Loria - SOD Magazine

Just the Facts:
Birthday: June 16
Movie Idol: Paul Newman
Favorite Food: Anything Italian
Fastest he's ever driven: "About 125 in a Jeep. I took the car Cole drove on the show to 110."
On his SOD Award Nomination: "I was ecstatic. It's a great honor."

Despite a battery of treacherous tests, Sunset Beach's Cole keeps going and going!

"I crave attention and adventure," declares Eddie Cibrian, his trademark dimples deepening as if to underscore his love for his gig as Cole on SUNSET BEACH. "Cole is a dream part. There's nothing he can't do."

That goes for Cibrian, too. The actor has conquered daytime, prime-time (BAYWATCH NIGHTS) and movies (he makes his big-screen debut as an erotic masseur in an upcoming flick with Danny DeVito and Holly Hunter). "I'm having a blast," the actor gushes. It turns out that wasn't always the case. Cibrian's mom, Hortencia, and dad Carlos helped their son discover acting when he was just a kid. Back then, showbiz left much to be desired.

"When I was around 12, my parents thought I could go out and do some commercials, so they got me an agent and sent me out, " Cibrian explains. "Between the ages of 12 to 15, I probably went to hundreds of auditions." And while he was successful - he nabbed seven commercials - he wasn't having any fun doing them. "I'd rather have played sports or hang out with my friends, " he confesses. "I told my parents I didn't want to do it anymore and that was that."

At least until the acting bug bit again when Cibrian was hurt playing football in college. "I needed some money and I did not want to do the normal thing," Cibrian says. "I looked back and said, 'It was the easiest money I ever made. If I could just do one or two commercials a year..."

One again, lady luck was with him-Cibrian began landing roles. He had guest spots on SAVED BY THE BELL, appeared in the CBS special KIDS KILLING KIDS and became a familiar face to millions of Generations Xer's in a commercial for Dayrunner. "That played on MTV everytime you tuned in," the actor laughs. And before Cibrian knew it, he had found his calling. "I suddenly began to love the craft," he recalls, adding, "I really started considering acting as a career and taking it seriously."

His first big break came when he read for the part of Nick on the YOUNG AND RESTLESS. "I did't get Nick, but they brought me on as Matt," recalls Cibrian, adding that the character was only suppose to appear on about a dozen shows. "I would up signing a three-year contract because I was involved in one of the biggest stories."

When dastardly Matt became a rapist, the actor was more than a little bit worried. Says Cibrian, "I thought, 'Oh, what do I do? But I went with the punches and thought it could be fun to play the bad guy. It was great for the first year, and then I got kinda tired of it." Despite the fiend fatigue, Y&R was still a "wonderful learning experience" for the actor. It was also there that Cibrian met his best friend, Joshua Morrow (who did get the role of Nick), and Julianne Morris (ex-Amy), who Cibrian dated for two years. The couple split last fall. "It's sort of a sore subject that I'd rather not talk about," Cibrian states somberly.

After spending two years on Y&R, Cibrian was placed on recurring status, but quickly landed BAYWATCH NIGHTS. "Baywatch Nights was marvelous," Cibrian raves. "I became really good friends with David Hasselhoff, which was probably the best experience of all. He's helped me out tremendously." Indeed, Hasselhoff was instrumental in helping Cibrian land the part of Cole after Ashley Hamilton and BEACH parted ways, and BEACH placed a call to Cibrian.

All American Television was not going to let me leave my contract with BWN, so I talked with David and he told me to go for it," the actor explains. "He said, 'Don't worry about it; i'll take care of it." And he called them for me and took care of it." So what prompted Cibrian to return to the world of daytime? "I was assured Cole would be a major character in a major storyline and so far, they haven't disappointed me, " the actor smiles.

And how. Considering the fact that Caitlin is deceiving him about being pregnant, Olivia, his future mother-in-law, may be carrying his baby; and his life of crime is always just a few steps behind him, Cole undoubtedly will remain front-burner on BEACH. "I hope my character never slows down," Cibrian laughs. "I'm selfish and I don't want to slow down."

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