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Aeris resurection page

I am not sure that these codes work! I have not tried them myself, but these are the rumors that I have hurd! I am looking for the real answer of how to bring Aeris back to life. I will post more of ways that you can supposevly bring Aeris back to life. I am very desperate! I will try anything to bring her back.


All Right, my almost endless sources(5 people) have found a way to ress Aeris It's long!!! Start by giving the flower brought by Aeris to MARLENE! Then be nice to AERIS throughout the entire game. Then NEVER return to the church after the first meeting. After killing RUBY+EMRALD WEAPONS, keep all the KALM TRAVELLER items. Take them to the church, a small girl will say, "I saw the flower lady!" and direct you to the back(Which is now open) Aeris's ghost will walk away from it until it vanishes. talk to the girl again, she'll say, "The flower lady doesn't want to play!" Go to the tower in Kalm, Marlene will be there, ask her for the flower. Take the flower back to the Church and place it on the flower bed. NOW.... Aeris will return and talk to Cloud(FMV...FMV...YES!!!) ask her to return, if you've been a good boy she'll say YES! Go to the Forgotten city, and go to the beds. Cloud during the night will read the guidebook, and find out that MR FISH will only appear(Disappear) at night. Run to where she died, the path will be open. Take Cloud to the platform where she died, he will break out in tears. The Earth harp will play, and platforms from under the water will raise the WHITE MATERIA up. Grab the Materia. Take it to Aeris, who will say, "Sorry, I can't use it like this" Go to the GS Prison desert, the rose will let you walk over to the Gold saucer. GO into the saucer(The lifts borken, this is the ONLY way) Dio will ask to buy the materia off you, REFUSE. Dio will steal the Materia, and run to the battle arena, where Cloud must clobber him into the ground. Before dio dies, he messes with the White materia, and changes it significantly. Take this to Aeris who say's "Thank you Cloud" and Then directs the RESS FMV. All Right, my almost endless sources(5 people) have found a way to ress Aeris It's long!!! Start by giving the flower brought by Aeris to MARLENE! Then be nice to AERIS throughout the entire game. Then NEVER return to the church after the first meeting. After killing RUBY+EMRALD WEAPONS, keep all the KALM TRAVELLER items. Take them to the church, a small girl will say, "I saw the flower lady!" and direct you to the back(Which is now open) Aeris's ghost will walk away from it until it vanishes. talk to the girl again, she'll say, "The flower lady doesn't want to play!" Go to the tower in Kalm, Marlene will be there, ask her for the flower. Take the flower back to the Church and place it on the flower bed. NOW.... Aeris will return and talk to Cloud(FMV...FMV...YES!!!) ask her to return, if you've been a good boy she'll say YES! Go to the Forgotten city, and go to the beds. Cloud during the night will read the guidebook, and find out that MR FISH will only appear(Disappear) at night. Run to where she died, the path will be open. Take Cloud to the platform where she died, he will break out in tears. The Earth harp will play, and platforms from under the water will raise the WHITE MATERIA up. Grab the Materia. Take it to Aeris, who will say, "Sorry, I can't use it like this" Go to the GS Prison desert, the rose will let you walk over to the Gold saucer. GO into the saucer(The lifts borken, this is the ONLY way) Dio will ask to buy the materia off you, REFUSE. Dio will steal the Materia, and run to the battle arena, where Cloud must clobber him into the ground. Before dio dies, he messes with the White materia, and changes it significantly. Take this to Aeris who say's "Thank you Cloud" and Then directs the RESS FMV.

Aeris Resurection Aeris is one of the mighty Cetra and is one of the best characters in the game, and is beautiful to boot! She is Cloud's love interest in the game. You meet her at the first reactor in FF7. Later in the game, you kinda fall from the sky to meet her (In a manner of speaking). You then save her from some Shinra goons. She is a really decent character and is EXTREMELY powerful too. She is my 2nd favorite character. DANG SEPHIROTH!! WHY DID YOU TAKE HER??!! TAKE ME INSTEAD!!! TAKE MEEEeee..... Too bad she dies, huh?..... But wait!! Is it possible to Resurect her? I have heard you could!! Is it true? The answer: No. At least not in the American version.... In the Japanese Version? Well, today is your lucky day because the answer is a straight forward, Yes!! As you may have noticed, the release of the US version of Final Fantasy VII was late. That is because they hadn't finished with the coding of the game. They postponed the release date so they could finish but they still weren't through later, so Squaresoft told them to Hurry up and finish and to leave out stuff if they had to. They left out the Aeris resurection among other things. You can still get Aeris in the US version after she dies, but this is only with a Gameshark, and it has no effect on the game. She will just be there during battles. In the Japan Version, she CAN be raised from the dead, but this is a HUGE trick and is well guarded by the Square employees. But, despite Squaresoft's best effort, THE TRUTH SHALL BE KNOWN!!! HA HA HA!! I have been receiving a LOT of e-mails from people giving me their suggestions and ideas on how to raise Aeris, and I now have a GOOD idea on how it is done. I have not been able to test this yet because I do not have the Japanese version of FF7, and as I said earlier, the Aeris ressurection ONLY works in the Japanese Version (There has also been rumors that it can be done in the PC version, but I still have to check on this). Well, here is (Maybe) the way to Raise Aeris: Aeris Ressurection: In sector 6, you will meet a drunk guy (I have heard rumors that he is Zack, and that he is a hidden character. I will put the details on this site as soon as I have time). Talk to him with Aeris and she will ask you to help him. Do what she says and tell her you like her (To do this you MUST be nice to Aeris WHENEVER you are given the chance). Afterward, go get the Midgar Key from the Bone Village (Must be done right before entering the temple of the ancients). Now, go see the Drunk Guy again and he will ask where Aeris is. Tell him that she was murdered. Go to the church and you see her ghost (You have all seen the image of her in the church I am assuming. This is JUST her ghost though). If you did this right, I am told you will see a Full motion video sequence. After this is done, go see the Drunk Guy again and he will give you the Underwater Materia. Now go to where she was killed and touch the fish. You will go to Aeris' body (Note, she IS still dead). Now go to Bugenhagen (In Cosmo Canyon). The Drunk Guy should do the rest. I have not tested this yet so please don't be mad if it doesn't work. Please note again that this works only in the Japanese Version of FF7. I am thinking about have the game imported so I can see this for myself (No, I do not speak Japanese and have no clue how I would play it, but hey! I never think that far ahead).

Squaresoft, in an effort to get Final Fantasy VII out in Japan on the deadline of January 31st, released the game unfinished. The true ending, while on the games 3rd CD, has been locked out, and important story elements were left unresolved. Information on the details of this have been supplied by Lansing, a former employee of Squaresoft who worked on the game, which comes to us via Miranda's Cafe Final Fantasy VII. Oh no. They did it. I wouldn't have known, because I had access to the full set of FF7 info... but they did. I guess this means that I should have actually played through things to see if anything had changed, instead of getting tired of the game after translation purposes. I think everyone is gonna kill me for my insolence, because I really should have played through the game more fully before I said anything to make sure it was still possible. Throughout the past few weeks, I, myself, have been wondering why people were having such a hard time reviving Aeris, because according to everything I saw through the scenario translation process, it could be done fairly easily. Here's the Aeris revival process, in full. First off, throughout the game, you must make the logical choice of things to say to Aeris to indicate that you like her. You must never hurt her in any way by choice. What happens in scenarios, however, cannot be avoided (Aeris' beating by Cloud, for instance). Also, with the sick man. There is no medicine, but you could have Aeris tend to him and make him feel better, by learning about her heritage and returning to Midgar in the first CD. By doing this, the "GENERAL" as people call him, would trust you, and request you go buy his dying friend something from the store. A simple quest. After doing so, the GENERAL would tell you thanks, and that if there was anything else you need ever, to ask him for help. You then see a scene with his friend dying. A sad scene. :( Now, continue through the game as normal, and after Aeris dies, go on to the second CD. Once here, return to Midgar with the key from CD1, and the GENERAL will ask you where the nice girl (Aeris) is. You explain that she has died, by Sephiroth, and that there is no hope in reviving her. There would be a chance, but only if you could go deep under the waters of the floating castle (where Aeris died). The GENERAL would tell you that he thinks he may be able to help, and to come back later. After this meeting, you were to go on to Aeris' church, where there would be a long scene with her spirit. If you had been nice to her, she would express a desire to return to help you. After doing this, return to the GENERAL, who would provide you with a Yellow materia that allowed the entire group to travel through water. With this, you could return to the floating palace, go up to Mr.Fish, and once you touched him, you would be transported under water, to a cavern, where, at the end, lay Aeris' orb/life essence. With this orb, Bugenhagen could complete the ress process, and you could move on to a happier life with a neater ending. Well, the FMVs were all completed on time,but a lot of coding was not. They then delayed the games release by a month (Dec -> Jan). However, it seemed that even by late December, the coding STILL wasn't finished, so Square told production to wrap it up quickly. In order to get the game out on time, SqJP sacrificed what could have been a miraculously better game than FF7... The main coding that was not finished dealt with manipulating the transparent polygon of Aeris' spirit in the church. Since they were forced to wrap production up to meet the many-delayed deadline, they had to stop with the Aeris process unfinished. So, to keep things from ever happening, they simply removed the one item that allowed any hint of the process to take place... The Key toMidgar, from the first CD. This completely stopped the ability tores surect Aeris. HOWEVER, they left out the removal of one thing, and that was the split-second of seeing the ghost of Aeris once you return to the church. Unforunately, this, along with the insanely big size of the ending MOV, are the only hints to Aeris' existence that we have. Other than the original FF7 scriptline, from which all the above information came. I ran across this info while talking to John H. (another temp like me) trying to get some US script from him for our channel's page. Also, Seph wanted it. I asked him if it would be alright for me to release the script info in an altered form, and to release info on gameplay, such as Aeris' death/ress. Then he told me the deadline story, and I almost had a heartattack. He said that the process can still be done to its completion, sans a couple of scenes, with the Game Shark, but until someone develops a MOV player that handles multiple sector files, the true ending will not be seen. Oh, and about the ending... There were supposed to be scenes with the hidden characters, but things got cut short, so they weren't added, and the end of the ending was terrible, without even the typical "THE END" in the stars. This makes me wish I had left Square earlier than I did, realizing that deadlines and business are more important to them than the games. All they care about is money." This is saddening. People have been waiting for months for this game, only to find it was released unfinished and not as it was intended to be. Many long time Square fans will surely be unhappy to know that Square released an unfinished game on them, and may lose faith in the company. The Ending with Yuffie & Vincent If you've seen the ending, you probably noticed that Yuffie and Vincent were not involved. Since Vincent and Yuffie are optional characters, they created 3 more ending. One with Vincent alone, one with just Yuffie, and one with both. Unfortunately, to save time and space, they got rid of these endings. That's just too bad.

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