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January 4, 1999 - ET Interview

In his erotic scene with HOLLY HUNTER in the movie 'Living Out Loud', soap-star EDDIE CIBRIAN proves he can steam up much more than the shores of "Sunset Beach." Find out how Eddie turns up the heat in his sexy scenes that makes the audience melt.

Entertainment Tonight: So, just give me a sense of what it was like to shoot that scene with Holly.

Eddie Cibrian: It was interesting. You know, a lot of people say, "Were you nervous working with Holly Hunter? Here she is naked and you have to get almost naked. Was it nerve-wracking?" And really it wasn't. She's so good. Working with someone like that is just a phenomenal opportunity. And she made me feel so comfortable that you just get lost in the scene. You just forget about the cameras and everything else, and that's when good things happen. So, I wasn't nervous, it was actually very easy.

ET: Was it one of those things where it was spontaneous, or was all the physicality of it very specific?

Eddie: We rehearsed it a couple of weeks before, so it was rehearsed and specific, and yet there were things that happened that were very spontaneous and just happened. So, you get the best of both worlds -- and that's when good stuff happens. So, it was a combination of both.

ET: So, tell me a little--

Eddie: I'll tell you what. My manager saw the movie before I saw it and he goes, "You know, everyone loved it when Holly Hunter was grabbing your [butt] at the end of the thing." And I go, "She was grabbing my [butt]? No, she wasn't. I do not remember that at all." But I saw the movie when I went to the premiere, and sure enough, her hands go in there and she's grabbing it. So, that was a little something different.

ET: There were no body doubles, right?

Eddie: No body doubles. That was it. It was the both of us.

ET: Here was a woman who was having all of these romantic and emotional problems and you represent the fantasy, right?

Eddie: Yeah, kind of her escape. Maybe it was her fantasy, but maybe not. It was something she had never done before. She wanted to try something new, so she wanted an erotic massage and that's what my character did for a living. It was no big deal for him, that was the funny part. She was a little nervous about the situation and I had done it a thousand times. It was a very funny scene.

ET: Did you learn anything about the fine art of erotic massage?

Eddie: Well, like I said in the movie, it's about bodies touching and it's very sexual and very sensual at the same time. That's about all I know.

ET: What's this behind you here [on the "Sunset Beach" set]... we've got this body of water. So, what are you doing here?

Eddie: What am I doing here? You know, why do they always try to get us naked and throw us in a body of water and think that sells? I don't know, you tell me. (laughs). I'm about to make a little love with my wife and we're about to heat up this little jacuzzi -- and that's it.

ET: In the show your wife obviously is your love interest, but you've got something going with her mom too, right?

Eddie: I had something going with the mom. We don't know, but I think I got mom pregnant. And so I had something going on with mom, had something going on with her daughter, and then there was something with this woman who just came into town from my past. I'm telling you -- I don't know why -- but my character has the most women on the show, for some reason. It's crazy.

ET: How comfortable are you getting down into the buff?

Eddie: I'm not very comfortable, especially because you guys are here. And the water is very cold. The prop people get in there and they pee in the water to warm it up for us. It's always nice that they care about us in that way.

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