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Elvin Sub-Races

Chrimson Elves

Chrimson Elves are magicaly enhanced Elves. Many years ago Corellon became upset about the way his people were using thier magic for evil. So he decided to create a new sub-race of elves. From then on any full Elf born of two Mage parients of 7th level or higher was a Chrimson Elf. Chrimson elves are the same as normal Elves execpt that they are dark chrimson in color. Due to thier natural magical abillitites they can cast Cantrip, Darkness, and Light once per day. At 5th level they can cast Detect Magic, Detect Invisibillity, and Know Alignment once per day. Any Chrimson Elf can use these spells even if they can't use magic. All Chrimson Elves who become Mages recieve a +1 bonus to Wisdom and Intelligence. Other Elves look up to Chrimson Elves for leadership and guidence so they are usually holding a powerful or leadership position among thier people. They recieve a +2 to Charisma when dealing with any Elf execpt Drow and Aquatic Elves.

Royall Elves

Royall Elves are a Drow and Chrimson Elf Hybrid. The are despised by all Elves. While in natural form They recieve a -6 to Charisma while dealing with any Elf they do not know. Due to thier mixed heritage they have the best qualities of both Sub-Races. They can cast Light, Darkness, and Detect Magic once per day. They have Infravision of 120' at night and in dark places. Due to the way other Elves react to thier presence they have developed alternate images of thier selves as any type of Elvin sub-race. They can cast Change Self at will but can only change to an Elvin identity. In thier natural shape they look like normal Elves except that females have a black spot over thier right eye and males have a red spot over thier left eye. Royall Elves do not disclose thier true race except to thier closest friends.
