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Redwoods Magic Shop

Ah, friends I see you are in the market for some Magical Items. Well look around if you see any thing you would like to purchase call me. If you would like to sell me anything just click below.

Star Guantlet
This glove has 3 small throwing stars. They do 1d4+1 damage per star. All three stars can be thrown in one round. After the stars are thrown they return to the owner of the Guantlet. The owner makes a dexterity check or the stars do half damage to him. Strength bonuses apply.

Magical Harp
This harp is solid gold. It is in the shape of woman. Upon command by the owner the woman becomes concious. She cannot move however; she has an intelligence of 21 and a wisdom of 20. She also has the ability to cast ESP, Hypnotism, an Know Alignment spells once per day. The Magic Harp is an artifact created by the anciant Gods.

Invisible Armor
This armor is Elvin chain mail that was made by a mischeivious Mage. He made many sets of armor advertising its invisibile properties. This armor can cast invisibility as per the spell once per day, However; If the armor is removed it immeadiatly becomes invisible for 24 hours. And can only be seen by someone with 18 intelligence or higher.

36 Double D's
These are a pair of falsies that have magical properties. When a charicter sees the falsies he must save vs. charm or he will be compelled to put them on. In order to put them on the charicter must take off all armor he is wearing. When the falsies are put on they become real and the charicter cannot put his armor back on unless his armor can accomidate 36 Double D's. In addition the charicter looks like an extreamly good looking woman with a Charisma bonus of +4, only people who were with the charicter when he put the falsies on see him as he really is. The falsies can be removed with a wish or bless spell only. Only men are affected by the falsies.
