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Your Strategies

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Dropships with Ghosts
Often your enemy won't have defenses around the outside of his base. If you are quick enough you can drop a ghost into his base with a dropship. Remember to cloak the ghost before you put him in the dropship. You can bring a marine or two along also so your enemy doesn't wonder why you just brought a dropship over and then left. He will be less suspicious this way. Once you get inside watch out for detectors and nuke away. You won't get a second chance because your enemy will likly build up his defenses in the area where your dropship landed.

........................ Patrick Langen

Building Order for the Dark Templar Rush
Build Seven Probes
then a pylon
cybernetics core
citadel of adun
4x pylon
dark templars
...................... ..... Robby

Strategy For Island Maps
For Terran surround your island with supply depots. Build bunkers behind them and missle turrents behind the bunkers. After this defense is up concentrate on building battlecruisers.
For Protoss surround your island with cannons with enough pylons backing them up so that if one pylon is destroyed your cannons will still get power. Build carriers with a couple arbiters and kill your enemy.
For Zerg use spore colonies to defend your base while you build mass amounts of guardians and mutalisks. Also research transport for overlord and send hydralisks over to your enemies islands.
......................... John~[nO]~

Terran Defense Strategy
One of the best strategies with the terrans is to plug the entrance to your base with a command center, two if the entrance is that big, but if it is this won't be as easy and cost effective). Then build about five tanks and five goliath's, place missile turrents on the inside and line your tanks in seige mode on the inside of the command center so your tanks will clip down the units that try to attack your base while the goliaths make excellent air support. Also make sure you have dropships or are planning to get them real soon or you will not be able to attack your enemy and the strategy goes to crap because they build there base up and build other bases because you can't attack. ..........................jh9997

Early Protoss Defense Strategy
My strategy with protoss is to build 7 probes and then a pylon and then build a probe for about 30secs. After a probe is made don't bother to make a gateway, but build a forge near the entrance, and then build alot of photon cannons. After you have about 5 cannons you build 2or 3 gateways and build a cybernetics core. Some where in there build a assilimator. Well that is my strategy for protoss.
........................................ David

Mind Controling Workers
It isnt really a strategy, it is more of a little tip. When using Protoss, Dark Archon's have a spell called Mind control... Very useful. But even better when you mind controll a Drone or a SCV, and get them away from the enemy base and into your own. Have them build a Hatchery or a Command Center. With this you can build not only Protoss units, but Zerg/Terran Units too. One cant have a deadlier combo than Medic's/Zelots. Or a combo of Ultralisk's/Seige Tank/Reaver. It would be fun to see how fast that combo could lay waste to a base.

Sean's Starcraft Page