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The O'Shalla Hall of Fame

Algore Redwood

In addition to being the local magician Algore is a seasoned adventurer. He has developed many new spells and magical items. He has met face to face with a God and lived to tell about it. He has helped defeat a Ruby dragon, out-smarted many a Stone Giant, and treats hordes of Goblins as road kill. He is a 9th level Mage, and father of two Elmo and Tabitha Redwood. Their mother is Lorin Knightrider a 7th/3rd level Drow Mage/Cleric. Algore is more powerful than any citizen in the city with the possible execption of the Governor. He is the cities main line of defense and the only supply of magical weapons for hundreds of miles. So everyone usually leaves us alone.

Algor Redwood
Class: Mage
Race: Chrimson Elf
Strength 12
Dexterity 16
Constitution 10
Intelligence 19
Wisdom 19
Charisma 16

HP 42
AC 10

Level THAC0
1 20
2 20
3 19
4 19

Draco Wyrmryder

Draco is the Captain of the Town Guard. He leads a small group of Red Guardsmen he has trained himself. As a onetime henchmen of Algore Redwood he has learned basic magical knowledge which he puts to use mixing and brewing potions. He sells these potions at a fair price to anyone who asks. He is currently dating Redwoods daughter Tabitha. He is always looking for new recruits so remember for Truth, Justice, and the O'Shalla Way, Join Dracos Red Guard Today.

Draco Wyrmryder
Class: Thief
Race: Human

Strength 16 +1 Damage Adjustment
Dexterity 18 +4 AC
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

HP 30 AC 6
Level Thac0
1 = 19
2 = 19
3 = 18

Ruskar Ironskull

Ruskar is the town Blacksmith. He has been on many an adventure, both by himself and with the group. When his brother was killed and Redwood helped avenge his death he came to work for Algore's group. So after he had earned enough money he started his own forge and now the gold is rolling in. His shop is the only place to get weapons for fifty miles. On the border there are not very many souls brave enough to start a business.

Ruskar Ironskull
Class: Fighter
Race: Dwarf

Strength 17 +1 attack roll/ +1 Damage
Dexterity 11
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 12

HP 38
AC 10
